Magnetometer Honeywell HMR2300-232

We will configure this device in Pipe direcly. If we click in:

Examples - Step 1

Step 1

Pipe will display you the Setup Toolbar (for more information see Setup Toolbar):

Examples - Step 2

Step 2

Following the steps you will arrive to the configuration panel and you have to choose 5 - External HMR2300.

Furthermore, you can configure your own Rotation Matrix clicking in:

Examples - Step 3

Step 3

To finish the configuration of our magnetometer, you have to go to the Connections section in the Setup Toolbar.

Examples - Step 4

Step 4

If you follow the indications and introuce the values shown in the Figure: Step 4 your magnetometer will be configured.

To get more information of the Magnetometer Honeywell HMR2300-232 datasheet you can go to: Smart Digital Magnetometer HMR2300