5. Workspace¶

Workspace toolbar¶
Workspace settings allow the user to customize any information to be displayed on the screen for monitoring the operation.
Although Veronte Ops cannot be extended to multiple screens, it is possible to open more than one Veronte Ops in order to display all the widgets necessary for the operation.
Map options¶
The map widget configures the background map that appears in Veronte Ops screen.
By right clicking on the map the following map options are available:

Map options¶
Edit map: In this menu the following options can be configured:
Edit map options¶
Manage custom tiles: This menu allows the user to add and manage their own map tiles.
When a custom tile is added, it will appear as a new option under the “Custom tiles” category to select it either as a “tile” or as a “subtile”.
Manage custom tiles¶
Name: Users can customize the name of this tile.
API Key (Optional): Enter the API Key if needed (this depends on the map server).
URL: Enter the URL of the map to be added. This URL must be of type “Slippy map tilename”.
The necessary “parts” of the URL are listed below with an example:
The first part of the URL specifies the tile server \(\Rightarrow\)
Tile coordinates are usually specified using the /zoom/x/y.png or /z/x/y.png tail \(\Rightarrow\)
Some tileservers will use a directory to specify a particular stylesheet \(\Rightarrow\)
If the added map requires an API Key, users must add as part of the URL the following:
(it is important to respect the lowercase and uppercase of this). This is so that Veronte Ops correctly recognizes that the API Key entered above must be substituted in the URL.An example is shown below:
Subdomains (Optional): This is not needed, but can be entered. Multiple subdomains can be entered (as many as the server provides), they are added as pills as shown below.
Manage custom tiles - Subdomains¶
Select a tile: It is possible to select the map provider from several options, including “Custom Tiles” if they have been created in the Manage custom tiles option.
Select a subtile: Users can add a second map. The available options are:
Not selected: This is the default selected option.
GaoDe Annotion.
Custom tiles: Only appears when a custom tile has been created in the Manage custom tiles option.
Opacity: The user can set the opacity of this subtile. It is expressed as a percentage of 1 (i.e. the minimum is 0 and the maximum is 1).
Enable view moving obstacles to selected Veronte in map: If enabled, moving objects configured in the 1x PDI Builder software will be displayed on the map.
In addition, if the autopilot possesses an ADS-B system and it is enabled, Veronte Ops will show aircraft detected by it on the map as moving objects.
Moving objects - ADS-B activated¶
Hide map: The map will be hidden. To show it again, go to ‘Main Widgets’ menu and select ‘Map’.
In addition, double-clicking on the map will zoom in on the area the user is clicking on.
Furthermore, the map can be minimized/maximized by clicking on the icon in the top right corner of the application. An example is shown below:

Minimize/Maximize map¶
Workspace toolbar¶
The workspace toolbar is divided into 5 different ‘parts’:

Workspace toolbar parts¶
Sort widgets: With this button it is possible to sort the widgets, i.e. the user can place one widget on top of another.
To do this, click on this button and a ‘sorting panel’ will appear for the user to sort widgets, so that the first in the list will be on top of the second, the second on top of the third and so on.
For ease of use, the widget selected for sorting will be outlined in blue, as shown in the example below:
Sort widgets¶
In this example, ‘Heading widget’ is selected and is ordered above the ‘Attitude widget’.
The map will always be at the back (the last widget in the list), except when minimized, which can be sorted as desired.
In addition, by right-clicking on each widget from this sorting panel it is possible to access its options (note that groups in the sorting panel also behave like widgets):
Sort widgets options¶
Duplicate: Duplicates this widget.
Edit: Accesses the edit configuration menu of each widget. For more information on the configuration of each widget, please refer to the corresponding widget section of this manual.
Remove: Removes this widget.
Lock/Unlock widgets: When widgets are locked, users will not be able to move them.
Show/Hide widgets: Users can choose to show/hide all widgets by pressing this button.
Workspaces: Veronte Ops allows users to create different workspaces.
This is useful to change the displayed information/widgets depending on the purpose of the operation, i.e., the widgets desired to be displayed during a simulation or flight test may not be the same as the widgets desired to be displayed for the final mission.
Widgets: Veronte Ops offers several applications to display parameters and variables in real time of the flight mission.
By clicking here, a list of all workspaces loaded in Veronte Ops will appear. The current workspace is the one that is selected, the one shown in blue.

The following options are available for each workspace:

Workspaces options¶
Rename: The user can rename the workspace as desire.
Duplicate: Duplicates this workspace.
Export: The current workspace can be exported. This file is exported in
format.Remove: Clicking here will delete the selected workspace.
It is possible to delete several or all workspaces at once from the Workspace manager menu of the Status bar, click here for more infromation.
Adding a workspace
It is posible to create a new workspace by simply clicking on ‘Add workspace’.
The user can choose between adding an empty workspace or importing one from the laptop, which has been previously exported.
To import a workspace, the format file must be a .json

Add workspace¶
By clicking here, the user will see different widget menus sorted by categories.

To display any widget on the map, just search for the desired widget and configure it.
In order for the widgets to correctly receive data from the variable they represent, i.e. the variable that has been selected in their configuration, it is necessary that this variable has been added to the Data to Vapp telemetry vector in the telemetry configuration of the 1x PDI Builder software. For more information, see the Data vectors - Telemetry section of the 1x PDI Builder user manual.
Therefore, users should add to that telemetry vector all normally used variables, as well as those variables of the current configuration that are expected to be used during operation.
Otherwise, if the variable configured for a widget is not present in the telemetry configuration of the PDI, the widget will appear with a red triangle (warning icon), which means that the variable selected for this widget is not being received in Veronte Ops:

Not receiving telemetry in this widget¶
To fix this, users can simply add this variable to the complementary vector telemetry by uploading the current operation to the platform configuration. However, this complementary vector telemetry is always running at a frequency of 10 Hz (not configurable) and the variables are sent uncompressed.
It is therefore recommended to add the variables to the Data to Vapp telemetry vector to configure the desired frequency, the compression/uncompression of the variables, etc.
Widgets common configuration
This does not apply to widgets in the ‘Statics’ category.
All widget editing menus except those in the ‘Statics’ category have at least the following configurable parameters:

Edit menu - Widget Options¶
Choose platform: Users must select the platform for which the widget is configured. The available options will always be the IDs of the connected Autopilots 1x and ‘Selected platform’, i.e. the platform that is selected.

Edit menu - Widget Stylying¶
Here the user can choose the style of the widget:
Select style: Default and custom styles can be selected. The available default styles are Default_box, Default_box_transparent, Default_box_blur, Default_box_black, Default_pill and Default_pill_blur.
Not all these default styles are available in all widgets.
Add new style:A new style can be created from the currently selected style by clicking here.
Import style: Users can import a custom style from local storage. It must be a
file.Export style: By clicking here, the selected custom style will be exported in a zip folder. More information about the contents of this folder is described in the Style manager - Veronte Ops configuration section of this manual.
This option is only available when a custom style is selected.
Edit style: Users can directly edit the configuration (code in
format) of the selected style by clicking here.Important
This option is only available when a custom style is selected.
Remove style: The selected style will be deleted.
This option is only available when a custom style is selected.
All widgets are explained in detail in the following sections: