

From this window is possible to modify the configuration of the radio module inside Veronte. By default these are the parameters that are shown in Veronte Pipe.

Veronte Configuration - Radio Panel

Radio Panel

All these parameters have to be set accordingly to the radio module installed in Veronte. Contact Embention if you need the details of your specific radio module.

  • Radio Module: Each Veronte has only one of the following radio modules P400, P900 and P2400. Select here the radio module installed.

  • Output power: Sets the available power output.

  • Connection: Point to Point or Point Multi Point. By default all units are paired with PP connection.

  • Address: Master or Slave . Select the role for each Veronte by selectig Master or Slave. By default the air unit is defined as Slave and ground units as master.

  • Network address: the network address is a number that must be equal between Verontes using the same network.

By pressing Send the user sends all parameters .