Phase Changing¶
Takeoff to Climb Change¶
The change from the take off to the climbing phase, in this case, occurs when the IAS of the airplane on the runway is greater than 8 m/s. The phase condition is set on Takeoff phase and the action is defined to pass in Climbing phase.
Takeoff to climb automation
Climbing to Cruise Change¶
This kind of phase change is normally performed when a certain altitude is reached. In this case, the airplane changes to the “Cruise” phase where it starts to follow the path determined by the user. As a safety condition, the change will only happen when having a speed greater than 6 meters per second.
Climbing to cruise change definition
The AGL to the change of phase is 90 meters. Both the velocity and altitude are specified through an event of type “Variable”.
Landing to Flare Change¶
The change from the landing to flare phase is performed when the aircraft is above the runway and about to touch the ground. This idea is implemented with a set of three events:
AGL: the aircraft is below a certain altitude, in this case, 8 meters.
Inside Polygon: Mentor enters in a polygon defined in the map on the runway head.
Landing Phase: the aircraft is landing phase.
Landing to Flare
When these events are fulfilled, airplane enters in the Flare phase and lands.