Lists of interest¶
This section contains all the lists with information of interest for the user.
Activation System Error bits¶
The System Error variable is indicated by bit number 7. This bit checks whether the system is running properly. If one of certain malfunctions occur, the System Error will be set as 0 and the FTS will be activated. Othwerwise, if everything is OK, it will remain as 1.
The System Error is triggered and set as 0 if one of the following unwanted events happens:
CIO low has a frequency lower than 10 Hz. This error is indicated with a 0 in bit 400.
CIO high has a frequency lower than 990 Hz. This error is indicated with a 0 in bit 402.
GNC is ‘dead’. This event is indicated with a 0 in bit 401.
GNC Realtime Error because a GNC Step has been missed. This event is indicated with a 0 in bit 404.
System power up BIT error. The initial value of this bit depends on the values of the bits listed below and represents their state at power-up. This error is indicated with a 0 in bit 12 if any of the following errors happens:
RAM allocation is in error state due to trying to use more memory than available. This error is indicated with a 0 in bit 8.
PDI files have a wrong configuration. This is indicated by a 0 in bit 9.
Main Power supply A is in error state. This error is indicated with a 0 in bit 117 if any of the following errors happens:
Input supply voltage is not between 6.5 and 36 V. This voltage is measured by RVar 400.
Voltage received by Veronte through 5V port is not between 4.75 and 5.25 V. This voltage is measured by RVar 402.
Voltage received by Veronte through 3.6V port is not between 3.42 and 3.78V. This voltage is measured by RVar 404.
File system manager is in error state. This event is indicated with a 0 in bit 6.
Core 1 has a memory overflow allocated for local variables. This error is indicated with a 0 in bit 16.
Core 2 has a memory overflow allocated for local variables. This error is indicated with a 0 in bit 17.
Any user bit configured as safety bit is 0. User bits are 1200 to 1499.
Status Message variables¶
Information about the Veronte Autopilot 1x status message is contained in the following set of bit variables.
ID |
Name |
5 |
Power error |
6 |
File System Error |
8 |
Memory allocation |
9 |
PDI Error |
12 |
System Power up BIT Error |
14 |
FTS-1 Feedback (>=V4.5) |
15 |
FTS-2 Feedback (>=V4.5) |
16 |
Stack C1 usage FAIL |
17 |
Stack C2 usage FAIL |
49 |
CPU temperature above 398.15K |
50 |
Sensors Error |
51 |
Sensor-Main IMU |
52 |
Sensor-Secondary IMU |
53 |
Sensor-Internal Magnetometer (LIS3MDL) |
54 |
Sensor-External magnetometer (HMR2300) |
55 |
Sensor-External Magnetometer (LIS3MDL) |
56 |
Sensor-Static pressure (HSC) |
57 |
Sensor-Static pressure (MS56) |
58 |
Sensor-Dynamic pressure (HSC) |
59 |
Sensor-External I2C devices |
60-64 |
Sensor-External I2C device 0-4 |
73 |
74 |
82 |
Sensor-External Magnetometer (HSCDTD008A) |
83 |
IMU 2 BMI088 |
84 |
Sensor-Static pressure 2 (DPS310) |
85 |
Sensor-Internal Magnetometer (MMC5883MA) |
86 |
Sensor-External Magnetometer (MMC5883MA) |
87 |
GNSS1 Module Error |
88 |
GNSS2 Module Error |
89 |
Sensor-External Magnetometer (RM3100) |
90 |
IMU3 ADIS16505-3 (MCBSP) |
91 |
Sensor-Internal Magnetometer (RM3100) |
92 |
Magnetometer reserved |
110 |
Stick Not Detected |
117 |
Main Power Error |
118 |
SUC Power Error |
400 |
C1 Low Frequency |
401 |
GNC fail |
402 |
Acquisition step missed |
403 |
CIO Hi Overload warning |
List of Addresses¶
Every Embention device communicate with other devices/tools using its address through VCP.
The following list contains all these addresses:
Address |
Recognized as |
Description |
0 |
Dummy for pdi builders |
Dummy for pdi builder |
1 |
Cloud |
Veronte Cloud address |
2 |
Vlink |
Address used by Veronte Link app to communicate with Veronte units |
2-3 |
App + Address |
Veronte applications addresses. App 2 is the one used by default by Veronte applications, although App 3 is also available |
255-511 |
App dynamic + Address |
Dynamic addresses for Veronte applications |
998 |
Broadcast |
To all devices on a network |
999 |
Address unknown |
This address can be used for a device that does not have a valid address configured |
1000-1777 |
1x v4.0 + Address |
Specific address of an Autopilot 1x with hardware version 4.0 |
1778-3999 |
1x v4.5 + Address |
Specific address of an Autopilot 1x with hardware version 4.5 |
4000-17999 |
1x v4.8 + Address |
Specific address of an Autopilot 1x with hardware version 4.8 |
18000-19899 |
1x BCS + Address |
Specific address of a BCS unit |
19900-19999 |
1x v4.7. For internal use only + Address |
Specific address of an Autopilot 1x with hardware version 4.7 |
20000-21999 |
Smart Can Isolator + Address |
Specific address of a Smart Can Isolator unit |
30000-31999 |
MC01 + Address |
Specific address of a MC01 unit |
32000-34999 |
MC24 motor controller + Address |
Specific address of a MC24 unit |
35000-39999 |
MC110 motor controller + Address |
Specific address of a MC110 unit |
40000-41999 |
CEX + Address |
Specific address of a CEX with hardware version 1.2 |
42000-43999 |
MEX + Address |
Specific address of a MEX unit |
44000-49999 |
CEX2 + Address |
Specific address of a CEX with hardware version 2.0 |
50000-51089 |
Arbiter v1.0 + Address |
Specific address of an Arbiter with hardware version 1.0 |
51090-51999 |
Arbiter v1.2 + Address |
Specific address of an Arbiter with hardware version 1.2 |
52000-59999 |
Arbiter v1.8 + Address |
Specific address of an Arbiter with hardware version 1.8 |
60000-65535 |
Reserved + Address |
Reserved addresses |
65536-69631 |
Virtual v4.0 + Address |
Specific address of a Virtual Autopilot 1x with hardware version 4.0 |
69632-73727 |
Virtual v4.5 + Address |
Specific address of a Virtual Autopilot 1x with hardware version 4.5 |
73728-77823 |
Virtual v4.8 + Address |
Specific address of a Virtual Autopilot 1x with hardware version 4.8 |
Lists of Variables¶
This section shows all the variables employed by Veronte Autopilot 1x. All of them can be read and sent through telemetry.
These variables are clasified in two main groups:
System variables: Non-writable by the user.
User variables: Writable by the user, marked in the tables below as
Variables labeled as “Deprecated” are no longer used by the system.
In order to avoid system incompatibilities, deprecated variables are only written by the autopilot when migrating a configuration from a previous version in which the variable was not obsolete. When a configuration is built from scratch, these variables must be defined by the user to be used. Thus, users are responsible for their correct assignment.
BIT Variables¶
Bit Variables displayed on Veronte Ops labels will be shown as Red/Green depending on its state. Red stands for 0 and Green for 1, changing the name displayed accordingly to the BIT value.
ID |
Name |
Description |
0 |
Always Fail |
This signal is always fail - 0 for fail, 1 for OK |
1 |
Always OK |
This signal is CIO always OK - 0 for fail, 1 for OK |
2 |
License Check Pending |
License state - 0 for license check pending, 1 for license checked |
3 |
System Not Ready to Start |
System is ready to start operating - 0 for not ready, 1 for ready |
4 |
No Writing Telemetry |
Telemetry is properly sending/receiving - 0 for no, 1 for yes |
5 |
Power Error |
Power supply state - It ill be 0 if any of the following conditions happens: |
6 |
File System Error |
System file manager - Dependent on File system status (UVar 96)
7 |
System Error |
This bit checks whether the system is running properly. 0 for system error, 1 for system OK. |
8 |
Memory allocation |
RAM allocation - 0 for trying to use more than available memory, 1 for running |
9 |
PDI Error |
PDI files - Dependent on PDI Error Source (UVar 50)
10 |
CIO Low or C2 Error (Deprecated) |
CIO low or C2 failed. Bits 400 and 401 are recommended instead - 0 for CIO low or C2 failed, 1 for CIO high and C2 OK Warning Deprecated variable |
11 |
4X CAN failed |
For more information, check BIT Variables - 4x Software Manual |
12 |
System Power up BIT Error |
Power up - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
13 |
Reset and Write Disabled |
Reset and non-operation PDI writes are allowed - 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled |
14 |
FTS-1 Feedback (>=V4.5) |
Flight Termination System 1, microcontroller state for hardware version 4.7 or higher - 0 for error, 1 for running OK |
15 |
FTS-2 Feedback (>=V4.5) |
Flight Termination System 2, microcontroller state for hardware version 4.7 or higher - 0 for error, 1 for running OK |
16 |
Stack C1 usage FAIL |
0 for stack overflow of core 1, 1 for OK |
17 |
Stack C2 usage FAIL |
0 for stack overflow of core 2, 1 for OK |
18 |
PDI disabled |
PDI Mode - 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled |
20-46 |
4xV Bit variables |
For more information, check BIT Variables - 4x Software Manual |
47 |
4xV Watchdog Error |
Note For version 4.7 or higher For more information, check BIT Variables - 4x Software Manual |
49 |
CPU temperature above 398.15K |
CPU temperature warning - 0 for CPU temperature above 398.15K (125ºC), 1 for CPU temperature below 398.15K (125ºC) |
50 |
Sensors Error |
Sensors state - 0 for error, 1 for running OK Selected sensors are not working or, if external sensors have been selected, they are not connected |
51 |
Sensor-Main IMU |
0 for disabled, 1 for enabled |
52 |
Sensor-Secondary IMU |
0 for disabled, 1 for enabled |
53 |
Sensor-Internal Magnetometer (LIS3MDL) |
Internal LIS3MDL magnetometer - 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled |
54 |
Sensor-External Magnetometer (HMR2300) |
External HMR2300 magnetometer - 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled |
55 |
Sensor-External Magnetometer (LIS3MDL) |
External LIS3MDL magnetometer - 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled |
56 |
Sensor-Static pressure (HSC) |
HSC Static Pressure Sensor - 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled |
57 |
Sensor-Static pressure (MS56) |
MS56 Static Pressure Sensor - 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled |
58 |
Sensor-Dynamic pressure (HSC) |
HSC Dynamic Pressure Sensor - 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled |
59 |
Sensor-External I2C devices |
0 for disabled, 1 for enabled |
60-64 |
Sensor-External I2C device 0-4 |
External communication I2C from device 0 to 4 |
65 |
SCI-A Transmitting (LTE/EXT. UART) |
Serial Communication Interface - LTE/EXT. UART transmission |
66 |
SCI-A Receiving (LTE/EXT. UART) |
Serial Communication Interface - LTE/EXT. UART reception 0 for not receiving, 1 for receiving |
67 |
SCI-B Transmitting (LOS) |
Serial Communication Interface - LOS transmission |
68 |
SCI-B Receiving (LOS) |
Serial Communication Interface - LOS reception 0 for not receiving, 1 for receiving |
69 |
SCI-C Transmitting (RS485) |
Serial Communication Interface - RS485 transmission |
70 |
SCI-C Receiving (RS485) |
Serial Communication Interface - RS485 reception 0 for not receiving, 1 for receiving |
71 |
SCI-D Transmitting (RS232) |
Serial Communication Interface - RS232 transmission |
72 |
SCI-D Receiving (RS232) |
Serial Communication Interface - RS232 reception 0 for not receiving, 1 for receiving |
73 |
CAN A state - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
74 |
CAN B state - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
75 |
CAN-A Warning |
CAN A state - 0 for warning, 1 for OK |
76 |
CAN-B Warning |
CAN B state - 0 for warning, 1 for OK |
77 |
Vectornav GPS not fixed |
0 for not fixed, 1 for fix |
78 |
Vectornav IMU error |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
79 |
Vectornav Mag/Press error |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
80 |
Vectornav GPS error |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
81 |
Vectornav Navigation Error |
Navigation state - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
82 |
Sensor-External Magnetometer (HSCDTD008A) |
External HSCDTD008A magnetometer - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
83 |
IMU 2 BMI088 |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
84 |
Sensor-Static pressure 2 (DPS310) |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
85 |
Sensor-Internal Magnetometer (MMC5883MA) |
Internal MMC5883MA magnetometer - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
86 |
Sensor-External Magnetometer (MMC5883MA) |
External MMC5883MA magnetometer - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
87 |
GNSS1 Module Error |
GPS module 1 state - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
88 |
GNSS2 Module Error |
GPS module 2 state - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
89 |
Sensor-External Magnetometer (RM3100) |
External RM3100 magnetometer - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
90 |
IMU3 ADIS16505-3 (MCBSP) |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
91 |
Sensor-Internal Magnetometer (RM3100) |
Internal RM3100 magnetometer - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
92 |
Magnetometer reserved |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
93 |
SCI Expander (v4.7+) |
SCI Expander for hardware version 4.7 or higher - 0 for error, 1 for OK Status of the universal asynchronous two-channel receiver and transmitter (UART/SCI) |
96 |
SCI A (LTE/EXT. UART) state - 0 for error in this port (invalid format or configuration), 1 for OK |
97 |
SCI-B Error (LOS) |
SCI B (LOS) state - 0 for error in this port (invalid format or configuration), 1 for OK |
98 |
SCI-C Error (RS485) |
SCI C (RS485) state - 0 for error in this port (invalid format or configuration), 1 for OK |
99 |
SCI-D Error (RS232) |
SCI D (RS232) state - 0 for error in this port (invalid format or configuration), 1 for OK |
100 |
Position not fixed |
GNSS data reception - 0 for not receiving, 1 for receiving (Position fixed) |
101 |
No valid SRTM at UAV position |
0 for not valid, 1 for valid |
102-103 |
CAN A-B Receiving |
CAN A to B communication - 0 for not receiving, 1 for receiving |
104-105 |
Stick PPM 0-1 not detected |
Stick PPM 0 to 1 - 0 for not detecting, 1 for detecting |
106 |
Magnetic field out of bounds (Deprecated) |
0 for magnetic field out of bounds, 1 for OK Warning Deprecated variable |
107 |
INS navigation OFF |
0 for INS navigation OFF, 1 for INS navigation ON |
108-109 |
Stick PPM 2-3 not detected |
Stick PPM 2 to 3 - 0 for not detecting, 1 for detecting |
Stick Not Detected |
Stick detection - 0 for not detected, 1 for detected |
111-112 |
CAN A-B Transmitting |
CAN signals A to B - 0 for not transmitting, 1 for transmitting |
113 |
Iridium Ready |
Iridium ready state - 0 for not ready, 1 for ready |
114 |
No valid Geoid at UAV position |
0 for not no valid geoid at UAV position, 1 for valid geoid at UAV position |
115 |
EKF: Condition Number Error |
Extended Kalman Filter state - 0 for error, 1 for running |
116 |
Radar Altimeter CAN-RX Error |
Radar Altimeter State - 0 for error, 1 for running |
117 |
Main Power Error |
Main power supply A. It will be 0 (indicating error state) if any of the following errors happens:
118 |
SUC Power Error |
Power supply for system on microchip. It ill be 0 (indicating error state) if any of the following errors happens: |
119 |
Not hovering guidance |
Hovering guidance state - for hovering guidance disabled, 1 for enabled |
120-123 |
Pulse 0-3 not detected |
Pulse 0 to 3 detection - 0 for pulse not detected, 1 for detected |
124-129 |
4xV Bit variables |
For more information, check BIT Variables - 4x Software Manual |
130 |
EFK Navigation Error |
Extended Kalman Filter navigation state - 0 for error, 1 for running |
131 |
No magnetic field data |
Bit to indicate if there is magnetic field in the SD - 0 for No Magnetic fiel data, 1 for Magnetic field data OK |
132 |
Route not finished |
0 for Route not finished, 1 for Route finished OK |
150 |
External VCP Navigation Error |
External VCP state - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
External Var Navigation Error |
External Navigation state - 0 for error, 1 for running |
170 |
Selected Accelerometer Error |
Selected accelerometer - 0 for error, 1 if at least one of the selected accelerometers is OK |
171 |
Selected Gyroscope Error |
Selected gyroscope - 0 for error, 1 if at least one of the selected gyroscopes is OK |
172 |
Bias Accelerometer Satured |
0 for bias satured, 1 for OK |
173 |
Bias Gyroscope Satured |
0 for bias satured, 1 for OK |
External attitude |
Kind of attitude calculation - 0 for external, 1 for internal |
182 |
FTS Activation (>=V4.5) |
Flight Termination System activation, for version 4.5 or higher - 0 for not activated, 1 for activated |
183 |
4X Selected |
Current 1x Autopilot is the one selected by the arbiter - 0 when this AP is not the selected AP, 1 when this AP is the selected one |
188 |
BIT for static pressure sensors Error |
0 for static pressure sensors error, 1 for OK |
189 |
BIT for magnetometer sensors Error |
0 for magnetometer sensors error, 1 for OK |
190 |
Internest ultrasound position status Error |
0 for internest ultrasound position error, 1 for OK |
191 |
Internest ultrasound angle status Error |
0 for internest ultrasound angle error, 1 for OK |
200 |
GNSS1 Navigation Down |
0 for GNSS navigation OFF, 1 for GNSS navigation ON |
201 |
DGNSS1 Input Off |
0 for GNSS compass or RTK not activated, 1 for one of them activated |
202 |
DGNSS1 Navigation Off |
0 for GNSS compass or RTK not activated, 1 for one of them activated |
203 |
GNSS1 Survey In Off |
GNSS compass survey or RTK OFF, 1 for one of them ON |
204 |
No DGNSS1 Float Solution |
0 for no DGNSS1 float solution nor RTK, 1 for DGNSS1 float solution or RTK |
205 |
No DGNSS1 Fixed Solution |
0 for no DGNSS1 fixed solution nor RTK, 1 for DGNSS1 fixed solution or RTK |
206 |
DGNSS1 Relative Position Invalid |
0 for invalid navigation position, 1 for valid navigation position |
207 |
DGNSS1 not Moving baseline mode |
0 for not moving baseline mode, 1 for moving baseline mode |
210 |
DMA peripheral for SPIA A Error |
DMA peripheral for SPIA A - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
211 |
DMA peripheral for MCBSP A Error |
DMA peripheral for MCBSP A - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
230-293 |
4xV Bit variables |
For more information, check |
300 |
GNSS2 Navigation Down |
0 for GNSS navigation OFF, 1 for GNSS navigation ON |
301 |
DGNSS2 Input Off |
0 for GNSS compass or RTK not activated, 1 for one of them activated |
302 |
DGNSS2 Navigation Off |
0 for GNSS compass or RTK not activated, 1 for one of them activated |
303 |
GNSS2 Survey In Off |
GNSS compass survey or RTK OFF, 1 for one of them ON |
304 |
No DGNSS2 Float Solution |
0 for no DGNSS1 float solution nor RTK, 1 for DGNSS1 float solution or RTK |
305 |
No DGNSS2 Fixed Solution |
0 for no DGNSS1 fixed solution nor RTK, 1 for DGNSS1 fixed solution or RTK |
306 |
DGNSS2 Relative Position Invalid |
0 for invalid navigation position, 1 for valid navigation position |
307 |
DGNSS2 not Moving baseline mode |
0 for not moving baseline mode, 1 for moving baseline mode |
308 |
SCI-E Transmitting (LTE) |
SCI-E Transmitting (LTE) |
309 |
SCI-E Receiving (LTE) |
SCI-E Receiving (LTE) |
310 |
SCI-F Transmitting (LTE Aux.) |
SCI-F Transmitting (LTE Aux.) |
311 |
SCI-F Receiving (LTE Aux.) |
SCI-F Receiving (LTE Aux.) |
312 |
SCI E Error (LTE) |
SCI-E (LTE) - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
313 |
SCI F Error (LTE Aux.) |
SCI-F (LTE Aux.) - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
329 |
3.3V Power Source |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
330 |
Jetibox COMM Error |
Jetibox is communicating properly - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
370-371 |
Smart Can Isolator A-B Domain Error |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
400 |
C1 Low Frequency |
C1 Low Frequency - Dependent on CIO Running Frequency (RVar 2057) (C1 low frequency)
401 |
GNC fail |
0 for error (‘dead’), 1 for ok (‘alive’) - Dependent on Counter for C2 system (UVar 20) |
402 |
Acquisition step missed |
403 |
CIO Hi Overload warning |
C1 hi Overload - Dependent on Acquisition Task Maximum CPU Ratio (RVar 2051)
Note Non-recoverable variable |
404 |
GNC Realtime Error |
405 |
Reserved |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
480 |
MC01 Stepper direction output |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
481 |
MC01 Brushless driver fault |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
482 |
MC Hall Sensor error |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
483 |
MC Sin/Cos Sensor error |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
484 |
MC general health error |
0 for health error, 1 for status OK |
485 |
MC Current sensing error |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
486 |
MC Phase U Current Calibration Error |
ADC phase U not calibrated - 0 for not calibrated, 1 for calibration OK |
487 |
MC Phase V Current Calibration Error |
ADC phase V not calibrated - 0 for not calibrated, 1 for calibration OK |
488 |
MC Phase W Current Calibration Error |
ADC phase W not calibrated - 0 for not calibrated, 1 for calibration OK |
489 |
MC Maximum Temperature Error |
Maximum power module temperature exceeded - 0 for error (exceeded), 1 for OK |
490 |
MC Phase Error |
Power module driver phase error reported - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
491 |
MC General Driver Error |
Power module driver error reported - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
492 |
MC Over-current AC |
Current AC side limit exceeded - 0 for error (exceeded), 1 for OK |
493 |
MC Over-voltage advertisement |
Over-voltage DC side limit advertisement exceeded - 0 for error (exceeded), 1 for OK |
494 |
MC Over-voltage caution |
Over-voltage DC side limit caution exceeded - 0 for error (exceeded), 1 for OK |
495 |
MC Under-voltage latching |
Critical under-voltage DC side limit violation - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
496 |
MC Under-voltage non latching |
Non critical under-voltage DC side limit violation - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
497 |
MC RMS imbalance |
Current AC side imbalance - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
498 |
MC Open DC fault |
Open-circuite DC side fault - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
499 |
MC Over-current DC |
Current DC side limit exceeded - 0 for error (exceeded), 1 for OK |
Ground effect compensation variance disabled |
0 for disabled, 1 for enabled |
Ground effect compensation measurement disabled |
0 for disabled, 1 for enabled |
502 |
No SRTM data |
Bit to indicate if there is SRTM in the SD - 0 for No SRTM data, 1 for SRTM data OK |
503 |
No geoid data |
Bit to indicate if there is Geoid data in the SD - 0 for No geoid data, 1 for Geoid data OK |
600 |
Wind Estimation Off |
0 for disabled, 1 for enabled |
700-731 |
Servo 0-31 Satured |
0 for satured, 1 for OK |
800-815 |
PWM 0-15 GPIO Off |
PWM GPIO 0-15 communication State - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
816-819 |
EQEP_A-I (GPIO 17-20) Off |
Input/Output State - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
820-822 |
RSSI LED 0-2 off |
Received Signal Strength Indicator led state - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 5 (GPIO28) Off |
GPIO 5 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 6 (GPIO61) Off |
GPIO 6 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 7 (GPIO60) Off |
GPIO 7 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 8 (GPIO59) Off |
GPIO 8 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 9 (GPIO17) Off |
GPIO 9 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 10 (GPIO58) Off |
GPIO 10 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 11 (GPIO16) Off |
GPIO 11 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 12 (GPIO53) Off |
GPIO 12 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 13 (GPIO20) Off |
GPIO 13 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 14 (GPI023) Off |
GPIO 14 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 15 (GPI051) Off |
GPIO 15 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 16 (GPI052) Off |
GPIO 16 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 17 (GPI049) Off |
GPIO 17 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 18 (GPI008) Off |
GPIO 18 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 19 (GPI011) Off |
GPIO 19 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 20 (GPI010) Off |
GPIO 20 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
GPIO 21 (GPIO09) Off |
GPIO 21 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
900-931 |
Virtual GPIO 00-31 off |
Virtual GPIO 00-31 Status (Low/High) - 0 for Off, 1 for On |
1000-1009 |
Simulation BIT 00-09 Error |
0 for error, 1 for OK |
1010-1113 |
Custom msg 0-103 Rx Error |
Custom message timeout - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
1120-1121 |
Entrance EKF GNSS1-2 OFF |
GNSS 1-2 information considered in EKF Navigation - 0 for entrance EKF GNSS OFF, 1 for ON EKF GNSS OFF may be because Position not fixed \(\rightarrow\) EKF deactivated \(\rightarrow\) INSS activated |
Entrance EKF GNSS3 EXT OFF |
External GNSS information considered in EKF Navigation - 0 for entrance EKF GNSS EXT OFF, 1 for ON |
Entrance EKF Internest OFF |
Internest information considered in EKF Navigation - 0 for entrance EKF internest OFF, 1 for ON |
GNSS Compass information considered in EKF Navigation - 0 for entrance EKF GPSCOMPASS OFF, 1 for ON |
Entrance EKF Magnetometer OFF |
Magnetometer information considered in EKF Navigation - 0 for entrance EKF magnetometer OFF, 1 for ON |
Entrance EKF Static press OFF |
Static Pressure sensor information considered in EKF Navigation - 0 for entrance EKF static pressure OFF, 1 for ON |
Entrance EKF Altimeter press OFF |
Altimeter information considered in EKF Navigation - 0 for entrance EKF altimeter OFF, 1 for ON |
Entrance EKF Radar-altimeter press OFF |
Radar Altimeter information considered in EKF Navigation - 0 for entrance EKF radar-altimeter OFF, 1 for ON |
Entrance EKF DEM OFF |
DEM information considered in EKF Navigation - 0 for entrance EKF DEM OFF, 1 for ON |
External IMU 0 accelerometer error |
External IMU 0 accelerometer - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
External IMU 0 gyroscope error |
External IMU 0 gyroscope - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
External IMU 1 accelerometer error |
External IMU 1 accelerometer - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
External IMU 1 gyroscope error |
External IMU 1 gyroscope - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
External magnetometer 0 error |
External magnetometer 0 - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
External magnetometer 1 error |
External magnetometer 1 - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
1180-1181 |
Sniffer msg 0-1 Rx Error |
Sniffer receiver message 0-1 - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
1200-1499 |
User BIT 00-299 error |
User bit 0 to 299 - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
2200 |
BIT Dummy Error |
Bit for configurable checks - 0 for error, 1 for OK |
Real Variables (RVar) - 32 Bits¶
ID |
Name |
Units/Values |
Description |
0 |
IAS (Indicated Airspeed) |
m/s |
Pitot-static measurement speed |
1 |
TAS (True Airspeed) |
m/s |
Speed relative to the airmass in which the vehicle is moving (IAS measurement corrected with Standard Atmosphere data) |
2 |
GS (Ground Speed) |
m/s |
Horizontal speed, relative to the ground |
3 |
Heading |
rad |
Direction in which the vehicle velocity vector is pointing |
4 |
Flight Path Angle |
rad |
Angle between velocity vector and local horizontal line |
5 |
Bank |
rad |
Angle around the Longitudinal Euler axis |
6 |
Yaw |
rad |
Angle around the Vertical Euler axis |
7 |
Pitch |
rad |
Angle around the Transverse Euler axis |
8 |
Roll |
rad |
Angle around the Longitudinal Euler axis |
9 |
Route-Guidance Tangential deviation |
m |
Tangencial distance to the desired position (guidance) |
10 |
Route-Guidance Horizontal deviation |
m |
Horizontal distance to the desired position (guidance) |
11 |
Route-Guidance Perpendicular deviation |
m |
Perpendicular distance to the desired position (guidance) |
12 |
p (Angular Velocity - X Body Axis) |
rad/s |
Angular velocity around longitudinal axis |
13 |
q (Angular Velocity - Y Body Axis) |
rad/s |
Angular velocity around lateral axis |
14 |
r (Angular Velocity - Z Body Axis) |
rad/s |
Angular velocity around vertical axis |
15 |
Forward Acceleration - X Body Axis |
m/s² |
Acceleration in the X-axis |
16 |
Right Acceleration - Y Body Axis |
m/s² |
Acceleration in the Y-axis |
17 |
Bottom Acceleration - Z Body Axis |
m/s² |
Acceleration in the Z-axis |
18 |
rad/s (RDS) |
Revolutions per minute configurable for external sensor |
19 |
Front Ground Velocity |
m/s |
GV vector X component |
20 |
Lateral Ground Velocity |
m/s |
GV vector Y component |
21 |
Velocity |
m/s |
Velocity vector module |
22 |
Forward Load Factor - X Body Axis |
customType |
G-force in X body axis |
23 |
Right Load Factor - Y Body Axis |
customType |
G-force in Y body axis |
24 |
Bottom Load Factor - Z Body Axis |
customType |
G-force in Z body axis |
25 |
Tangential Acceleration |
m/s² |
Absolute acceleration for tangential direction |
26 |
Estimated air density |
kg/m³ |
Estimated air density at current altitude |
28 |
Co-Waw |
rad |
Acrobatic Yaw with Body Z’ axis pointing to X |
29 |
Co-Pitch |
rad |
Acrobatic Pitch with Body X’ axis pointing to -Z |
30 |
Co-Roll |
rad |
Acrobatic Roll with Y’ keeping same as Y |
31 |
Angular Acceleration - X Body Axis |
rad/s² |
Acceleration around the longitudinal axis |
32 |
Angular Acceleration - Y Body Axis |
rad/s² |
Acceleration around the lateral axis |
33 |
Angular Acceleration - Z Body Axis |
rad/s² |
Acceleration around the vertical axis |
34 |
Body to NED Quaternion qs |
customType |
First component of body to NED orientation quaternion |
35 |
Body to NED Quaternion qi |
customType |
Second component of body to NED orientation quaternion |
36 |
Body to NED Quaternion qj |
customType |
Third component of body to NED orientation quaternion |
37 |
Body to NED Quaternion qk |
customType |
Fourth component of body to NED orientation quaternion |
40 |
percentage |
Received Signal Strength Indicator Warning Deprecated variable |
42 |
bytes/s |
Reception rate (in bytes per seconds) of 4G (hwv <4.7) or external UART (hwv >=4.7) communications |
43 |
bytes/s |
Transmision rate (in bytes per seconds) of 4G (hwv <4.7) or external UART (hwv >=4.7) communications |
44 |
SCI-B Rx Rate (LOS) |
bytes/s |
Radio link reception byte rate |
45 |
SCI-B Tx Rate (LOS) |
bytes/s |
Radio link transmission byte rate |
46 |
SCI-C Rx Rate (RS485) |
bytes/s |
RS485 communication reception byte rate |
47 |
SCI-C Tx Rate (RS485) |
bytes/s |
RS485 communication transmission byte rate |
48 |
SCI-D Rx Rate (RS232) |
bytes/s |
RS232 communication reception byte rate |
49 |
SCI-D Tx Rate (RS232) |
bytes/s |
RS232 communication transmission byte rate |
50 |
CAN-A Tx Rate |
pkts/s |
CAN-A transmission packet rate |
51 |
CAN-B Tx Rate |
pkts/s |
CAN-B transmission packet rate |
52 |
CAN-A Tx skip Rate |
pkts/s |
CAN-A messages delayed because no mailbox is available for sending |
53 |
CAN-B Tx skip Rate |
pkts/s |
CAN-B messages delayed because no mailbox is available for sending |
56 |
Yaw Rate |
rad/s |
Rate of change of the yaw angle |
57 |
Pitch Rate |
rad/s |
Rate of change of the pitch angle |
58 |
Roll Rate |
rad/s |
Rate of change of the roll angle |
59-64 |
COM 0-5 Parse Error Rate |
messages |
Each COM discard packages with these frequencies. Messages might be discarded because the calculated and the received CRC are different |
65 |
GNSS Absolute Time Of Week Milliseconds as Unit32 |
customType |
Time of the week expressed with milliseconds |
66 |
GNSS Hours in the Current Day |
customType |
Elapsed hours in the current day |
67 |
GNSS Minutes in the Current Hour |
customType |
Elapsed minutes in the current hour |
68 |
GNSS Seconds in the Current Minute |
customType |
Elapsed seconds in the current minute |
80 |
Estimated gyro bias x |
rad/s |
Gyro bias estimated during IMU calibration |
81 |
Estimated gyro bias y |
rad/s |
Gyro bias estimated during IMU calibration |
82 |
Estimated gyro bias z |
rad/s |
Gyro bias estimated during IMU calibration |
83 |
Estimated accelerometer bias x |
m/s² |
Accelerometer bias estimated during IMU calibration |
84 |
Estimated accelerometer bias y |
m/s² |
Accelerometer bias estimated during IMU calibration |
85 |
Estimated accelerometer bias z |
m/s² |
Accelerometer bias estimated during IMU calibration |
90 |
SCI-E Rx Rate (LTE) |
bytes/s |
Reception rate (in bytes per seconds) of the first channel (port0) of the SCI expander (hwv >=4.7) |
91 |
SCI-E Tx Rate (LTE) |
bytes/s |
Transmision rate (in bytes per seconds) of the first channel (port0) of the SCI expander (hwv>=4.7) |
92 |
SCI-F Rx Rate (LTE Aux.) |
bytes/s |
Reception rate (in bytes per seconds) of the second channel (port1) of the SCI expander (hwv >=4.7) |
93 |
SCI-F Tx Rate (LTE Aux.) |
bytes/s |
Transmission rate (in bytes per seconds) of the second channel (port1) of the SCI expander (hwv >=4.7) |
Desired IAS (Indicated Airspeed) |
m/s |
Commanded IAS from guidance |
Desired TAS (True Airspeed) |
m/s |
Commanded TAS from guidance |
Desired GS (Ground Speed) |
m/s |
Commanded GS from guidance |
Desired Heading |
rad |
Commanded Heading from guidance |
Desired Flight Path Angle |
rad |
Commanded Flight Path Angle from guidance |
Desired Bank |
rad |
Commanded Bank from guidance |
Desired Yaw |
rad |
Commanded Yaw from guidance |
Desired Pitch |
rad |
Commanded Pitch from guidance |
Desired Roll |
rad |
Commanded Roll from guidance |
Desired p (Angular Velocity - X Body Axis) |
rad/s |
Commanded angular velocity around longitudinal axis |
Desired q (Angular Velocity - Y Body Axis) |
rad/s |
Commanded angular velocity around lateral axis |
Desired r (Angular Velocity - Z Body Axis) |
rad/s |
Commanded angular velocity around vertical axis |
Desired Foward Acceleration - X Body Axis |
m/s² |
Commanded Forward Acceleration from guidance |
Desired Right Acceleration - Y Body Axis |
m/s² |
Commanded Right Acceleration from guidance |
Desired Bottom Acceleration - Z Body Axis |
m/s² |
Commanded Bottom Acceleration from guidance |
Desired RPM |
rad/s |
Commanded RPM from guidance |
Desired Front Ground Velocity |
m/s |
Commanded Front GV from guidance |
Desired Lateral Ground Velocity |
m/s |
Commanded Lateral GV from guidance |
Desired Velocity |
m/s |
Commanded Velocity from guidance |
Desired Forward Load Factor - X Body Axis |
customType |
Commanded Forward Load Factor from guidance |
Desired Right Load Factor - Y Body Axis |
customType |
Commanded Right Load Factor from guidance |
