

dll_config.vcfg file not working

A usual mistake while configuring dll_config.vcfg is defining paths using quoting marks. Note that paths must be defined as explained in dll_config.vcfg file section of this manual.

cross Not valid configuration:

# Path to DLL
\dll ".\x64\VeronteDLL.dll"

tick Valid configuration:

# Path to DLL
\dll .\x64\VeronteDLL.dll


SIL.log provides a record of any issues that have arisen during the execution process, please take a look at it if anything fails and do not hesitate to contact the support team using the Joint Collaboration Framework; for more information, please consult the JCF user manual.

In case the log shows a PDI error, please refer to the List of PDI Errors section in the 1x Software Manual.

License ID warning in Veronte Ops

Veronte_SD_Image has a license associated to a specific ID. Therefore, customizing the ID of the virtual autopilot may result in a limited performance of the system.

For solving this issue, open Veronte Ops application and update the limited license as explained in the Platform license - Platform section of Veronte Ops user manual.


Veronte Ops - Platform license

Running Veronte Console

In the case of using VeronteConsole.exe, it is also possible to pass the paths as as arguments to the windows command, for this:

  1. Open windows command \(\Rightarrow\) cmd

  2. Pass to it:

VeronteConsole.exe \dll C:\Users\user\Folder\VeronteDLL.dll \image C:\Users\user\Folder\Veronte_SD_Image.img