Charts widgets allow the user to represent any variable of the system with respect to time. Thus, the user can visualize the evolution of that variable over time.
It is very useful during flight tests (gain tuning) and operations to monitor the behavior of the platform.

Right click on the chart to access its options (Duplicate, Edit and Remove).
Options \(\rightarrow\) Edit: This allows the user to access the Chart configuration menu.
Chart configuration¶
Widget Options
This widget has extra edit parameters compared to the ones described in the Widget common configuration.
Title: Title of the chart.
Maximum Sample Size: Maximum number of samples of the selected variable drawn in the chart. By default it is set to 100.
Number of series: Number of variables drawn in the chart. Users can add as many series as they wish to represent in the same chart.
The appearance of this series in the chart can be configured below:
Chart configuration - Series¶
VRef: Users can choose any real, integer or bit variable to be displayed on the chart.
Unit Y: Unit of measurement of the displayed variable.
This parameter is only available with Real variables.
Decimals: Number of decimals displayed for the selected variable.
This parameter is only available with Real variables.
Color: This is the color in which the line with the values of the series is drawn. By default, the first series is drawn in blue, the second in green, the third in yello, the fourth in red, etc.
Auto Min/Max Y: If enabled, minimum and maximum of the Y axis of the chart are automatically adjusted.
Min/Max Y: Minimum and maximum Y axis of the chart can be adjusted manually.
Interface settings:
Chart configuration - Interface settings¶
Tooltip position: When users hover the mouse over the series, a tooltip appears with the exact value of the selected variable at that instant of time.
It is then possible to define where this tooltip is displayed in the chart, the available positions are:
default: The tooltip position is set by default by the chart.
top: The tooltip is displayed on the top center of the chart.
left: The tooltip is displayed in the center left of the chart.
right: The tooltip is displayed in the center right part of the chart.
bottom: The tooltip is displayed in the bottom center of the chart.
Below is an example when the right position is selected:
Chart configuration - Tooltip position¶
Horizontal space left/right: The horizontal space left/right of the chart background can be customized. By default they are set to 50.
Show grid: The grid of the chart can be shown/hidden.
Show legend: The legend of the series can be shown/hidden on the chart.
Show one axis Y: When more than one series is added, it is possible to show only one Y axis by enabling this option.
The following is an example of a typical chart used during operation:

Chart example¶
The custom configuration made for this chart is as follows:

Chart configuration - Widget Options example¶

Chart configuration - Series example¶

Chart configuration - Widget Styling example¶
Scatter widget allows the user to represent any variable in the system with respect to another variable.

Right click on the scatter to access its options (Duplicate, Edit and Remove).
Options \(\rightarrow\) Edit: This allows the user to access the Scatter configuration menu.
Scatter configuration¶
Widget Options
This widget has extra edit parameters compared to the ones described in the Widget common configuration.
Title: Title of the scatter.
Maximum Sample Size: Maximum number of samples of the selected variables that are drawn in the scatter. By default it is set to 100.
Color: This is the color in which the values are drawn.
Axis X/Y: The user must select the variables to be plotted on both axes.
Scatter configuration - Axis X/Y¶
The appearance of the variables in the scatter can then be modified:
Auto Min/Max X/Y: If enabled, the minimum and maximum of the X/Y axes of the scatter are automatically adjusted.
Min/Max X/Y: The minimum and maximum X/Y axes of the scatter can be adjusted manually.
VRef: Users can choose any real, integer or bit variables to be displayed in the scatter.
Unit: Unit of measurement of the displayed variable.
This parameter is only available with Real variables.
Decimals: Number of decimals displayed for the selected variable.
This parameter is only available with Real variables.
Interface settings:
Scatter configuration - Interface settings¶
Horizontal space left/right: The left/right horizontal spacing of the scatter background can be customized. By default they are set to 40.
Vertical space top/bottom: The top/bottom vertical spacing of the scatter background can be customized. By default they are set to 40.
Symbol size: The size of the symbol in the scatter (points) can be modified by the user. Default is set to 5.
Show legend: The legend of the variable on the Y axis can be shown/hidden in the scatter.
Legend offset: Vertical position of the legend relative to the bottom edge of the scatter, where 0 matches the bottom edge of the scatter. By default it is set to 5.
An example is given below:

Scatter example¶
The custom configuration made for this scatter is as follows:

Scatter configuration - Widget Options example¶

Scatter configuration - Widget Styling example¶
Gauge widget is a data visualisation tool that can be used to show the progress of data or display data in ranges in a precise and compact area.
This allows to display the progress of measuremetns in a circular arc or to see these numerical values in a range of colors that can have a certain meaning for the user.

Right click on the gauge to access its options (Duplicate, Edit and Remove).
Options \(\rightarrow\) Edit: This allows the user to access the Gauge configuration menu.
Gauge configuration¶
Widget Options
This widget has extra edit parameters compared to the ones described in the Widget common configuration.
VRef: Users can choose any real, integer or bit variable to be displayed on the gauge.
Unit: Unit of measurement of the displayed variable.
This parameter is only available with Real variables.
Decimals: Number of decimals displayed for the selected variable.
This parameter is only available with Real variables.
Gauge configuration - Values¶
Min/Max: Minimum and maximum values displayed on the gauge.
Start/End angle: Start and end angle of the position of the minimum and maximum values respectively.
Ranges: Allows the user to set different ranges.
The panel warns the user that for correct behavior, ranges must not intersect.
Several customizations can be made in the different ranges:
Gauge configuration - Ranges¶
Name: An identifying name for the range can be set.
Background color: Sets the color of the gauge arc in this range.
Opacity: The opacity of the circular arc can be customized in this range.
Min/Max: Defines the minimum and maximum values of the range.
Remove: Click to delete this range.
Reference settings:
Gauge configuration - Reference settings¶
The gauge can be configured to show different cases:
Show progress: Shows the progress arc of the selected variable in the gauge.
Show progress + ranges: Displays the progress arc of the selected variable in the gauge together with the previously defined ranges.
Show ranges: Displays the gauge only with the previously defined ranges.
Not show: The needle indicates the value but neither the progress nor the ranges are shown in the gauge.
Reference settings - ‘Show progress’, ‘Show progress + ranges’, ‘Show ranges’ and ‘Not show’ respectively¶
Only one of the four options described below can be selected.
If the progress bar falls within a defined range, it will always be colored in the color of that range even when users choose not to display them.
In addition, this widget is highly customizable so that users can configure it to their wishes:
Show value: If enabled, displays on the gauge the value of the selected variable that the needle is pointing to.
Show units: If enabled, displays the units of the value of the selected variable that the needle is pointing to.
Show range name: If enabled, it displays, next to the value, the name of the range (previously defined) in which the value is in. In addition, the color of this text will be the same as that of its corresponding range.
References outside: References refers to the displayed axis and its numbering.
By default, the arc axis numbering is “inside” the arc, by enabling it, it will be in the “outside” part.
Show ticks: Axis ticks can be shown/hidden. By default it is enabled, i.e. they are shown.
Reference Size: The size of the axis numbering can be modified.
Reference position: The position of the axis numbering can be adjusted by the user.
The default position is 0.
Label Size: The size of the text value can be modified.
Label Position: The position of the value can be adjusted.
The default position is at 70, at the bottom of the gauge. If set to 0, the label will be in the center of the gauge.
Color: This is the color in which the value is drawn.
If ranges are defined and the value falls within a range, the color of the value will not be this selected color, but will be colored according to the color of the range the value is in.
Opacity: The opacity of the progress arc can be customized in this range.
This is useful when the option Show progress + ranges* has been selected. Since if a range is overpainted by the progress bar, users can still see where the range is.
Pointer settings: Here the user can configure the pointer of the gauge.
Gauge configuration - Pointer settings¶
Choose pointer: Users can choose a desired pointer from the list. If none is selected, no pointer will be drawn.
Pointer Offset Center: Position of the “start” of the needle with respect to the center of the gauge. Default is set to 5.
Poiter width: Width of the pointer. The default width is 6.
Pointer length: Pointer length is set as a percentage of the distance between the center and the edge of the gauge.
An example is given below:

Gauge example¶
The custom configuration made for this gauge is as follows:

Gauge configuration - Values example¶

Gauge configuration - Ranges example¶

Gauge configuration - Reference settings example¶

Gauge configuration - Pointer settings example¶
Bar widget graphically displays the value of a selected variable by means of a bar. In addition, color ranges can be specified according to specific values.
The appearance of this widget is highly customizable, allowing the user to adapt it to the desired use.