Desired Bottom Load Factor - Z Body Axis |
customType |
Commanded Bottom Load Facto from guidance |
Desired Tangential Acceleration |
m/s² |
Commanded Tangential Acceleration from guidance |
Energy Rate Error |
customType |
Rate of change of the Total System Energy |
Energy Distribution Error |
customType |
Distribution of system energy between kinetical and geopotential energy |
Desired Co-Yaw |
rad |
Commanded co-yaw from guidance |
Desired Co-Pitch |
rad |
Commanded co-pitch from guidance |
Desired Co-Roll |
rad |
Commanded co-roll from guidance |
Climbing Initial Heading |
rad |
Heading in climbing phase (start of the route) |
Approach Initial Heading |
rad |
Heading in approach phase (end of the route) |
Headwind Direction |
rad |
Wind direction estimation |
Tailwind Direction |
rad |
Angle of the vector that would correspond to the opposite of the Headwind vector |
Runway Direction |
rad |
Runway angle |
Elevation of current route |
rad |
Elevation of tangent to current route at its closest point to desired position |
Azimuth of current route |
rad |
Azimuth of tangent to current route at its closest point to desired position |
Distance to closest obstacle |
m |
Signed distance to closest obstacle (negative means inside) |
Distance of obstacle repulsion |
m |
Distance at which the obstacles have an effect in the guidance |
Desired North Ground Velocity |
m/s |
Commanded North (NED Coordinates system) GV from guidance |
Desired East Ground Velocity |
m/s |
Commanded East (NED Coordinates system) GV from guidance |
Desired Down Ground Velocity |
m/s |
Commanded Down (NED Coordinates system) GV from guidance |
Desired 2D MSL (Heigh Above Mean Sea Level) |
m |
Commanded MSL from guidance in 2D height mode |
Desired 2D AGL (Above Ground Level) - Height |
m |
Commanded AGL from guidance in 2D height mode |
Desired 2D WGS84 Elevation (Height Over The Ellipsoid) |
m |
Commanded WGS84 Elevation from guidance in 2D height mode |
Desired Longitude |
rad |
Commanded Longitude from guidance |
Desired Latitude |
rad |
Commanded Latitude from guidance |
Desired WGS84 Elevation (Height Over The Ellipsoid) |
m |
Commanded WGS84 Elevation from guidance |
Desired MSL (Height Above Mean Sea Level) - Altitude |
m |
Commanded MSL Altitude from guidance |
Desired AGL (Above Ground Level) - Height |
m |
Commanded AGL Altitude from guidance |
Guidance North Position Error |
m |
Difference from Desired and actual north position |
Guidance East Position Error |
m |
Difference from Desired and actual east position |
Guidance Sown Position Error |
m |
Difference from Desired and actual down position |
Guidance PID North Desired Velocity |
m/s |
Difference from Desired and actual PID north velocity |
Guidance PID East Desired Velocity |
m/s |
Difference from Desired and actual PID east velocity |
Guidance PID Down Desired Velocity |
m/s |
Difference from Desired and actual PID down velocity |
Desired Velocity X Body Axis |
m/s |
Commanded velocity in X-axis from guidance |
Desired Velocity Y Body Axis |
m/s |
Commanded velocity in Y-axis from guidance |
Desired Velocity Z Body Axis |
m/s |
Commanded velocity in Z-axis from guidance |
External Yaw |
rad |
Yaw from external navigation source |
External Pitch |
rad |
Pitch from external navigation source |
External Roll |
rad |
Roll from external navigation source |
External Roll Rate |
rad/s |
Roll rate from external navigation source |
External Pitch Rate |
rad/s |
Pitch rate from external navigation source |
External Yaw Rate |
rad/s |
Yaw rate from external navigation source |
External Velocity North |
m/s |
Velocity North from external navigation source |
External Velocity East |
m/s |
Velocity East from external navigation source |
External Velocity Down |
m/s |
Velocity Down from external navigation source |
External Acceleration x Body Axis |
m/s² |
Acceleration x body axis from external navigation source |
External Acceleration y Body Axis |
m/s² |
Acceleration y body axis from external navigation source |
External Acceleration z Body Axis |
m/s² |
Acceleration z body axis from external navigation source |
External GNSS Time of Week |
s |
GNSS Time of week from external navigation source |
300 |
Relative Timestamp |
s |
Time spent since power-on of the system |
301 |
Used Memory Space |
byte |
SD used memory space |
302 |
Free Memory Space |
byte |
SD free memory space |
303 |
Dynamic Pressure |
Pa |
Physical measurement from Pitot (dynamic preassure) |
Static Pressure (Deprecated) |
Pa |
Physical measurement from Pitot (static preassure) Warning Deprecated variable |
305 |
Internal Temperature |
K |
Physical measurement from internal sensors |
306 |
External Temperature |
K |
Physical measurement from Veronte sensors |
307 |
Accelerometer - X Body Axis |
m/s² |
Accelerometer measurement for X axis |
308 |
Accelerometer - Y Body Axis |
m/s² |
Accelerometer measurement for Y axis |
309 |
Accelerometer - Z Body Axis |
m/s² |
Accelerometer measurement for Z axis |
310 |
Gyroscope - X Body Axis |
rad/s |
Gyroscope measurement for X axis |
311 |
Gyroscope - Y Body Axis |
rad/s |
Gyroscope measurement for Y axis |
312 |
Gyroscope - Z Body Axis |
rad/s |
Gyroscope measurement for Z axis |
Magnetometer - X Body Axis |
T |
Magnetometer measurement for X axis Warning Deprecated variable |
Magnetometer - Y Body Axis |
T |
Magnetometer measurement for Y axis Warning Deprecated variable |
Magnetometer - Z Body Axis |
T |
Magnetometer measurement for Z axis Warning Deprecated variable |
322 |
Internal LIS3MDL Magnetometer Raw X in SI |
T |
Internal LIS3MDL Magnetometer raw measurement for X axis |
323 |
Internal LIS3MDL Magnetometer Raw Y in SI |
T |
Internal LIS3MDL Magnetometer raw measurement for Y axis |
324 |
Internal LIS3MDL Magnetometer Raw Z in SI |
T |
Internal LIS3MDL Magnetometer raw measurement for Z axis |
325 |
Internal LIS3MDL Magnetometer Temperature |
K |
Internal LIS3MDL Magnetometer temperature |
326 |
External LIS3MDL magnetometer raw X in SI |
T |
External LIS3MDL Magnetometer raw measurement for X axis |
327 |
External LIS3MDL magnetometer raw Y in SI |
T |
External LIS3MDL Magnetometer raw measurement for Y axis |
328 |
External LIS3MDL magnetometer raw Z in SI |
T |
External LIS3MDL Magnetometer raw measurement for Z axis |
329 |
External LIS3MDL magnetometer temperature |
K |
External LIS3MDL Magnetometer temperature |
330 |
IMU 0 Raw Accelerometer X Measurement |
m/s² |
Main IMU raw accelerometer x measurement |
331 |
IMU 0 Raw Accelerometer Y Measurement |
m/s² |
Main IMU raw accelerometer y measurement |
332 |
IMU 0 Raw Accelerometer Z Measurement |
m/s² |
Main IMU raw accelerometer z measurement |
333 |
IMU 0 Raw Gyroscope X Measurement |
rad/s |
Main IMU raw gyroscope x measurement |
334 |
IMU 0 Raw Gyroscope Y Measurement |
rad/s |
Main IMU raw gyroscope y measurement |
335 |
IMU 0 Raw Gyroscope Z Measurement |
rad/s |
Main IMU raw gyroscope z measurement |
336 |
IMU 0 temperature measurement |
K |
Main IMU temperature measurement |
337 |
IMU 1 Raw Accelerometer X Measurement |
m/s² |
Secondary IMU raw accelerometer x measurement |
338 |
IMU 1 Raw Accelerometer Y Measurement |
m/s² |
Secondary IMU raw accelerometer y measurement |
339 |
IMU 1 Raw Accelerometer Z Measurement |
m/s² |
Secondary IMU raw accelerometer z measurement |
340 |
IMU 1 Raw Gyroscope X Measurement |
rad/s |
Secondary IMU raw gyroscope x measurement |
341 |
IMU 1 Raw Gyroscope Y Measurement |
rad/s |
Secondary IMU raw gyroscope y measurement |
342 |
IMU 1 Raw Gyroscope Z Measurement |
rad/s |
Secondary IMU raw gyroscope z measurement |
343 |
IMU 1 temperature Measurement |
K |
Secondary IMU temperature measurement |
344 |
Static Pressure Sensor (MS56) Raw Measurement |
Pa |
Static pressure sensor MS56 raw measurement |
345 |
Static Pressure Sensor (MS56) Temperature |
K |
Static pressure sensor MS56 temperature |
346 |
Dynamic Pressure Sensor Raw Measurement |
Pa |
Dynamic pressure sensor raw measurement |
347 |
Dynamic Pressure Sensor Temperature |
K |
Dynamic pressure sensor temperature |
348 |
Static Pressure Sensor (HSC) Raw Measurement |
Pa |
Static pressure sensor 0 raw measurement |
349 |
Static Pressure Sensor (HSC) Temperature |
K |
Static pressure sensor 0 temperature |
350 |
Vectornav Message Frequency |
Hz |
External navigation source VectorNav sends messages with this frequency |
351 |
Vectornav Raw Acc X Measurement |
m/s² |
Raw accelerometer X measurement from external navigation source VectorNav |
352 |
Vectornav Raw Acc Y Measurement |
m/s² |
Raw accelerometer Y measurement from external navigation source VectorNav |
353 |
Vectornav Raw Acc Z Measurement |
m/s² |
Raw accelerometer Z measurement from external navigation source VectorNav |
354 |
Vectornav Raw Gyr X Measurement |
rad/s |
Raw gyroscope X measurement from external navigation source VectorNav |
355 |
Vectornav Raw Gyr Y Measurement |
rad/s |
Raw gyroscope Y measurement from external navigation source VectorNav |
356 |
Vectornav Raw Gyr Z Measurement |
rad/s |
Raw gyroscope Z measurement from external navigation source VectorNav |
357 |
External HSCDTD008A Magnetometer Raw X in SI |
T |
External HSCDTD008A Magnetometer raw measurement for X axis |
358 |
External HSCDTD008A Magnetometer Raw Y in SI |
T |
External HSCDTD008A Magnetometer raw measurement for Y axis |
359 |
External HSCDTD008A Magnetometer Raw Z in SI |
T |
External HSCDTD008A Magnetometer raw measurement for Z axis |
360 |
External HSCDTD008A Magnetometer Temperature |
K |
External HSCDTD008A Magnetometer temperature |
361 |
IMU 2 Raw Accelerometer X Measurement |
m/s² |
BMI088 IMU raw accelerometer x measurement |
362 |
IMU 2 Raw Accelerometer Y Measurement |
m/s² |
BMI088 IMU raw accelerometer y measurement |
363 |
IMU 2 Raw Accelerometer Z Measurement |
m/s² |
BMI088 IMU raw accelerometer z measurement |
364 |
IMU 2 Raw Gyroscope X Measurement |
rad/s |
BMI088 IMU raw gyroscope x measurement |
365 |
IMU 2 Raw Gyroscope Y Measurement |
rad/s |
BMI088 IMU raw gyroscope y measurement |
366 |
IMU 2 Raw Gyroscope Z Measurement |
rad/s |
BMI088 IMU raw gyroscope z measurement |
367 |
IMU 2 Temperature Measurement |
K |
BMI088 IMU temperature measurement |
368 |
Static Pressure Sensor (DPS310) Raw Measurement |
Pa |
Static pressure sensor DPS310 raw measurement |
369 |
Static Pressure Sensor (DPS310) Temperature |
K |
Static pressure sensor DPS310 temperature |
370 |
Internal Magnetometer MMC5883MA Raw Measure X Converted to SI |
T |
Internal MMC5883MA Magnetometer raw measurement for X axis converted to SI |
371 |
Internal Magnetometer MMC5883MA Raw Measure Y Converted to SI |
T |
Internal MMC5883MA Magnetometer raw measurement for Y axis converted to SI |
372 |
Internal Magnetometer MMC5883MA Raw Measure Z Converted to SI |
T |
Internal MMC5883MA Magnetometer raw measurement for Z axis converted to SI |
373 |
Internal Magnetometer MMC5883MA Temperature |
K |
Internal MMC5883MA Magnetometer temperature |
374 |
External Magnetometer MMC5883MA Raw measure X Converted to SI |
T |
External MMC5883MA Magnetometer raw measurement for X axis converted to SI |
375 |
External Magnetometer MMC5883MA Raw measure Y Converted to SI |
T |
External MMC5883MA Magnetometer raw measurement for Y axis converted to SI |
376 |
External Magnetometer MMC5883MA Raw measure Z Converted to SI |
T |
External MMC5883MA Magnetometer raw measurement for Z axis converted to SI |
377 |
External Magnetometer MMC5883MA Temperature |
K |
External MMC5883MA Magnetometer temperature |
378 |
External Magnetometer RM3100 Raw Measure X Converted to SI |
T |
External RM3100 Magnetometer raw measurement for X axis converted to SI |
379 |
External Magnetometer RM3100 Raw Measure Y Converted to SI |
T |
External RM3100 Magnetometer raw measurement for Y axis converted to SI |
380 |
External Magnetometer RM3100 Raw Measure Z Converted to SI |
T |
External RM3100 Magnetometer raw measurement for Z axis converted to SI |
382 |
External Magnetometer HMR2300 Raw Measure X Converted to SI |
T |
External HMR2300 Magnetometer raw measurement for X axis converted to SI |
383 |
External Magnetometer HMR2300 Raw Measure Y Converted to SI |
T |
External HMR2300 Magnetometer raw measurement for Y axis converted to SI |
384 |
External Magnetometer HMR2300 Raw Measure Z Converted to SI |
T |
External HMR2300 Magnetometer raw measurement for Z axis converted to SI |
385 |
External Magnetometer HMR2300 Temperature |
K |
External HMR2300 Magnetometer temperature |
386 |
IMU 3 Raw Accelerometer X Measurement |
m/s² |
ADIS16505-3 IMU raw accelerometer x measurement |
387 |
IMU 3 Raw Accelerometer Y Measurement |
m/s² |
ADIS16505-3 IMU raw accelerometer y measurement |
388 |
IMU 3 Raw Accelerometer Z Measurement |
m/s² |
ADIS16505-3 IMU raw accelerometer z measurement |
389 |
IMU 3 Raw Gyroscope X Measurement |
rad/s |
ADIS16505-3 IMU raw gyroscope x measurement |
390 |
IMU 3 Raw Gyroscope Y Measurement |
rad/s |
ADIS16505-3 IMU raw gyroscope y measurement |
391 |
IMU 3 Raw Gyroscope Z Measurement |
rad/s |
ADIS16505-3 IMU raw gyroscope z measurement |
392 |
IMU 3 Temperature Measurement |
K |
ADIS16505-3 IMU temperature measurement |
393 |
Internal Magnetometer RM3100 Raw Measure X Converted to SI |
T |
Internal RM3100 Magnetometer raw measurement for X axis converted to SI |
394 |
Internal Magnetometer RM3100 Raw Measure Y Converted to SI |
T |
Internal RM3100 Magnetometer raw measurement for Y axis converted to SI |
395 |
Internal Magnetometer RM3100 Raw Measure Z Converted to SI |
T |
Internal RM3100 Magnetometer raw measurement for Z axis converted to SI |
400 |
Power Input |
V |
Voltage received by Veronte |
401 |
Power Comicro 3.3V |
V |
Voltage received by Veronte through 3.3V port |
402 |
Power 5V |
V |
Voltage received by Veronte through 5V port |
403 |
SUC Power Input |
V |
Voltage received by Veronte SUC |
404 |
Power 3.6V |
V |
Voltage received by Veronte through 3.6V port |
405 |
CPU Temperature |
K |
Internal computer temperature |
406 |
External IMU 0 raw accelerometer x measurement |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
407 |
External IMU 0 raw accelerometer y measurement |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
408 |
External IMU 0 raw accelerometer z measurement |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
409 |
External IMU 0 raw gyroscope x measurement |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
410 |
External IMU 0 raw gyroscope y measurement |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
411 |
External IMU 0 raw gyroscope z measurement |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
412 |
External IMU 0 temperature measurement |
K |
Saves the temperatures of this external sensor in raw form, as received from custom messages |
413 |
External IMU 1 raw accelerometer x measurement |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
414 |
External IMU 1 raw accelerometer y measurement |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
415 |
External IMU 1 raw accelerometer z measurement |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
416 |
External IMU 1 raw gyroscope x measurement |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
417 |
External IMU 1 raw gyroscope y measurement |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
418 |
External IMU 1 raw gyroscope z measurement |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
419 |
External IMU 1 temperature measurement |
K |
Saves the temperatures of this external sensor in raw form, as received from custom messages |
420 |
External magnetometer 0 raw measurement X |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
421 |
External magnetometer 0 raw measurement Y |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
422 |
External magnetometer 0 raw measurement Z |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
423 |
External magnetometer 0 temperature |
K |
Saves the temperatures of this external sensor in raw form, as received from custom messages |
424 |
External magnetometer 1 raw measurement X |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
425 |
External magnetometer 1 raw measurement Y |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
426 |
External magnetometer 1 raw measurement Z |
m/s² |
Saves the measurements of this external sensor in raw form, as received from the custom messages |
427 |
External magnetometer 1 temperature |
K |
Saves the temperatures of this external sensor in raw form, as received from custom messages |
500 |
Longitude |
rad |
East-West geographic coordinate |
501 |
Latitude |
rad |
North-South geographic coordinate |
502 |
WGS84 Elevation (Height Over the Ellipsoid) |
m |
Elevation over WGS84 reference frame |
503 |
MSL (Height Above Mean Sea Level) - Altitude |
m |
Altitude over the Mean Sea Level |
504 |
AGL (Above Ground Level) - Height |
m |
Height Above Ground Level - Dependent on external sensors or own models with considerable error |
505 |
North Ground Velocity |
m/s |
Ground Velocity component in the North direction (NED Coordinates system) |
506 |
East Ground Velocity |
m/s |
Ground Velocity component in the East direction (NED Coordinates system) |
507 |
Down Ground Velocity |
m/s |
Ground Velocity component in the resultant axis from North-East (NED Coordinates system) |
508 |
Sensor IAS (Indicated Air Speed) |
m/s |
Pitot-static measurement speed |
509 |
Angle of Attack - AoA |
rad |
Angle between reference body line and flow direction vector |
