Mode/AP Selection Blocks

Mode/AP Selection Blocks

Mode Blocks

Mode Blocks

AP selection

The AP selection block is meant to be used along 4xVeronte, but can also have other aplications.

An AP Selection block must be linked to one of the Control loops.

Whenever the current autopilot is selected, Overwriting will be False, and Value will be equal to the value of the control loop.

If the current autopilot is not selected, then Overwriting will be True and Value will be equal to the control loop from the seleted autopilot.


The arcade block allows the user to detect if the selected channel is in ‘arcade’ mode.

Value will output the Arcade value for the selected channel.


Normal arcade mode


Arcade will only activate if input is very close to 0.


Arcade will only activate if input is within the defined threshold.


Mix allows to apply a variable offset over the input using one of the stick channels.


The manual block allows the user to detect if the selected channel is in ‘RC’ mode.

Value will output the Stick value for the selected channel.