Right click on the bar to access its options (Duplicate, Edit and Remove).
Options \(\rightarrow\) Edit: This allows the user to access the Bar configuration menu.
Bar configuration¶
Widget Options
This widget has extra edit parameters compared to the ones described in the Widget common configuration.
VRef: Users can choose any real, integer or bit variable to be displayed on the bar.
Unit: Unit of measurement of the displayed variable.
This parameter is only available with Real variables.
Decimals: Number of decimals displayed for the selected variable.
This parameter is only available with Real variables.
Bar options:
Bar configuration - Bar options¶
Bar color: The color of the bar with the value can be changed here.
Color text: The color of the selected variable value can be modified.
Bar Width: The user can modify the width of the bar as desired. By default it is set to 30.
Min/Max: Minimum and maximum values displayed in the bar.
Background color: The color of the background bar can be set here.
Alerts: Allows the user to set different ranges. For these ranges several customizations can be made:
Bar configuration - Alerts¶
Name: An indentifier name of the range can be set.
Background color: Sets the color of the bar for this range.
Text color: Changes the color of the selected variable value in this range.
Opacity: The opacity of the bar can be customized in this range.
Min/Max: Defines the minimum and maximum values of the range.
Remove: Click to delete this range.
Interface settings:
Bar configuration - Interface settings¶
The appearance of the bar widget can be highly customized using the following parameters:
Axis on the right: If enabled, the axis is placed to the right of the bar, otherwise to the left. By default it is enabled.
Show Axis: If enabled, the axis of the bar is shown, otherwise it is hidden. By default it is enabled.
Horizontal bar: If enabled, the bar and the axis are displayed in horizontal format, otherwise it is in vertical position. By default disabled (in vertical position).
Show grid: If enabled, a grid with the subdivisions of the axes is shown, otherwise it is hidden. By default it is enabled.
Show background: If enabled, the rest of the bar that is not colored by the value is shown with the color previously defined in Bar options. By default it is enabled.
Show Value: If enabled, shows the value of the selected variable in the bar. By default it is enabled.
Show Name: If enabled, the name of the selected variable is displayed at the bottom of the bar. By default it is enabled.
Horizontal space left/right: The left/right horizontal spacing of the bar widget background can be customized. By default they are set to 25.
Vertical space top/bottom: The top/bottom vertical spacing of the bar widget background can be customized. By default they are set to 25.
Size Text Value: The size of the text value can be modified. Default is 14.
Size Name Variable: The size of the selected variable name can be changed. Default is 12.
Size Text Axis: The size of the axis text can be modified. Default is 12.
Some examples are given below:
Example 1:
Bar example 1¶
The custom configuration made for this bar is as follows:
Bar configuration - Bar options example 1¶
As shown in the figure above, when the background bar is hidden (‘Show background’ option is disabled), the ‘Background color’ parameter does not appear.
Bar configuration - Alerts example 1¶
Bar configuration - Reference settings example 1¶
Example 2:
Bar example 2¶
The custom configuration made for this bar is as follows:
Bar configuration - Bar options example 2¶
As shown in the figure above, when the background bar is hidden (‘Show background’ option is disabled), the ‘Background color’ parameter does not appear.
In addition, as there is no range specified, the color of the bar will always be the one specified in the ‘Bar color’ parameter.
Bar configuration - Reference settings example 2¶
Bar configuration - Widget Styling example 2¶
Roll Tape¶
Roll tape widget shows the value of the selected variable with a marker always in the center position of the widget. It is also possible to add color ranges according to the values of the variable. In addition, a second variable can be used as a reference marker.

Roll Tape¶
Right click on the roll tape to access its options (Duplicate, Edit and Remove).
Options \(\rightarrow\) Edit: This allows the user to access the Roll Tape configuration menu.
Roll Tape configuration¶
Widget Options
This widget has extra edit parameters compared to the ones described in the Widget common configuration.
VRef: Users can choose any real, integer or bit variable to be displayed on the roll tape.
Unit: Unit of measurement of the displayed variable.
This parameter is only available with Real variables.
Decimals: Number of decimals displayed for the selected variable.
This parameter is only available with Real variables.
Alerts: Allows the user to set different ranges. For these ranges several customizations can be made:
Roll Tape configuration - Alerts¶
Name: An identifying name can be set for the range.
Background color: Sets the color of the roll tape for this range.
Text color: Sets the color of the range name for this range.
Opacity: The opacity of the roll tape can be customized in this range.
Min/Max: Defines the minimum and maximum values of the range.
Remove: Click to delete this range.
Secondary variable: A second variable can be added to be used, for example, as a reference.
Roll Tape configuration - Secondary variable¶
Enable/disable secondary variable: If enabled, it is displayed as a marker.
VRef: Users can choose any real, integer or bit variable to be displayed on the roll tape as a secondary variable.
Unit: Unit of measurement of the displayed variable.
This parameter is only available with Real variables.
Decimals: Number of decimals displayed for the selected variable.
This parameter is only available with Real variables.
Color: Sets the color of the secondary variable marker.
Offset: Horizontal position of the marker. By default it is set to 25.
Roll Tape configuration - Options¶
The appearance of the roll tape widget can be customized using the following parameters:
Title: Title of the roll tape widget
Label decimals: Decimals of the value to be displayed on the roll tape. By default it is set to 2.
Range (+/-): Space between the center and the top and bottom boundaries. The default value is 10.
Interval: Axis interval. Default is 5.
Top/Bottom spacing: The top/bottom spacing of the roll tape widget background can be customized. The default value is 40.
Left/Right spacing: The left/right horizontal spacing of the roll tape widget background can be customized. The default value is 40.
Toggle direction: If enabled, the roll tape and the axis are displayed in horizontal format, otherwise it is in vertical position. By default disabled (in vertical position).
Toggle axis: If enabled, the axis is positioned to the left of the roll tape, otherwise to the right. By default it is enabled.
Toggle text position: If enabled, the previously defined title is positioned at the top of the widget, otherwise it is positioned at the bottom. By default disabled.
An example is given below:

Roll Tape example¶
The custom configuration made for this roll tape is as follows:

Roll Tape configuration - Alerts example¶

Roll Tape configuration - Secondary variable example¶

Roll Tape configuration - Options example¶