510 |
Sideslip |
rad |
Angle between the flow direction vector and the longitudinal axis of the vehicle |
511 |
m |
Mean sea level (MSL) measurement provided by GPS 1 |
512 |
m |
Above ground level (AGLevel) measurement provided by GPS 1 |
513 |
m |
Mean sea level (MSL) measurement provided by GPS 2 |
514 |
m |
Above ground level (AGLevel) measurement provided by GPS 2 |
Sagetech MXS - Longitude decimal part |
degree |
Sagetech variable, used by block to parse variables for GPS Navigation Data Message Warning Variable for internal use |
Sagetech MXS - Longitude fractional part |
degree |
Sagetech variable, used by block to parse variables for GPS Navigation Data Message Warning Variable for internal use |
Sagetech MXS - Latitude decimal part |
degree |
Sagetech variable, used by block to parse variables for GPS Navigation Data Message Warning Variable for internal use |
Sagetech MXS - Latitude fractional part |
degree |
Sagetech variable, used by block to parse variables for GPS Navigation Data Message Warning Variable for internal use |
Sagetech MXS - Ground speed |
m/s |
Sagetech variable, used by block to parse variables for GPS Navigation Data Message Warning Variable for internal use |
Sagetech MXS - Ground track |
degree |
Sagetech variable, used by block to parse variables for GPS Navigation Data Message Warning Variable for internal use |
ADS-B Out / Squawk |
- |
ADS-B Squawk code, 4 digits that allow the operator to inform about its status |
600-603 |
Temperature 0-3 |
K |
Variables to be configured with external temperature sensors Warning Deprecated variables |
610 |
North Position EKF Variance |
m² |
North position Extended Kalman Filter variance |
611 |
East Position EKF Variance |
m² |
East position Extended Kalman Filter variance |
612 |
Down Position EKF Variance |
m² |
Position variance component in the resultant axis from North-East |
613 |
North Velocity EKF Variance |
m²/s² |
North velocity Extended Kalman Filter variance |
614 |
East velocity EKF Variance |
m²/s² |
East velocity Extended Kalman Filter variance |
615 |
Down Velocity EKF Variance |
m²/s² |
Velocity variance component in the resultant axis from North-East |
Gimbal Command Yaw |
customType |
Yaw sent to the gimbal |
Gimbal command Pitch |
customType |
Pitch sent to the gimbal |
Gimbal Stick Yaw |
customType |
Yaw received from the joystick controlling the gimbal |
Gimbal Stick Pitch |
customType |
Pitch received from the joystick controlling the gimbal |
Gimbal Pitch Correction 0 |
customType |
Correction calculated by the gimbal for the pitch control 0 |
Gimbal Pitch Correction 1 |
customType |
Correction calculated by the gimbal for the pitch control 1 |
Gimbal Old Joint 0 |
customType |
Auxiliar variable 0 for Gimbal control configuration |
Gimbal Old Joint 1 |
customType |
Auxiliar variable 1 for Gimbal control configuration |
Cos (Gimbal Yaw) |
customType |
Auxiliar variable 0 for Gimbal control configuration |
Sin (Gimbal Yaw) |
customType |
Auxiliar variable 1 for Gimbal control configuration |
Gimbal Yaw Radian |
customType |
Auxiliar variable for Gimbal control configuration |
Veronte Gimbal Yaw Output |
customType |
Yaw value the gimbal is sending as output |
Veronte Gimbal Pitch Output |
customType |
Pitch value the gimbal is sending as output |
Gimbal Phi(z) |
customType |
Auxiliar variable phi for Gimbal control configuration |
Gimbal Theta(y) |
customType |
Auxiliar variable theta for Gimbal control configuration |
Gimbal Psi(x) |
customType |
Auxiliar variable psi for Gimbal control configuration |
Veronte Gimbal Roll Output (Degrees) |
customType |
Roll value the gimbal is sending as output |
700-705 |
RPM 0-5 |
rad/s |
Angular speed associated to pulse captured 0-5 |
750 |
Selected Controller Time step |
s |
PID selected time step |
751 |
Selected Controller Derivative Filtered Error |
customType |
PID selected derivative filtered error |
752 |
Selected Controller Proportional Action |
customType |
PID selected proportional action |
753 |
Selected Controller Derivative Action |
customType |
PID selected derivative action |
754 |
Selected Controller Integral Input |
customType |
PID selected integral input |
755 |
Selected Controller Integral Action |
customType |
PID selected integral action |
756 |
Selected Controller Anti-windup Input |
customType |
PID selected anti-windup input |
757 |
Selected Controller Derivative Error |
customType |
PID selected derivative error |
800-815 |
PWM 0-15 |
customType |
Pulse Width Modulation signal 0 to 15 |
900-915 |
Stick Input r0 - r15 |
customType |
Raw stick measurement from r0 to r15 |
950-981 |
Stick Input s0 - s31 |
customType |
Warning Deprecated variables |
1000-1031 |
Stick Input y0 - y31 |
customType |
Servo position commanded from stick y0 to y31 |
1050-1069 |
Control Output u0-u19 Before Servo Saturation |
customType |
Commanded control output before saturation correction |
1100-1104 |
Lidar 0-4 Distance |
m |
Variable configurable for Lidar distances 0 to 4 |
1105-1109 |
External Range Sensor 0-4 Measure |
m |
Variable configurable for external range sensors |
Route-Guidance Distance |
m |
Shortest distance to desired path (perpendicular distance) |
Radar AGL (Above Ground Level) - Height |
m |
Radar altimeter measure |
Radar Speed Down |
m/s |
Radar speed |
External Rotation for Follow Route |
rad |
Relative vector rotation when using Follow Route |
1204 |
Time to Impact with Obstacles |
s |
Time calculated with Distance to Obstacle and travel speed |
1300-1309 |
Timer 0-9 |
s |
Configurable timers for automations |
1320-1321 |
ADC 3.3V Input 0-1 |
V |
CEX ADC 3.3 V inputs 0 and 1 |
1322-1323 |
ADC 5.0V Input 0-1 |
V |
CEX ADC 5.0 V inputs 0 and 1 |
1324-1325 |
ADC 12.0V Input 0-1 |
V |
CEX ADC 12.0 V inputs 0 and 1 |
1326-1327 |
ADC 36.0V Input 0-1 |
V |
CEX ADC 36.0 V inputs 0 and 1 |
1328-1329 |
ADC vIn 0-1 |
V |
CEX External power supplies 0 and 1 |
1330 |
PCB Temperature |
K |
CEX PCB Temperature (from ADC input) |
1331 |
ADC HW Version |
V |
Hardware version of CEX ADC |
1350-1369 |
4xV Real variables |
- |
For more information, check Real Variables - 4x Software Manual |
1400 |
Velocity - X Body Axis |
m/s |
Velocity on X-axis |
1401 |
Velocity - Y Body Axis |
m/s |
Velocity on Y-axis |
1402 |
Velocity - Z Body Axis |
m/s |
Velocity on Z-axis |
1403 |
Estimated Dynamic Pressure |
Pa |
Dynamic pressure sensor raw measurement |
1404 |
Barometric Pressure at Sea Level (QNH) |
Pa |
Introduced value for QNH |
1450-1453 |
Captured Pulse 0-3 |
customType |
Input values from pulses |
1484 |
External IMU 0 accelerometer reception frequency |
Hz |
Reception frequencies of measurements from External IMU 0 accelerometer |
1485 |
External IMU 0 gyroscope reception frequency |
Hz |
Reception frequencies of measurements from External IMU 0 gyroscope |
1486 |
External IMU 1 accelerometer reception frequency |
Hz |
Reception frequencies of measurements from External IMU 1 accelerometer |
1487 |
External IMU 1 gyroscope reception frequency |
Hz |
Reception frequencies of measurements from External IMU 1 gyroscope |
1488-1489 |
External magnetometer 0-1 reception frequency |
Hz |
Reception frequencies of measurements from External magnetometer 0-1 |
1490 |
Internest Raw X Distance |
m |
Raw measurements for X-axis internest distance |
1491 |
Internest Raw Y Distance |
m |
Raw measurements for Y-axis internest distance |
1492 |
Internest Raw Z Distance |
m |
Raw measurements for Z-axis internest distance |
1493 |
Internest Raw Angle |
rad |
Raw measurements for internest angle |
1494 |
Internest Raw XY standard Deviation |
m |
Raw measurements for XY axis internest standard deviation |
1495 |
Internest Raw Z standard Deviation |
m |
Raw measurements for Z-axis internest standard deviation |
1496 |
Internest Raw Angle standard Deviation |
rad |
Raw measurements for internest angle standard deviation |
1497 |
Internest Position Update Frequency |
Hz |
Frequency to update internest position |
1500 |
GNSS1 Absolute Time of Week |
s |
Data from GNSS1 module: Time of week |
1501 |
GNSS1 ECEF Position X |
m |
Data from GNSS1 module: ECEF (Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed coordinate system) X position |
1502 |
GNSS1 ECEF Position Y |
m |
Data from GNSS1 module: ECEF (Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed coordinate system) Y position |
1503 |
GNSS1 ECEF Position Z |
m |
Data from GNSS1 module: ECEF (Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed coordinate system) Z position |
1504 |
GNSS1 Longitude |
rad |
Data from GNSS1 module: Longitude |
1505 |
GNSS1 Latitude |
rad |
Data from GNSS1 module: Latitude |
1506 |
GNSS1 Height Above Ellipsoid (WGS84) |
m |
Data from GNSS1 module: Height Above Ellipsoid (WGS84) |
1509 |
GNSS1 PDOP (Dilution of Precision of Position) |
customType |
Data from GNSS1 module: PDOP - Relation between user position error and satellite position error |
1510 |
GNSS1 Accuracy |
m |
Data from GNSS1 module: Accuracy |
1511 |
GNSS1 Horizontal Accuracy Estimate |
m |
Data from GNSS1 module: Horizontal accuracy |
1512 |
GNSS1 Vertical Accuracy Estimate |
m |
Data from GNSS1 module: Vertical accuracy |
1513 |
GNSS1 Velocity North |
m/s |
Data from GNSS1 module: Velocity in North direction (NED Coordinates system) |
1514 |
GNSS1 Velocity East |
m/s |
Data from GNSS1 module: Velocity in East direction (NED Coordinates system) |
1515 |
GNSS1 Velocity Down |
m/s |
Data from GNSS1 module: Velocity in Down direction (NED Coordinates system) |
1516 |
GNSS1 Speed Accuracy Estimate |
m/s |
Data from GNSS1 module: Speed accuracy |
1517 |
GNSS1 Related Base Longitude |
rad |
Data from GNSS1 module: RTK Base longitude |
1518 |
GNSS1 Related Base Latitude |
rad |
Data from GNSS1 module: RTK Base latitude |
1519 |
GNSS1 Related Base WGS84 Altitude |
m |
Data from GNSS1 module: RTK Base WGS84 altitude |
1520 |
GNSS1 Related Base to Rover Azimuth |
rad |
Data from GNSS1 module: RTK Base-Rover vector azimuth (Spherical coordinates system) |
1521 |
GNSS1 Related Base to Rover Elevation |
rad |
Data from GNSS1 module: RTK Base-Rover vector elevation (Spherical coordinates system) |
1522 |
GNSS1 Related Base to Rover Distance |
m |
Data from GNSS1 module: RTK Base-Rover vector distance (Spherical coordinates system) |
1523 |
GNSS1 Related Base to Rover Accuracy |
m |
Data from GNSS1 module: RTK Base-Rover vector accuracy |
1524 |
GNSS1 Survey in Accuracy |
m |
Data from GNSS1 module: RTK Base accuracy when base knows it is fixed in a particular position/td> |
1525 |
GNSS1 Related Base to Rover North |
m |
Data from GNSS1 module: RTK Base-Rover vector North (NED Coordinate system) |
1526 |
GNSS1 Related Base to Rover East |
m |
Data from GNSS1 module: RTK Base-Rover vector East (NED Coordinate system) |
1527 |
GNSS1 Related Base to Rover Down |
m |
Data from GNSS1 module: RTK Base-Rover vector Down (NED Coordinate system) |
1528 |
GNSS1 Position Frequency |
Hz |
Data from GNSS1 module: Position frequency |
1529 |
GNSS1 Jamming Indicator |
% |
Jaming indicator from U-Blox device 1 for GNSS |
1600 |
GNSS2 Absolute Time of Week |
s |
Data from GNSS2 module: Time of week |
1601 |
GNSS2 ECEF Position X |
m |
Data from GNSS2 module: ECEF (Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed coordinate system) X position |
1602 |
GNSS2 ECEF Position Y |
m |
Data from GNSS2 module: ECEF (Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed coordinate system) Y position |
1603 |
GNSS2 ECEF Position Z |
m |
Data from GNSS2 module: ECEF (Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed coordinate system) Z position |
1604 |
GNSS2 Longitude |
rad |
Data from GNSS2 module: Longitude |
1605 |
GNSS2 Latitude |
rad |
Data from GNSS2 module: Latitude |
1606 |
GNSS2 Height Above Ellipsoid (WGS84) |
m |
Data from GNSS2 module: Height Above Ellipsoid (WGS84) |
1609 |
GNSS2 PDOP (Dilution of Precision of Position) |
customType |
Data from GNSS2 module: PDOP - Relation between user position error and satellite position error |
1610 |
GNSS2 Accuracy |
m |
Data from GNSS2 module: Accuracy |
1611 |
GNSS2 Horizontal Accuracy Estimate |
m |
Data from GNSS2 module: Horizontal accuracy |
1612 |
GNSS2 Vertical Accuracy Estimate |
m |
Data from GNSS2 module: Vertical accuracy |
1613 |
GNSS2 Velocity North |
m/s |
Data from GNSS2 module: Velocity in North direction (NED Coordinates system) |
1614 |
GNSS2 Velocity East |
m/s |
Data from GNSS2 module: Velocity in East direction (NED Coordinates system) |
1615 |
GNSS2 Velocity Down |
m/s |
Data from GNSS2 module: Velocity in Down direction (NED Coordinates system) |
1616 |
GNSS2 Speed Accuracy Estimate |
m/s |
Data from GNSS2 module: Speed accuracy |
1617 |
GNSS2 Related Base Longitude |
rad |
Data from GNSS2 module: RTK Base longitude |
1618 |
GNSS2 Related Base Latitude |
rad |
Data from GNSS2 module: RTK Base latitude |
1619 |
GNSS2 Related Base WGS84 Altitude |
m |
Data from GNSS2 module: RTK Base WGS84 Altitude |
1620 |
GNSS2 Related Base to Rover Azimuth |
rad |
Data from GNSS2 module: RTK Base-Rover vector azimuth (Spherical COordinates system) |
1621 |
GNSS2 Related Base to Rover Elevation |
rad |
Data from GNSS2 module: RTK Base-Rover vector elevation (Spherical COordinates system) |
1622 |
GNSS2 Related Base to Rover Distance |
m |
Data from GNSS2 module: RTK Base-Rover vector distance (Spherical COordinates system) |
1623 |
GNSS2 Related Base to Rover Accuracy |
m |
Data from GNSS2 module: RTK Base-Rover vector accuracy |
1624 |
GNSS2 Survey in Accuracy |
m |
Data from GNSS2 module: RTK Base accuracy when base knows it is fixed in a particular position/td> |
1625 |
GNSS2 Related Base to Rover North |
m |
Data from GNSS2 module: RTK Base-Rover vector North (NED Coordinate system) |
1626 |
GNSS2 Related Base to Rover East |
m |
Data from GNSS2 module: RTK Base-Rover vector East (NED Coordinate system) |
1627 |
GNSS2 Related Base to Rover Down |
m |
Data from GNSS2 module: RTK Base-Rover vector Down (NED Coordinate system) |
1628 |
GNSS2 Position Frequency |
H |
Data from GNSS2 module: Position frequency |
1629 |
GNSS2 Jamming Indicator |
% |
Jaming indicator from U-Blox device 2 for GNSS |
1700-1731 |
Actuator Output s0 - s31 |
customType |
Configurable variable from actuator outputs to be transformed by the system |
Distance to Object of Interest 0 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 0: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 0 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 0: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 0 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 0: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 1 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 1: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 1 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 1: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 1 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 1: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 2 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 2: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 2 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 2: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 2 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 2: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 3 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 3: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 3 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 3: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 3 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 3: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 4 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 4: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 4 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 4: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 4 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 4: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 5 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 5: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 5 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 5: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 5 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 5: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 6 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 6: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 6 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 6: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 6 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 6: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 7 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 7: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 7 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 7: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 7 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 7: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 8 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 8: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 8 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 8: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 8 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 8: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 9 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 9: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 9 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 9: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 9 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 9: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 10 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 10: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 10 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 10: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 10 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 10: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 11 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 11: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 11 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 11: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 11 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 11: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 12 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 12: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 12 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 12: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 12 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 12: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 13 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 13: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 13 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 13: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 13 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 13: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 14 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 14: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 14 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 14: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 14 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 14: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 15 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 15: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 15 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 15: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 15 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 15: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 16 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 16: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 16 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 16: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 16 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 16: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 17 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 17: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 17 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 17: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 17 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 17: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 18 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 18: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 18 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 18: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 18 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 18: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 19 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 19: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 19 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 19: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 19 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 19: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 20 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 20: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 20 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 20: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 20 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 20: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 21 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 21: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 21 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 21: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 21 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 21: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 22 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 22: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 22 |
ra |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 22: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 22 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 22: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 23 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 23: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 23 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 23: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 23 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 23: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 24 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 24: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 24 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 24: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 24 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 24: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 25 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 25: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 25 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 25: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 25 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 25: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 26 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 26: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 26 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 26: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 26 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 26: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 27 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 27: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 27 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 27: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 27 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 27: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 28 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 28: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 28 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 28: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 28 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 28: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 29 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 29: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 29 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 29: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 29 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 29: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 30 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 30: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 30 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 30: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 30 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 30: elevation |
Distance to Object of Interest 31 |
m |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 31: distance |
Azimuth to Object of Interest 31 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 31: azimuth |
Elevation to Object of Interest 31 |
rad |
Spherical coordinate to object of interest 31: elevation |
2000 |
RX Packet Error Rate (on board) |
decimal |
Value rating RX packets and expected RX packets, given as % error |
2001 |
TX Packet Error Rate (on board) |
decimal |
Value rating TX packets and expected TX packets, given as % error |
2002 |
Computed RX pkt/s Used for RX PER |
messages |
Packages per second received to the UAV configured in communication statistics |
2003 |
Remote RX pkt/s Used for TX PER |
messages |
RX packages per second received and computed through communications |
2004 |
Computed TX pkt/s Used for TX PER |
messages |
Packages per second transmitted to the UAV configured in communication statistics |
2005 |
Remote TX pkt/s Used for RX PER |
messages |
TX packages per second received and computed through communications |
Stick RX Rate |
Hz |
Number of stick messages received per second |
2020 |
Position Fix Time |
s |
Time spend with GNSS without losing fix |
2040-2042 |
Tunnel Producer Receive Frequency 0-2 |
Hz |
Tunnel producer 0-2 receives data at this frequency |
2043-2045 |
Tunnel Consumer Send Frequency 0-2 |
Hz |
Tunnel consumer 0-2 receives data at this frequency |
2046 |
Max Duration of Step in CIO |
s |
Longest time duration from a step in CIO |
2047 |
Acquisition Task Timestep |
s |
Average period to execute the acquisition thread |
2048 |
Acquisition Task Maximum Timestep |
s |
Maximum period to execute the acquisition thread |
2049 |
Cross Core Message Queue CPU Ratio |
percentage |
% of time of CPU that CIO waits for inter-core communications queue to be emptied |
2050 |
Acquisition Task Average CPU Ratio |
percentage |
Average % of CPU 1 time spent in the acquisition thread |
2051 |
Acquisition Task Maximum CPU Ratio |
percentage |
Maximum % of CPU time spent in the acquisition thread |
2052 |
Acquisition Task Average Time |
s |
Average time for acquisition thread |
2053 |
Acquisition Task Maximum Time |
s |
Maximum time for acquisition thread |
2054 |
CIO Max Time |
s |
Maximum time of CIO thread |
2055 |
CIO Average Time |
s |
Average aMaximum time of CIO thread |
2056 |
Cross-Core Message Queue Usage |
% |
Percentage of communication employed between both microprocessors |
2057 |
CIO Running Frequency |
Hz |
C1 low running frequency (Veronte Autopilot 1x and MC) Note Only for MC |
2058 |
CIO Min Running Frequency |
Hz |
Minimum assured frequency of low priority task Note Only for MC |
2094 |
GNC Task Average CPU Ratio |
percentage |
Average % of CPU time of GNC task |
2095 |
GNC Task Maximum CPU Ratio |
percentage |
Maximum % of CPU time of GNC task |
2096 |
GNC Task Average Time |
s |
Average time spent on GNC task |
2097 |
GNC Task Maximum Time |
s |
Maximum time spent on GNC task |
2098 |
GNC Task Maximum Timestep |
s |
Maximum execution period for GNC task |
2099 |
Max Duration of Step in GNC |
s |
Maximum duration of one step in GNC |
2100 |
Gyroscope Based on Accelerometer - X Body Axis |
rad/s |
Gyroscope measurements obtained from accelerometer X-axis data |
2101 |
Gyroscope Based on Accelerometer - Y Body Axis |
rad/s |
Gyroscope measurements obtained from accelerometer Y-axis data |
2102 |
Gyroscope Based on Accelerometer - Z Body Axis |
rad/s |
Gyroscope measurements obtained from accelerometer Z-axis data |
2103 |
Acceleration North |
m/s² |
Acceleration in the North direction (NED Coordinates System) |
2104 |
Acceleration East |
m/s² |
Acceleration in the East direction (NED Coordinates System) |
2105 |
Acceleration Down |
m/s² |
Acceleration in the Down direction (NED Coordinates System) |
2112 |
Estimated Dem |
m |
Altitude given by the estimated Digital Elevation Model |
2200 |
Curve Length Covered |
m |
Total distance from current mission length covered |
2201 |
Curve Length |
m |
Total distance from current mission length |
2202 |
Curve Length Pending |
m |
Total distance from current mission length not covered yet |
2203 |
Curve Parameter Covered |
customType |
Total length covered from current mission according to parameter selected |
2204 |
Curve Parameter Range |
customType |
Total length from current mission according to parameter selected |
2205 |
Curve Parameter Pending |
customType |
Total length from current mission to be covered according to parameter selected yet |
2206 |
Curve horizontal curvature |
customType |
Horizontal curvature of the current curve |
2250-2259 |
Reserved 0-9 |
customType |
System reserved variables |
2300-2302 |
Joint 0-2 of Gimbal 0 |
rad |
Variables for Gimbal 0 configuration - Angles sent to gimbal as Yaw (0), Pitch (1) and Roll (2) |
2303-2305 |
Joint 0-2 of Gimbal 1 |
rad |
Variables for Gimbal 1 configuration - Angles sent to gimbal as Yaw (0), Pitch (1) and Roll (2) |
Control Loop Period |
s |
MC control loop period |
Control Loop Maximum Period |
s |
MC maximum control loop period |
Control Loop Duration |
s |
MC control loop average execution time |
MC Control Loop Maximum Duration |
s |
MC control loop maximum average execution time |
Control Loop CPU Usage Ratio |
% |
MC CPU usage ratio |
MC Control Loop Maximum CPU Usage Ratio |
% |
MC maximum CPU usage ratio |
2336-2338 |
MC U-V-W Phase Current |
A |
MC U-V-W phase current |
MC Electrical Angle |
rad |
MC electrical angle |
MC01 Mechanical Angle |
rad |
MC01 mechanical angle |
MC Mechanical Angular Speed |
rad/s |
MC mechanical angular speed |
MC01 Desired Mechanical Angle |
rad |
MC01 desired mechanical angle |
MC01 Position Controller Output |
rad/s |
MC01 position PDI output |
MC Desired Mechanical Angular Speed |
rad/s |
MC desired mechanical angular speed |
MC Desired Mechanical Angular Speed After Speed Limiter |
rad/s |
MC desired mechanical angular speed after speed limiter |
MC Speed Controller Output |
A |
MC speed controller output |
2347-2348 |
MC Alpha-Beta Current |
A |
MC alpha and beta current after Clarke transformation |
2349-2350 |
MC Actual Direct Current |
A |
MC actual direct current |
2351 |
MC Desired Direct Current |
A |
MC desired direct current |
2352 |
MC Desired Quadrature Current |
A |
MC desired quadrature current |
2353 |
MC Direct Voltage From Controller Output |
V |
MC direct voltage from controller output |
2354 |
MC Quadrature Voltage From Controller Output |
V |
MC quadrature voltage from controller output |
2355-2356 |
MC Alpha - Beta Voltage From Current Controller Output |
V |
MC Alpha - Beta voltage from current controller output |
2357-2358 |
MC01 Desired Clarke Alpha-Beta current |
customType |
MC01 desired Clarke currents |
2359-2361 |
MC01 U-V-W Phase Space Vector Generator Output |
customType |
MC01 phase time constants |
2362-2364 |
MC01 U-V-W Phase PWM Duty Cycle |
percentage |
MC01 U-V-W Phase PWM duty cycle |
MC01 Encoder Raw Angle |
rad |
MC01 encoder raw measured angle |
MC01 Stepper Output Frequency |
Hz |
MC01 stepper output frequency |
MC Mechanical Angle Error |
rad |
MC mechanical angle error |
2368-2370 |
MC U-V-W Phase BEMF |
V |
MC U-V-W phase electromechanical force |
MC Input Current DC side |
A |
MC input current DC side |
MC Input Normalized Command Speed |
customType |
MC input normalized command speed |
2373-2374 |
MC ADC in 0-1 |
V |
System reserved variables |
MC Logic Board Temperature |
K |
MC logic board temperature |
MC Power Module Temperature |
K |
MC IGBT filtered temperature |
MC Motor Temperature |
K |
MC Motor temperature |
MC Input Voltage DC side |
V |
MC DC bus voltage |
2379-2380 |
MC U-V Phase Hall current sensor |
customType |
System reserved variables |
2381 |
MC Virtual and estimator angle difference |
rad |
MC Angle offset value from estimated and commanded angle to close control loop |
2382 |
MC Low speed estimator angle |
rad |
MC Low speed observer estimated angle |
2383 |
MC High speed estimator angle |
rad |
MC High speed observer estimated angle |
2384 |
MC Low speed estimator speed |
rad/s |
MC Low speed observer estimated mechanical speed |
2385 |
MC High speed estimator speed |
rad/s |
MC High speed observer estimated mechanical speed |
2400-2419 |
Control Output u0-19 |
customType |
Control output 0 to 19 after servo saturation |
2500-2519 |
Stick Input u0-u19 |
customType |
Intermediate values from stick used for arcade mode |
2600-2619 |
Stick Input d0-d19 |
customType |
Intermediate values from stick used for arcade mode - delta values |
2700-2739 |
Operation Guidance 00-39 |
customType |
Configurable values used in different guidances - Position or values or vectors |
2800 |
Wind Velocity North |
m/s |
Wind velocity vector pointing North direction (NED Coordinate system) |
2801 |
Wind Velocity East |
m/s |
Wind velocity vector pointing East direction (NED Coordinate system) |
2802 |
Wind Velocity Down |
m/s |
Wind velocity vector pointing Down direction (NED Coordinate system) |
2803 |
Wind Velocity North Estimation Covariance |
m/s |
Wind velocity vector pointing North direction (NED Coordinate system) estimation covariance |
2804 |
Cross North-East Wind Velocity Estimation Covariance |
m/s |
Wind velocity vector pointing cross North-East direction (NED Coordinate system) estimation covariance |
2805 |
Wind Velocity Estimation Uncertainty (Element 2-0) |
m/s |
2-0 element from covariance matrix in wind estimation |
2806 |
Wind Velocity Estimation Uncertainty (Element 0-1) |
m/s |
0-1 element from covariance matrix in wind estimation |
2807 |
Wind Velocity Estimation Uncertainty (Element 1-1) |
m/s |
1-1 element from covariance matrix in wind estimation |
2808 |
Wind Velocity Estimation Uncertainty (Element 2-1) |
m/s |
2-1 element from covariance matrix in wind estimation |
2809 |
Wind Velocity Estimation Uncertainty (Element 0-2) |
m/s |
0-2 element from covariance matrix in wind estimation |
2810 |
Wind Velocity Estimation Uncertainty (Element 1-2) |
m/s |
1-2 element from covariance matrix in wind estimation |
2811 |
Wind Velocity Estimation Uncertainty (Element 2-2) |
m/s |
