In this tab we can configure each PWM:

IO Manager

Note that the PWMs in CEX works in normalized mode, so when the input value is 0 the output value will be the minimum configured, and when the input value is 4095 (12 bits all with ones), the output will be the maximum configured. This approach allows usage of the maximum resolution for the commanded value.

The configuration items are:

  • Enable: Define if the PWM is enabled or not.

  • Sub id: Define from which CAN PWM message element reads its value [0, 19].

  • Frequency: PWM output frequency.

  • Timeout: If a PWM message is not received in less than this time, the PWM will output the start value.

  • Start value: Value used before any PWM message arrives and on timeout.

  • Pulse source ID: PWM input ID [0,3], defined in Digital Input Manager tab.

  • PWM specifics

    • Active High: Polarity high or low.

    • Mode: Time os Duty cicle

    • Min: Minimum value. That will output when the PWM message specifies 0

    • Max: Minimum value. That will output when the PWM message specifies 4095