

If you click in:

Preference - Encryption - Encryption Tool

Encryption Tool

Veronte Pipe contains the option to encrypt the data transmitted from the autopilots and from Pipe itself. To configure this feature go to Preferences (Veronte Pipe) – Encryption.

  1. Select the System that will be encrypted on the left side of the menu. By default, the unit set to encrypt is Veronte Pipe.

  2. Select an Encryption Type. There exist three different encryption types, depending on the key size: 128, 192 and 256 bits. If one of the last two is selected, an additional step is required.

Preference - Encryption - Encryption Menu

Encryption Menu


with 192 and 256 an additional step is required. Press The Shield to open the window that provides the instructions to ensure the functioning of AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).

Preference - Encryption - Advanced Encryption Standard

Advanced Encryption Standard

  1. Specify a Key, this will be used to encrypt the data and can be used later to get the information back to a readable format.

  2. Press the button Change the default encryption, a pop-up window will appear.

  3. Restart the encrypted autopilots.

Preference - Encryption - Veronte Restarting

Veronte Restarting

Once autopilots are restarted they will show up in the right bar of Veronte Pipe. If both autopilot and Pipe are encrypted nothing will change in the view. If only the autopilots are encrypted (or the autopilots are connected to different encrypted Veronte Pipe), they will show up as shown in the following figure.

Preference - Encryption - Veronte Restarting

Both autopilots encrypted

Preference - Encryption - Veronte Restarting

Only Ground autopilot encrypted

If the autopilot icon appears with the label “Veronte X” (where X is the ID of the autopilot), it is not possible accessing to its configuration and user can not use it.

Remove Encryption

To remove encryption temporarily and be able to use the autopilot it is necessary to left-click on the autopilot label and insert the encryption type and password in the following window.

Preference - Encryption - Remove temporarily encryption

Remove temporarily encryption

To remove definitely the encryption it is sufficient to go in the Encryption Panel and selecting the encryption type None. The software will ask a last time for the password and, after the autopilots restarting, the encryption will be removed.