2-2 element from covariance matrix in wind estimation |
2812 |
Wind Azimuth Angle |
degree |
Wind estimated azimuth |
2813 |
Wind Velocity in North-East plane |
m/s |
Horizontal wind velocity |
2830-2893 |
Setup real 00-63 |
customType |
Setup variable 00-63 |
2900 |
MSL Right from Actual QNH and Pressure Measurement |
m |
Mean Sea Level obtained from Actual QNH and current Pressure Measurement |
2901 |
MSL for ISA and Pressure Measurement |
m |
Mean Sea Level calculated for ISO International Standard Atmosphere and Pressure Measurement |
2902 |
Time Since Entering Current Phase |
s |
Time-lapse considered since entering the current phase |
2903 |
GNC Timestep |
s |
Task execution period from GNC |
2904 |
Total Flight Time |
s |
Time-lapse since the vehicle finished Standby Warning Deprecated variable |
2905 |
Total Flight Distance |
m |
Distance covered by the vehicle in all mission length Warning Deprecated variable |
2906 |
Reception Frequency of Simulated Navigation Data |
Hz |
Frequency at which the system receives Simulation Navigation Data |
2907 |
Reception Frequency of External Navigation Data |
Hz |
Frequency at which the system receives External Navigation Data |
2908-2927 |
Time in Phase 0-19 |
s |
Time-lapse spent by the vehicle in phase 0 to 19 |
3000-3031 |
Simulation Variable 0-31 |
customType |
Variables used for Simulation data |
3100-3399 |
User Variable 00-299 (Real - 32 Bits) |
customType |
Free variables for the user to use |
4100 |
Zero |
customType |
Constant value 0 |
4101 |
Rvar Disabled |
customType |
Disabled variable |
Integer Variables (UVar) - 16 Bits¶
ID |
Name |
Description |
0 |
Actuator Mode |
Index pointing to the flight mode in use |
1 |
Phase Identifier |
Index pointing to the active phase |
2 |
Internal ADC 0 |
Internal ADC pin Warning Variable for internal use |
3-7 |
ADC 0-4 |
Direct reading of ADC pins |
8-18 |
Internal ADC 1-11 |
Internal ADC pins Warning Variable for internal use |
19 |
Current envelope (deprecated) |
Index pointing to the used envelope Warning Deprecated variable |
20 |
Counter for C2 system |
C2 counter to monitor if Core 2 is alive |
21 |
Total memory for blocks allocation (low part) |
Total words available for blocks (low part). It is stored in two parts because the size can be a number up to 32 bits but the uvars are stored in variables of 16, so to get the true size the user would have to put together both the low and the high part Note 1 word = 2 bytes |
22 |
Total memory for blocks allocation (high part) |
Total words available for blocks (high part). It is stored in two parts because the size can be a number up to 32 bits but the uvars are stored in variables of 16, so to get the true size the user would have to put together both the low and the high part Note 1 word = 2 bytes |
23 |
Memory used for blocks allocation (low part) |
Words used for blocks in allocator (low part). It is stored in two parts because the size can be a number up to 32 bits but the uvars are stored in variables of 16, so to get the true size the user would have to put together both the low and the high part Note 1 word = 2 bytes |
24 |
Memory used for blocks allocation (high part) |
Words used for blocks in allocator (high part). It is stored in two parts because the size can be a number up to 32 bits but the uvars are stored in variables of 16, so to get the true size the user would have to put together both the low and the high part Note 1 word = 2 bytes |
25 |
SRTM source at UAV’s position |
Index for the SRTM source type:
50 |
PDI error source |
Index for PDI error source identification For further information, consult the List of PDI errors |
51 |
Operation error source |
Index for operation error source identification |
53 |
4XV Veronte ID |
ID of this AP in a redundant (0-3) to compare with the selected CAP For more information, check Integer Variables - 4x Software Manual |
54 |
4XV Veronte CAP |
Current Autopilot 1x selected For more information, check Integer Variables - 4x Software Manual |
55-75 |
4xV Integer variables |
For more information, check Integer Variables - 4x Software Manual |
80 |
Detour calculation identifier |
Counter of number of times a route change has been calculated |
81 |
Approach calculation identifier |
Counter of number of times Approach guidance has been calculated |
82 |
Climb calculation identifier |
Counter of number of times Climb guidance has been calculated |
83 |
Cruise calculation identifier |
Counter of number of times Cruise guidance has been calculated |
84 |
Rendezvous calculation identifier |
Counter of number of times Rendezvous guidance has been calculated |
85 |
Taxi calculation identifier |
Counter of number of times Taxi guidance has been calculated |
86 |
VTOL calculation identifier |
Counter of number of times VTOL guidance has been calculated |
90 |
Version Major |
Major software version |
91 |
Version Minor |
Minor software version |
92 |
Version Revision |
Revision software version |
95 |
UAV address |
UAV address |
96 |
File system status |
State error for DFS2 FS For further information, consult the List of File system errors |
97 |
Number of registered partitions on DFS2 File System |
Number of registered partitions on DFS2 File System |
100 |
GNSS1 Number of Satellites Used in Solution |
Number of satellites used in solution |
101-102 |
GNSS1 rejected-accepted RTCM 1005 |
Number of RTCM rejected by wrong CRC - correctly received by Ublox 1005 |
103-104 |
GNSS1 rejected-accepted RTCM 1077 |
Number of RTCM rejected by wrong CRC - correctly received by Ublox 1077 |
105-106 |
GNSS1 rejected-accepted RTCM 1087 |
Number of RTCM rejected by wrong CRC - correctly received by Ublox 1087 |
107-108 |
GNSS1 rejected-accepted RTCM 1127 |
Number of RTCM rejected by wrong CRC - correctly received by Ublox 1127 |
109-110 |
GNSS1 rejected-accepted RTCM 1230 |
Number of RTCM rejected by wrong CRC - correctly received by Ublox 1230 |
111-112 |
GNSS1 rejected-accepted RTCM 4072 |
Number of RTCM rejected by wrong CRC - correctly received by Ublox 4072 |
113 |
GNSS1 rejected RTCM unknown type |
Number of RTCM unknown rejected by wrong CRC |
114 |
GNSS1 week |
GNSS1 week |
115 |
GNSS1 Jamming Status |
Output from GPS 1 jamming/interference monitor
150 |
GNSS2 Number of Satellites Used in Solution |
Number of Satellites Used in Solution |
151-152 |
GNSS2 rejected-accepted RTCM 1005 |
Number of RTCM rejected by wrong CRC - correctly received by Ublox 1005 |
153-154 |
GNSS2 rejected-accepted RTCM 1077 |
Number of RTCM rejected by wrong CRC - correctly received by Ublox 1077 |
155-156 |
GNSS2 rejected-accepted RTCM 1087 |
Number of RTCM rejected by wrong CRC - correctly received by Ublox 1087 |
157-158 |
GNSS2 rejected-accepted RTCM 1127 |
Number of RTCM rejected by wrong CRC - correctly received by Ublox 1127 |
159-160 |
GNSS2 rejected-accepted RTCM 1230 |
Number of RTCM rejected by wrong CRC - correctly received by Ublox 1230 |
161-162 |
GNSS2 rejected-accepted RTCM 4072 |
Number of RTCM rejected by wrong CRC - correctly received by Ublox 4072 |
163 |
GNSS2 rejected RTCM unknown type |
Number of RTCM unknown rejected by wrong CRC |
164 |
GNSS2 week |
GNSS2 week |
165 |
GNSS2 Jamming Status |
Output from GPS 2 jamming/interference monitor
200 |
Radar Altimeter State |
Index for the radar altimeter state |
201 |
Current Section |
ID of current patch being executed by the autopilot |
202 |
Last Achieved Section |
ID of last patch completed by the autopilot |
203 |
Track Stage |
Index of type of tracked route
204 |
Current patchset ID |
Index showing the patchset
205 |
Amount of laps done |
Number of laps completed on the route |
310-311 |
Iridium sent-received |
Number of packets succesfully sent/received |
398 |
VectorNav Mode |
Index showing external source VectorNav mode |
399 |
Identifier of max duration step in acquisition |
Identifier of maximum duration step in CIO Warning Variable for internal use |
400 |
Internest raw status |
Internest raw status |
401 |
Navigation source |
Index pointing to the primary navigation source
402 |
Raw position source identifier |
GPS identifier selected as main |
403 |
(Deprecated) Selected static pressure sensor |
Static pressure sensor selection Warning Deprecated variable |
404 |
Selected dynamic pressure sensor |
Dynamic pressure sensor selection |
405 |
Selected primary accelerometer (deprecated) |
Primary accelerometer selection Warning Deprecated variable |
406 |
Selected primary gyroscope (deprecated) |
Primary gyroscope selection Warning Deprecated variable |
409 |
(Deprecated) Selected magnetometer |
Magnetometer selection Warning Deprecated variable |
410 |
Selected stick priority table |
Stick priority table selection |
425 |
Identifier of max duration step in GNC |
Step with maximum duration |
426 |
Group of user bits selected for CBIT |
Index pointing to the selected list of safety bits. This is the group of user bits selected to be computed with system CBIT |
449 |
Configured system errors that had triggered |
Bitarray containing the errors that can trigger the System Error |
450 |
CAN-A Tx errors |
CAN A communication errors in transmission |
451 |
CAN-A Rx errors |
CAN A communication errors in reception |
452 |
CAN-B Tx errors |
CAN B communication errors in transmission |
453 |
CAN-B Rx errors |
CAN B communication errors in reception |
454-459 |
CAN to Serial 0-5 frames dropped |
Lost messages during CAN to Serial transformations |
460-461 |
First-Last file Periodic log |
First-Last file of the periodic log |
462-463 |
First-Last file Event log |
First-Last file of the event log |
464-465 |
First-Last file Fast log |
First-Last file of the fast log |
480-485 |
COM0-5 packet discarded |
Discared packets at COM 0 to 5 |
490 |
Number of moving obstacles detected |
Number of moving obstacles detected |
491-492 |
Veronte static cfg CRC(no Operation) of files (Higher-Lower 16 bits) |
Veronte static cfg CRC (no Op.) of files |
493-494 |
Veronte static cfg CRC(no Operation) of memory (Higher-Lower 16 bits) |
Veronte static cfg CRC (no Op.) of memory |
495-496 |
Global configuration state (crc) of files-memory (Higher-Lower 16 bits) |
Global configuration state (crc) of files and memory |
497 |
Config manager status (flash / sd / maintenance mode) |
Configuration manager status |
498-499 |
Global configuration state (crc) of files-memory |
Global configuration state (crc) of files and memory |
550-557 |
Reserved 0-7 |
System reserved variables for Gimbal |
600-615 |
PPM channel 0-15 output |
CEX PPM channel outputs |
620 |
Jetibox max successfully parsed message |
Note CEX variable |
710 |
ADS-B OUT - Squawk Code |
ADS-B Squawk code, 4 digits that allow the operator to inform about its status This variable is closely related to the management of communications between transponders and Veronte Autopilot 1x. Warning
711 |
ADS-B ICAO, 4 ASCII characters assigned by aircraft authority as an identifier This variable is closely related to the management of communications between transponders and Veronte Autopilot 1x. Warning
712 |
ADS-B OUT - Ident |
Index indicating whether the identification is enabled or disabled. This is the identification of the UAV at the request of ATC This variable is closely related to the management of communications between transponders and Veronte Autopilot 1x. Warning
713 |
ADS-B OUT - Mode |
Index of ADS-B mode: IN, OUT or BOTH This variable is closely related to the management of communications between transponders and Veronte Autopilot 1x. Warning
714-721 |
ADS-B OUT - Call sign 0-7 |
ADS-B Call sign, 9 ASCII characters used by operator to be identified during communication These variables are closely related to the management of communications between transponders and Veronte Autopilot 1x. Warning
730 |
(Deprecated) Ping1090 - Sequence number |
Warning Deprecated variable |
741 |
(Deprecated) Sagetech MXS - Hemisphere data status |
Sagetech variable, used by block to parse variables for GPS Navigation Data Message Warning
742 |
(Deprecated) Sagetech MXS - Ground track |
Sagetech variable, used by block to parse variables for GPS Navigation Data Message Warning
743 |
(Deprecated) Sagetech MXS - Air speed |
Sagetech variable, used by block to parse variables for GPS Navigation Data Message Warning
750 |
ADS-B Out / ICAO High |
ADS-B ICAO, 4 ASCII characters assigned by aircraft authority as an identifier This variable is closely related to the management of communications between transponders and Veronte Autopilot 1x. Warning
751 |
ADS-B Out / ICAO Low |
ADS-B ICAO, 4 ASCII characters assigned by aircraft authority as an identifier This variable is closely related to the management of communications between transponders and Veronte Autopilot 1x. Warning
752 |
ADS-B Out / Emitter Type |
Type/category of ADS-B emitter This variable is closely related to the management of communications between transponders and Veronte Autopilot 1x. Warning
753-760 |
ADS-B Out / Call Sign 0-7 |
ADS-B Call sign, 9 ASCII characters used by operator to be identified during communication This variable is closely related to the management of communications between transponders and Veronte Autopilot 1x. Warning
761 |
ADS-B Out / Type |
Model of ADS-B transponder This variable is closely related to the management of communications between transponders and Veronte Autopilot 1x. Warning
762 |
ADS-B Out / Control |
Index of ADS-B control: OFF, ADS-B IN, ADS-B OUT or BOTH (ADS-B IN and OUT) This variable is closely related to the management of communications between transponders and Veronte Autopilot 1x. Warning
763 |
ADS-B Out / Squawk |
ADS-B Squawk code, 4 digits that allow the operator to inform about its status This variable is closely related to the management of communications between transponders and Veronte Autopilot 1x. Warning
764 |
ADS-B Out / Ident |
Index indicating whether the identification is enabled or disabled. This is the identification of the UAV at the request of ATC This variable is closely related to the management of communications between transponders and Veronte Autopilot 1x. Warning
765 |
ADS-B Out / Custom |
Variable for internal use for ADS-B Out This variable is closely related to the management of communications between transponders and Veronte Autopilot 1x. Warning
800 |
MC Fault Id |
Index of the MC error Warning Deprecated variable |
801 |
MC Input Control Mode |
Index of the MC control input mode:
802 |
MC Actual Control Machine State |
State of motor controller:
900-909 |
Simulation variable 00-09 |
Variables used for simulation data |
1000-1299 |
User Variable 00-299 (Unsigned Integer - 16 bits) |
Free variables for user |
2000 |
Uvar Disabled |
Disabled variable |
2001 |
Zero |
Variable with constant 0 value |
Features Variables - 64 Bits¶

Landing route - Features variables¶
ID |
Name |
Form |
Units |
Description |
0 |
Approach Initial Point |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Landing Guidance Variable. Point 0 in Landing capture. |
1 |
Approach Loiter Start |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Landing Guidance Variable. Point 1 in Landing capture. |
2 |
Approach Loiter Center |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Landing Guidance Variable. Point 2 in Landing capture. |
3 |
Approach Loiter Finish |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Landing Guidance Variable. Point 3 in Landing capture. |
4 |
Approach Headturn Start |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Landing Guidance Variable. Point 4 in Landing capture. |
5 |
Approach Headturn Center |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Landing Guidance Variable. Point 5 in Landing capture. |
6 |
Approach Headturn Finish |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Landing Guidance Variable. Point 6 in Landing capture. |
7 |
Approach Touch Point |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Landing Guidance Variable. Point 7 in Landing capture. |
8 |
Approach Runway End |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Landing Guidance Variable. Point 8 in Landing capture. |
For further information regarding Landing guidance, please refer to Landing - Guidance blocks of Block Programs section of the 1x PDI Builder user manual.

Climbing route - Features variables¶
ID |
Name |
Form |
Units |
Description |
1025 |
Climb First Loiter Point |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Climbing Guidance Variable. Point 1025 in Climbing capture. |
1026 |
Climb Loiter Center |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Climbing Guidance Variable. Point 1026 in Climbing capture. |
1027 |
Climb Start Loiter |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Climbing Guidance Variable. Point 1027 in Climbing capture. |
1028 |
Climb Finish Headturn |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Climbing Guidance Variable. Point 1028 in Climbing capture. |
1029 |
Climb Headturn Center |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Climbing Guidance Variable. Point 1029 in Climbing capture. |
1030 |
Climb Start Headturn |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Climbing Guidance Variable. Point 1030 in Climbing capture. |
1031 |
Climb Initial Point |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Climbing Guidance Variable. Point 1031 in Climbing capture. |
For further information regarding Climbing guidance, please refer to Climb - Guidance blocks of Block Programs section of the 1x PDI Builder user manual.

