New Orbit

New OrbitΒΆ

New Orbit - New Orbit Tool

New Orbit Tool

This tool permits to select a point on the map which will be the center of the orbit. For moving the orbit, drag it to the desired position (clicking on the central waypoint). The length of the axes can be extended or contracted directly by dragging the extremes. It is also possible to set the coordinates of the central waypoint by double-clicking on it.

New Orbit - New Orbit

New Orbit Symbol

To delete a orbit you have to remove the waypoint located in its center.

If you want to create a ellipse yo can deform the orbit as you like it.

New Orbit - Deformed orbit

Deformed orbit


When you create a orbit, you have to be careful with its altitud (al the points of the orbit will be at the same altitud) , if any part of orbit are under the altitud indicated by the meshes, this part of the orbit will be represented in red. To resolve this, you can change the altitud of the waypoint clicking twice over the central waypoint.

New Orbit - Orbit Under Ground

Orbit Under Ground