Math Blocks

Math Blocks

Math blocks allow to perform a wide variety of mathematical operations.

Math Blocks

Math Blocks

1R –> 1R

1-input 1-output blocks

  • Abs: returns absolute value of the input.

  • Sin: returns the sine of an angle (in rad).

  • Cos: returns the cosine of an angle (in rad).

  • Tan: returns the tangent of an angle (in rad).

  • Arcsin: inverse function of the sine. It returns an angle (in rad).

  • Arccos: inverse function of the cosine. It returns an angle (in rad).

  • Arctan: inverse function of the tangent. It returns an angle (in rad).

  • Sqrt: returns the square root of the input.

  • Exp: returns \(e\) powered to the input.

  • Log: returns the natural logarithm of the input.

  • Ceil: returns the input, rounded up.

  • Floor: returns the input, rounded down.

  • [pi,-pi]Unwrap: return the unwrap of the input. That is, if a jump higher than \(\pi\) is detected, an offset of \((-)2\pi\) is added to the result.

  • [pi,-pi]Wrap: returns an angle (in rad) wrapped between \(\pi\) and \(-\pi\).

  • [0,2pi]Wrap: returns an angle (in rad) wrapped between \(0\) and \(2\pi\).

2R –> 1R

2-input 1-output blocks

  • Add: returns the sum of the inputs.

  • Substract: returns the substraction of the inputs.

  • Multiply: returns the product of the inputs.

  • Divide: returns the division of the inputs.

  • Power: returns input 1 to the power of input 2.

  • Max: returns highest of the inputs.

  • Min: returns the lowest of the inputs.

  • Remainder: returns the remainder of the division of the inputs.

  • Atan2: variation of the atan function, that allows to avoid .


Returns the value of the polinomial defined by the coefficients coef for the value of x.

Polynomial Block

Polynomial Block


Perform operations with vectors

  • Add: return the sum of the input vectors.

  • Add elements: returns the sum of input vector components.

  • Bundle: returns a vector whose components are the inputs to the block.

  • Dot product: returns the dot product of the input vectors.

  • Linear transformation: returns the input vector multiplied by the transformation matrix. In order to edit the transformation matrix, double click on the block.

Linear Transformation blocks

Linear Transformation Block

  • Multiply elements: returns the product of the vector input components.

  • Norm: returns the norm of the input vector.

  • Max: returns the value and position of the highest component of the input vector.

  • Min: returns the value and position of the lowest component of the input vector.

  • Scale: returns vector vIN multiplied by scalar k.

  • Split: returns ech of the components of the input vector. The number of outputs must match the input vector length.

  • azeld –> xyz / xyz –> azeld: transform from spherical coordinates (azeld) to cartesian coordinates (xyz) and viceversa. Input must be 3x1.

  • Body –> NED / NED –> body: rotate from body axis NED axis and viceversa. Input must be 3x1.