Taxi route - Features variables¶
ID |
Name |
Form |
Units |
Description |
2048 |
Taxi Initial Point |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Taxi Guidance Variable. Point 2048 in Taxi capture. |
2049 |
Taxi Runway First Point |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Taxi Guidance Variable. Point 2049 in Taxi capture. |
2050 |
Taxi Runway Final Point |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Taxi Guidance Variable. Point 2050 in Taxi capture. |
For further information regarding Taxi guidance, please refer to Taxi - Guidance blocks of Block Programs section of the 1x PDI Builder user manual.

VTOL route - Features variables¶
ID |
Name |
Form |
Units |
Description |
4096 |
Vtol 00 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
VTOL Initial point. Point 4096 in VTOL route capture. |
4097 |
Vtol 01 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
VTOL Translate Start. Point 4097 in VTOL route capture. |
4098 |
Vtol 02 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
VTOL Translate End. Point 4098 in VTOL route capture. |
4099 |
Vtol 03 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
VTOL End point. Point 4099 in VTOL route capture. |
For further information regarding VTOL guidance, please refer to VTOL - Guidance blocks of Block Programs section of the 1x PDI Builder user manual.
ID |
Name |
Form |
Units |
Description |
3072 - 3075 |
Smooth 00 - 03 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Smooth Feature Variable. |
5120 - 5124 |
Detour 00 - 04 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Detour Feature Variables. |
6144 |
Runway Loiter |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Runway Guidance Variable. |
6145 |
Runway Touch Point |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Runway Guidance Variable. |
6146 |
Runway End Position |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Runway Guidance Variable. |
7168 - 7169 |
Gimbal Pointing 00 - 01 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Gimbal Pointing. |
8192 |
UAV position |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
UAV position. |
8193 |
Current phase |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Current phase. |
8194 |
Desired position |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Desired position. |
8195 |
Value used when invalid ID is tried |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Auxiliar feature - Not valid for users. |
8196 |
Track position |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Closer point in route to the current desired position. |
8197 |
Operator position |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Operator position. |
8198 |
Start waypoint in current route |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Start waypoint in current route. |
8199 |
End waypoint in current route |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
End waypoint in current route. |
9216 - 9235 |
Phase 00 - 19 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Phase. |
10240 - 10247 |
Inflight Reference Point 00 - 07 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Absolute or relative reference position useful during mission. |
11264 - 11327 |
Obstacle Sensor 00 - 63 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Obstacle Sensor. |
12288 |
Rendezvouz 00 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Start point For further information, please refer to Rendezvous - Guidance blocks of Block Programs section of the 1x PDI Builder user manual. |
12289 |
Rendezvouz 01 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Rendezvous relative point For further information, please refer to Rendezvous - Guidance blocks of Block Programs section of the 1x PDI Builder user manual. |
12290 |
Rendezvouz 02 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Docking relative point For further information, please refer to Rendezvous - Guidance blocks of Block Programs section of the 1x PDI Builder user manual. |
13312 - 13327 |
Moving Obstacles 00 - 15 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Moving Obstacle. |
14336 - 14353 |
Fixed runway features 00 - 17 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
1x PDI Builder allows the configuration of up to 6 runways. Each runway has 3 main points, Initial point, End point and Loiter Center, which are repeated every three IDs. E.g. the Initial point for Runway 0 is 14336, for Runway 1 is 14339, for Runway 2 is 14342, etc. |
15360 - 15371 |
Fixed spot features 00 - 11 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
1x PDI Builder allows the configuration of up to 6 spots. Each spot has 2 main points, Spot coordinates and Loiter Center, which are repeated every two IDs. E.g. the Spot coordinates for Spot 0 is 15360, for Spot 1 is 15362, for Spot 2 is 15364, etc. |
28672 - 28703 |
Moving Objects 00 -31 |
[lon, lat, height] |
[rad, rad, m] |
Moving Objects. |
List of PDI Errors¶
The following table explains the list of possible errors from Veronte applications.
The decimal value of the PDI Error Source (UVar 50) represents the PDI error ID listed in the following table.
Code |
Nº |
Explanation |
pdi_ok |
0 |
No errors detected |
pdi_gpio |
1 |
GPIOs function configuration |
pdi_odt_pool_sz |
2 |
Incorrect pool size in on-demand telemetry |
pdi_telemetry_alloc |
3 |
Could not allocate new telemetry vector |
pdi_channelmgr |
10 |
Channel manager configuration |
pdi_sara |
15 |
SARA sim type oor |
pdi_vblk_sensrtm |
16 |
Block for SRTM sensor |
pdi_arcx |
23 |
Arcade axis set of options |
pdi_msg8_consumer_hi |
24 |
Custom message consumer cannot be used in HI unless it is an external sensor |
pdi_modes |
27 |
Stick configuration modes |
pdi_blkekfstp |
41 |
Static pressure to EKF adapter block |
pdi_gnss_blocks |
45 |
GNSS constellations configuration (more than allowed) |
pdi_cansuite_gpio |
47 |
CAN suite gpio |
pdi_vrng |
48 |
Range sensors |
pdi_fmset |
50 |
Custom message set |
pdi_pwm |
54 |
Pwm configuration |
pdi_sniffer |
63 |
Sniffer wires configuration |
pdi_sniffer_read_only |
64 |
Read-only variable selected in sniffer |
pdi_fmsgc_read_only |
65 |
Read-only variable selected in serial message consumer |
pdi_canmsgc_read_only |
66 |
Read-only variable selected in CAN message consumer |
pdi_vref_read_only |
67 |
Read-only vref variable |
pdi_obstacle |
68 |
Incorrect type of obstacle |
pdi_obsense |
69 |
Obstacle sensing mode or type oor |
pdi_marks |
71 |
Incorrect type of mark |
pdi_fmsg_p |
74 |
Custom message producers msg id oor |
pdi_fmsg_c |
75 |
Custom message consumers process parser oor |
pdi_fmsgcan_c |
76 |
CAN custom msg consumer msg id oor |
pdi_telem |
77 |
Telemetry configuration |
pdi_sci |
81 |
SCI config error |
pdi_events |
82 |
Invalid event |
pdi_actions |
83 |
Actmgr - List of actions |
pdi_evact |
84 |
Actmgr - List of related events and actions |
pdi_cmd_not_allowed |
85 |
Commands not allowed |
pdi_wrapper |
86 |
Wrapper range configuration incorrect |
pdi_xpc_can_in |
87 |
XPC for CAN messages input filters size ok |
pdi_xpc_can_out |
88 |
XPC for CAN messages output filters size ok |
pdi_xpc_can_ser |
89 |
XPC for CAN messages serialtocan size ok |
pdi_xpc_can_gpio |
90 |
XPC for CAN messages virtual gpios size ok |
pdi_xpc_can_map |
91 |
XPC for CAN messages and check their priority and connections |
pdi_xpc_u8_map |
92 |
XPC for u8 messages and check their priority and connections |
pdi_internest |
93 |
Internest version in rage |
pdi_internest1 |
94 |
Internest max_range_vbase in rage |
pdi_internest2 |
95 |
Internest max_range_vexplore in rage |
pdi_ecap |
101 |
Capture |
pdi_cappulse |
116 |
ECAP pulse consumers |
pdi_i2cdevs |
117 |
I2C external devices |
pdi_lossy_resize |
120 |
Lossy resize error |
pdi_rvector_resize |
121 |
Rvector resize error |
pdi_asciiparser |
122 |
ASCII parser invalid configuration |
pdi_telemetry_exceeded |
123 |
Telemetry size exceeded |
pdi_hi_3210_rx_tout |
154 |
HI-3210 rx cannot be configured |
pdi_hi_3210_tx_tout |
155 |
HI-3210 tx cannot be configured |
pdi_cmd_rdvzset |
176 |
Rendezvous command base_yaw oor |
pdi_cmd_taxiget |
183 |
Taxi guidance block error. Could be invalid runway or invalid initial point |
pdi_cmd_gtrack1 |
188 |
Invalid detour command |
pdi_cmd_gtrack2 |
189 |
Invalid guidance block configuration |
pdi_cmd_speed |
192 |
Cruise speed command |
pdi_cmd_gtrack |
193 |
Invalid detour command |
pdi_cmd_gtrkset |
194 |
Track request command |
pdi_cmd_stksrcr |
208 |
Get stick raw channels from selected source |
pdi_cmd_vtolset |
212 |
VTOL request command |
pdi_ini_nok |
213 |
Cannot change to a phase different from INI with System BIT not OK and out of PDI mode |
pdi_cmd_nav |
215 |
Navigation command |
pdi_cmd_gpio |
218 |
GPIO command |
pdi_cmd_gpio1 |
219 |
GPIO command |
pdi_cmd_gpio2 |
220 |
GPIO command |
pdi_cmd_gpio3 |
221 |
GPIO command |
pdi_cmd_phase |
222 |
Commanded phase is out of range |
pdi_cmd_gimbal1 |
224 |
Gimbal commands |
pdi_cmd_gimbal |
225 |
Gimbal commands |
pdi_cmd_var |
235 |
Variable set command |
pdi_reset |
239 |
Reset CPU IRX |
pdi_acc2filt |
257 |
Bosch IMU BMI088 (IMU2) Accelerometer filter |
pdi_imu3_filter |
258 |
ADIS16505 IMU filter not in range [0,6] |
pdi_imu3_filter_bw |
259 |
ADIS16505 IMU filter not compatible with Bandwidth limit |
pdi_cansuite_in |
288 |
CAN suite producer for veronte |
pdi_cansuite_out |
289 |
CAN suite consumer for veronte |
pdi_cfg_can |
290 |
CAN cfg |
pdi_resize_can_cex |
291 |
CEX CAN cfg |
pdi_resize_can_commex |
292 |
pdi_jeti_and_lift |
293 |
Trying to configure jeti and lift (not enough memory) |
pdi_srtm_calib |
500 |
Tried to calibrate SRTM without valid SRTM data for current point |
pdi_jid |
501 |
Invalid feature |
pdi_canid |
502 |
Invalid CAN id |
pdi_cfgid_mode0 |
503 |
Invalid Cfgid PDI (number of PDIs does not match) |
pdi_cfgid_mode1 |
504 |
Invalid Cfgid PDI mode |
pdi_cmd_mgr |
505 |
Expected command size does not match |
pdi_cmd_mgr1 |
506 |
Expected command size does not match |
pdi_cancfg |
507 |
Invalid CAN configuration |
pdi_decimator |
508 |
Invalid decimator |
pdi_sci_cfg |
509 |
Invalid SCI configuration |
pdi_field1 |
510 |
Maximum ID of real variable exceeded |
pdi_field2 |
511 |
Maximum ID of user variable exceeded |
pdi_field3 |
512 |
Maximum ID of bit variable exceeded |
pdi_field4 |
513 |
Maximum number of decimals for real variable exceeded |
pdi_field5 |
514 |
Overflow for real variable detected |
pdi_field6 |
515 |
Incorrect CRC field |
pdi_field7 |
516 |
Field matcher number of bits outside range |
pdi_field8 |
517 |
Field maximum skippable bits exceeded |
pdi_field9 |
518 |
Maximum ID of real variable saved as string exceeded |
pdi_field10 |
519 |
Field type out of range |
pdi_flogic |
520 |
Invalid event composition (Flogic) |
pdi_flogic1 |
521 |
Invalid event composition (Flogic) |
pdi_flogic2 |
522 |
Invalid event composition type |
pdi_fref |
523 |
Invalid type of position reference |
pdi_irxtable |
524 |
Invalid 3Dtable mode or vector is non-decreasing |
pdi_limit |
525 |
Invalid limit event type |
pdi_lsm6ds3_cfg |
526 |
Accelerometer/Gyroscope settings outside range |
pdi_pdi_ver |
527 |
Incompatible PDI version, there are some PDI files in Veronte from a different version. Try migrating offline and uploading a complete migrated configuration |
pdi_rvarsensor |
528 |
Id for Rvar out of range for Rvarsensor |
pdi_stickrawtrans0 |
529 |
K value in stick outside range [-100, 100] or 0 |
pdi_stickrawtrans1 |
530 |
Maximum value read from stick for Configured range exceeded [4095] |
pdi_stickrawtrans2 |
531 |
Maximum value read from stick for Raw stick trim exceeded [4095] |
pdi_stickrawtrans3 |
532 |
Invalid transformation type for stick |
pdi_stickcfg3 |
536 |
Invalid destination of stick device data |
pdi_tllhcompressed |
537 |
Longitude/Latitude outside range [-pi,pi]/[-0.5pi,0.5pi] |
pdi_tunpatchset0 |
538 |
Patch selected as first has not been enabled |
pdi_tunpatchset1 |
539 |
Patch selected as next has not been enabled |
pdi_tunpatchset2 |
540 |
Patchtype point has not been enabled |
pdi_tunpatchset3 |
541 |
Patchtype line has not been enabled |
pdi_tunpatchset4 |
542 |
Patchtype orthodrome has not been enabled |
pdi_tunpatchset5 |
543 |
Patchtype arc has not been enabled |
pdi_tunpatchset6 |
544 |
Patchtype ellipse has not been enabled |
pdi_tunpatchset8 |
546 |
No patchtype has been enabled |
pdi_Ubxcfgnav5 |
547 |
Dynmodel out of range or incorrect UTC time |
pdi_Ubxcfgnavx5 |
548 |
Maximum acceptable AssistNow Autonomous orbit error outside range [5, 1000] |
pdi_Ubxcfgport |
549 |
Port (for Ubx?) is neither SPI nor SCI |
pdi_Ubxcfgrate |
550 |
Invalid Ublox configuration rate |
pdi_Ubxcfgsbas |
551 |
Maximum number of SBAS prioritized tracking channels exceeded [3] |
pdi_atunarray0 |
552 |
Invalid Tunarray index |
pdi_atunarray1 |
553 |
Invalid Tunarray size |
pdi_Ubxcfgtmode3 |
554 |
Error in receiver mode, neither enabled nor disabled |
pdi_Uclk |
555 |
Invalid chrono event |
pdi_Uvarsensor |
556 |
Id for Uvar out of range for Uvarsensor, or desired frequency too low (<1Hz) |
pdi_Uclkmgr |
557 |
Maximum number of event user chronos exceeded |
pdi_varinit0 |
558 |
Maximum array size exceeded on initial values for user variables |
pdi_varinit1 |
559 |
Initialized variable is unwritable |
pdi_vref0 |
560 |
Maximum ID of Rvar variable exceeded in Vref |
pdi_vref1 |
561 |
Maximum ID of Uvar variable exceeded in Vref |
pdi_vref2 |
562 |
Maximum ID of Bvar variable exceeded in Vref |
pdi_vref3 |
563 |
Invalid type of variable in Vref |
pdi_xclkcfg0 |
564 |
Period time non positive in event |
pdi_xclkcfg1 |
565 |
Invalid period mode |
pdi_xclkcfg2 |
566 |
Chrono position direction not correctly normalized |
pdi_xclkcfg3 |
567 |
Invalid type of chrono |
pdi_blk_batch |
570 |
Maximum allowed block nesting depth exceeded [6] or incorrect number of inputs/outputs for block Patch |
pdi_blk_ifelse |
571 |
Error in the connections for block if/else |
pdi_blk_switch |
572 |
Error in the connections for block switch |
pdi_blk_switch0 |
573 |
Invalid switch/ifelse/phase block configuration |
pdi_blkmgr |
574 |
Invalid block manager configuration |
pdi_pinmux |
576 |
Invalid switch/ifelse/phase block output configuration |
pdi_blk_switchmap |
577 |
Invalid mapping to cases in switch/phase block |
pdi_accellimit |
579 |
Envelope’s falling or rising edge is out of accepted limits |
pdi_circle |
583 |
Circle radius is less than or equal to 0 |
pdi_height |
584 |
Height type is neither relative nor absolute |
pdi_heightabs |
585 |
Invalid absolute height type |
pdi_rwy |
586 |
Invalid runway preferred type |
pdi_driver |
588 |
Problem in Driver block configuration |
pdi_mwk |
592 |
Gyroscope measurement error |
pdi_opinctrl |
593 |
Invalid PID controller input type |
pdi_pid |
594 |
Invalid PID integral configuration (tau must be \(\geq\) 0) |
pdi_prediction |
595 |
Error in the Model Prediction Control algorithm. Prediction Horizon out of range or zero diagonal matrix R |
pdi_sysid |
596 |
Error ID for given pdi check |
pdi_tsched |
597 |
Error ID for given pdi check |
pdi_dwma |
598 |
Error ID for given pdi check |
pdi_iir |
599 |
Error ID for given pdi check |
pdi_butterworth |
600 |
Error ID for given pdi check |
pdi_usre2 |
601 |
Error incorrect user sensor variance |
pdi_ubxcfgtp5 |
603 |
Ublox time pulse configuration |
pdi_cfgmgr_load_secure |
604 |
Error loading secure mode |
pdi_cfgmgr_finit |
605 |
Error PDI files |
pdi_cfgmgr_timeout |
606 |
Error, timeout while loading PDIs |
pdi_invalidrotmat |
607 |
Invalid rotation matrix (cannot be inverted) |
pdi_apsel |
608 |
Number of autopilots for redundancy less than 3 |
pdi_vblk_apsel |
609 |
Invalid block AP selection configuration|channel exceeds maximum number |
pdi_vblk_arcade_bounce |
610 |
Error in the connections for block Arcade Bounce |
pdi_vblk_arcade_extend |
611 |
Error in the connections for block Arcade Extend |
pdi_vblk_btor |
612 |
Error in the connections for bool to real block |
pdi_vblk_bound |
613 |
Error in the connections for block Bound |
pdi_rldcfg0 |
614 |
Invalid dynamic pressure EKF entrance configuration |
pdi_smoothvar |
615 |
Smoother error |
pdi_ubx_tout0 |
616 |
Could not receive ACKs from UBlox |
pdi_ubx_tout1 |
617 |
Could not receive polling from Ublox |
pdi_ubx_nack |
618 |
A Ublox configuration message was rejected by a Ublox device (GNSS) |
pdi_guid_pid |
619 |
Invalid type of guidance controller |
pdi_cmd_leg |
620 |
Guidance uses an invalid runway or site |
pdi_mixarray |
622 |
Error in mixarray construction (possibly there is not enough RAM memory to store all the blocks) |
pdi_xrtable |
623 |
Invalid number of entries for XrTable |
pdi_blk_varset |
624 |
Block trying to write in an invalid variable, possibly the selected variable is not user writable |
pdi_tuntrait |
625 |
Error trying to resize an array out of its maximum size |
pdi_asuite |
626 |
Selected dynamic pressure sensor is not valid in this hardware version |
pdi_xpcmap |
627 |
Invalid producer/consumer in I/O connections |
pdi_blk_arraysplit |
628 |
Invalid block: array of less than 2 elements cannot be split |
pdi_blk_array |
629 |
Bundle block error, it must have more than one input and the input sizes must be one |
pdi_vblk_varget |
630 |
Invalid ID for block Read Real |
pdi_vblk_vec_ops |
631 |
Error in either; Vector: Add, Subtract, Cross product, Matrix rotation or Matrix product |
pdi_autotune |
633 |
Invalid maximum duration of autotuning process or invalid number of stages for FFT |
pdi_vblk_azeld1 |
634 |
Error in the connections for block azeld -> xyz |
pdi_vblk_azeld |
635 |
Error in the connections for block xyz -> azeld |
pdi_vblk_dot |
636 |
Error in the connections for block Dot Product |
pdi_vblk_enctrl |
637 |
Error in the connections for block Energy Control or invalid conversion factor from speed difference to desired acceleration |
pdi_vblk_bnxb1 |
638 |
Error in the connections for block(s) AND/OR |
pdi_vblk_r1xr1 |
639 |
Error in the connections for block x or invalid subfunction for the block |
pdi_vblk_r2xr1 |
640 |
Error in the connections for block x+y or invalid subfunction for the block |
pdi_vblk_rnxr1 |
641 |
Error in the connections for block(s) Multiply/Add Elements/Norm or invalid subfunction for the block(s) |
pdi_vblk_iir |
642 |
Error in the connections for block IIR Filter or invalid parameters for the transfer function |
pdi_vblk_kmultvec |
643 |
Error in the connections for block Scale |
pdi_vblk_manual |
644 |
Error in the connections for block Manual or invalid stick control channel |
pdi_vblk_minmax |
645 |
Error in the connections for block(s) Min/Max |
pdi_vblk_mix |
646 |
Error in the connections for block MIX or invalid mix control channel |
pdi_vblk_movern |
647 |
Error in the connections for block MIX Move |
pdi_vblk_not |
648 |
Error in the connections for block NOT |
pdi_vblk_phase |
649 |
Default case does not exist for block Phase Switch |
pdi_vblk_tsched |
651 |
Error in the connections for block T-Sched PID |
pdi_vblk_pid |
652 |
Invalid configuration or connection of a PID block |
pdi_vblk_poly |
653 |
Error in the connections for block Polynomial |
pdi_vblk_posset |
654 |
Error in the connections for block Write Feature or Fid is not user writable |
pdi_vblk_predictive |
655 |
Error in the connections for block Predictive Control or number of elements for numerator/denominator unmatched to the expected input size |
pdi_vblk_ramp |
656 |
Error in the connections for block Ramp or rise time/settling time less than (or equal to) 0 |
pdi_vblk_matvec |
657 |
Error in the connections for block Linear Transformation or matrix size unmatched to the expected input size |
pdi_vblk_rtable3d |
658 |
Error in the connections for block 3D Table Interpolation |
pdi_vblk_rtob |
659 |
Error in the connections for block Real to Bool |
pdi_vblk_rtou |
660 |
Error in the connections for block Real to Integer |
pdi_vblk_runwrap |
661 |
Error in the connections for block [-pi,pi] Unwrap |
pdi_vblk_utor |
662 |
Error in the connections for block Integer to Real |
pdi_vblk_relthis |
663 |
Error in the connections for block Relative Vector |
pdi_cancfg1 |
664 |
Number of mailboxes dedicated to rx exceeds maximum [32] or the filter applied to mailbox subset exceeds maximum filter id |
pdi_stickvar_cfg |
665 |
Decimate time is higher than the minimum period or number of stick virtual inputs exceeds maximum configured for block Virtual stick |
pdi_vblk_gimbal |
666 |
Error in the connections for block Gimbal |
pdi_vblk_hysteresis |
667 |
Error in the connections for block Hysteresis |
pdi_vblk_arctrim |
668 |
Error in the connections for block Arc Trim or control vector unmatched to expected size |
pdi_blockprog |
669 |
Incomplete set of LSB bits or with bit holes for execution mask or slot is not within the mask |
pdi_vblk_n2b |
670 |
Error in the connections for block NED to Body/Body to NED |
pdi_vblk_pwm |
671 |
Error in the connections for block PWM or PWM id exceeds maximum |
pdi_vblk_stick |
672 |
Error in stick block, connections, dimensions of matrices or stick sources could be wrong |
pdi_vblk_u2s |
673 |
Error in actuator block, connections or dimensions of matrices could be wrong |
pdi_vblk_interp |
674 |
Error in vector interpolation block, connections or sizes could be wrong, also the points in the table must be sorted in increasing order of x |
pdi_vblk_ratelim |
678 |
Error in the connections for block Rate limiter |
pdi_vblk_clock |
679 |
Unable to reset the clock timer in block Clock |
pdi_vblk_mult_varget |
680 |
Unable to initialize output vector or invalid variable id in block Read Multiple Reals |
pdi_vblk_mult_varset |
681 |
Error in the connections for block Write Multiple Bits/Write Multiple Reals or input vector different from input variables or variable not user writable |
pdi_vblk_pid_static |
682 |
Unable to subscribe autotune in block PID |
pdi_vblk_quatctrl |
683 |
Set of configurable variables cannot be 0 or outside their range in block Quaternion Control |
pdi_vblk_senstp |
685 |
Error in pressure sensor block, could be that the selected pressure sensor in invalid in the current hardware or that the configured variance is negative or zero |
pdi_vblk_sengnss |
686 |
Error for block GNSS sensor |
pdi_vblk_ekfpos |
687 |
Error for block EKF position |
pdi_vblk_ekfvel |
688 |
Error for block EKF Velocity |
pdi_vblk_ekfmis |
689 |
Error for block EKF Misalignment |
pdi_vblk_drnmis |
690 |
Error for block EKF GNSS compass |
pdi_vblk_senrel |
691 |
Error for block Relative position (Sensors) |
pdi_vblk_ekfdem |
692 |
Error for block EKF Terrain Height. |
pdi_vblk_senmag |
693 |
Error in magnetometer sensor block, the selected might be invalid in your current hardware or the configured variance is negative or zero |
pdi_mdg_gain |
694 |
Error for block Madgwick Gain Computer |
pdi_vblk_senalt |
696 |
Error for block Altimeter |
pdi_vblk_ekfalt |
697 |
Error for block EKF Altitude |
pdi_vblk_ekfvdn |
698 |
Error for block EKF Velocity Down |
pdi_vblk_nav |
699 |
Error for block Navigation |
pdi_e2acc |
700 |
Error for variance increment due to high acceleration |
pdi_vblk_ekfsplit |
701 |
Error for block EKF Split |
pdi_vblk_fft |
703 |
Error ID for block FFT |
pdi_vblk_ecu |
705 |
Error ID for block ECU control |
pdi_vblk_fuzzy |
706 |
Error ID for block Fuzzy Logic Controller |
pdi_vblk_guidance |
707 |
Input of guidance block could not be connected |
pdi_vblk_sysid |
709 |
Error ID for block System Identification |
pdi_cex_pwm |
710 |
Error ID for CEX pwm arbitration, src ID greater than pulses array |
pdi_cex_esc_tm |
711 |
Error ID for CEX ESC period |
pdi_cex_mcu_tm |
712 |
Error ID for CEX MCU period |
pdi_vblk_climb |
713 |
Incorrect climb block operation |
pdi_vblk_leg |
714 |
Incorrect leg block operation |
pdi_flyto |
715 |
Incorrect fly to command (non-existing patch) |
pdi_vblk_approach |
716 |
Incorrect approach block operation |
pdi_vblk_yawing |
717 |
Incorrect yawing block configuration |
pdi_vblk_siggen |
718 |
Incorrect signal generation configuration |
pdi_vblk_pnav |
719 |
Incorrect PNAV guidance configuration |
pdi_vblk_genex |
720 |
Incorrect GENEX guidance configuration |
pdi_vblk_modpnav |
721 |
Incorrect ModPNAV guidance configuration |
pdi_blk_lib |
722 |
Incorrect library |
pdi_vblk_ewma |
723 |
Incorrect EWMA block configuration |
pdi_uarray_resize |
724 |
Incorrect uarray resize |
pdi_oprvar |
725 |
Incorrect operation/setup rvar configuration |
pdi_block_const |
726 |
Error in block const |
pdi_block_posget |
727 |
Error in block posguet |
pdi_block_pnavbase |
728 |
Error in block pnav base |
pdi_block_arcade0 |
729 |
Error in block arcade |
pdi_unescape |
730 |
Error in escape itport |
pdi_initial_alignment |
731 |
The internal AHRS or EKF navigation estimation algorithm could not compute an initial orientation. Try commanding an initial yaw or adding an automation to do so |
pdi_fft_block_disable |
732 |
The FFT block is temporarily disabled in this version |
pdi_vblk_acclim |
733 |
Error in block acceleration limiter |
pdi_ewma_avgvar |
734 |
Error in EWMA average/variance time constants |
pdi_sensor_fusion |
735 |
Time constants for sensor fusion algorithm are incorrect |
pdi_oprng |
736 |
Error in operation range configuration |
pdi_oprng_check |
737 |
Error in operation range check |
pdi_vgeoref |
738 |
Error in vgeoref configuration |
pdi_notch_filter |
739 |
Incorrect notch filter parameters |
pdi_notch_frequency |
740 |
Incorrect notch filter frequency |
pdi_geoid_version |
741 |
Incorrect geoid version in SD |
pdi_vblk_integrator |
742 |
Error in the connections for block Integrator |
pdi_vblk_derivative |
743 |
Error in the connections for block Derivative |
pdi_wrapper_ref |
744 |
Incorrect envelope range (minimum must be less or equal than maximum) |
pdi_sensor_fusion_sel |
745 |
Selected gyroscopes or accelerometers are invalid in this hardware or the default sensor is not active |
pdi_volume_id |
746 |
Incorrect volume identifier |
pdi_fload_missing |
747 |
Missing file from file system |
pdi_event_log |
770 |
Maximum number of fields reached |
pdi_onboard_log |
771 |
Maximum number of fields reached |
pdi_fast_log |
772 |
Maximum number of fields reached |
pdi_arbitration |
10000 |
Error ID for Arbitration cfg |
pdi_arbitration_can |
10001 |
Error ID for Arbitration_can cfg |
pdi_arbitration_can1 |
10002 |
Error ID for Arbitration_can cfg |
pdi_arb_cfg0 |
10003 |
Error ID for Arb cfg preferred ap oor |
pdi_arb_cfg1 |
10004 |
Error ID for Arb cfg method oor(out of range) |
pdi_arb_cfg2 |
10005 |
Error ID for Arb cfg tmin oor |
pdi_arb_cfg3 |
10006 |
Error ID for Arb cfg hysteresis oor |
pdi_ap_nvars |
10007 |
Error ID for Autopilot nvars oor |
pdi_apcfg_nvars |
10008 |
Error ID for Autopilot cfg nvars oor |
pdi_jetibox |
10009 |
Error ID for sci identifier of Jetibox cfg oor |
pdi_jetibox_fmsgcmd |
10010 |
Error ID for jetibox fmsg cmd oor |
pdi_arb_init_time |
10011 |
Error ID for Arbiter Power Init Time less than 0 |
pdi_arb_varcfg |
10013 |
Incorrect arbiter variable configuration |
pdi_hs_base_can_id |
15000 |
High speed telemetry invalid Base CAN Id |
pdi_hs_tm_nvars |
15001 |
High speed telemetry number of variables too big |
pdi_vmc_motor |
20000 |
Motor cfg is not valid |
pdi_vmc_control_mode |
20001 |
Control mode is invalid |
pdi_vmc_encoder_nbits |
20002 |
Number of bits for encoder is invalid |
pdi_mc_vmotor |
20003 |
Virtual motor cfg invalid |
pdi_mc_smo |
20004 |
Slide Mode Observer cfg invalid |
pdi_mc_control |
20005 |
Control cfg invalid |
pdi_mc_fault_detection |
20006 |
Fault detection cfg invalid |
pdi_mangle_rate |
20007 |
Invalid filter time constant |
pdi_low_pll |
20008 |
Invalid cut-off frequency |
pdi_ex_ussa76_cmd |
20009 |
Invalid period to send external USSA76 calibration command |
pdi_cfgmr_length |
31999 |
Unexpected size of PDI or command |
pdi_cfg_file |
32000 |
Error on PDI or command (subtract 32000 to know the Id) |
pdi_check_test |
0xFFFF |
Error ID for given pdi check. |
List of File System Errors¶
Integer variable File system status (UVar 96) represents several DFS2 FS-related error states, as each of its 16 bits indicates a specific error condition.
File system status¶
Below is a list of potential error conditions associated with each bit:
ID |
Error description |
0 |
Index sector is not correct (1 if not correct - 0 if correct) |
1 |
Error initializing SD (1 if not correct - 0 if correct) |
2 |
Nun& partition bigger than allowed (1 if bigger - 0 if not) |
3 |
No more descriptor available (1 if not available - 0 if available) |
4 |
The descriptor of a file was not correct (CRC failed) (1 if fail - 0 if not) |
5 |
The new descriptor couldn’t be created (1 if not created - 0 if created) |
6 |
Error updating the file size (1 if error updating - 0 if no error) |
7 |
Error formatting because of system description size (1 if error formatting - 0 if not) |
8 |
Error formatting driver not initialized (1 if error formatting - 0 if not) |
9 |
Error formatting maximum partition number overpassed (1 if error formatting - 0 if not) |
10 |
Error formatting not able to write index sector (1 if error formatting - 0 if not) |
11 |
Error formatting partition not enabled (1 if error formatting - 0 if not) |
12 |
Error writing the index for the log controller (1 if error formatting - 0 if not) |
13 |
File was destroyed but was not closed or had pending requests (1 if not closed or pending requests - 0 if closed or had no pending requests) |
14 |
Unable to read a sector (1 if unable - 0 if able) |