

This section presents the changes between the previous firmware version of Veronte Autopilot 1x, v.6.12.68, and this firmware version, v.6.12.92. For further details, please consult the Service Bulletin nº 0003.


  • Veronte SIL for Linux

  • New PDI Error: pdi_wrapper, ID 86. It is triggered by the “wrapper class” (bounds a real number to the given limits) when the configured minimum limit is greater than the configured maximum limit


  • The first order filter of the external commanded pressure USSA has been removed. The commanded pressure is now already filtered when the desired pressure is injected to the 1x air unit

  • External command for atmospheric USSA calibration (from ground to air unit):

    • Now, it is calculated with the mean value of all active static pressure sensors for 5 seconds

    • In order to send the calculated command from the 1x ground unit, it is required to have position fixed and geoid data valid

  • To decrease numerical errors in intertial navigation, velocity state in navigation is now double precision

  • To avoid instabilities in the Extended Kalman Filter, the minimum variance of the relative position input block has been changed to 10e-4

  • DEM calibration now computes an offset for the SRTM data so the estimated AGL equals the desired one for the current point of the UAV

  • 8 bits checksum field on Custom Message feature is now applying a mask from the configured number of bits

  • Order of application of acceleration and velocity limits in the envelope. Now the acceleration limits have more priority

  • Optimisation in the readings of the Geoid, SRTM and magnetic field maps from the Internal Memory so that the number of readings from the Internal Memory is reduced

  • Dynamic pressure measurement bounded to be equal or higher than 0 to prevent problems when computing its square root in the IAS computation

  • Events are now only checked after the initialization of the sensors is finished. Also, the reading of the GPIO ports have been moved to be done before the execution of the blocks.

    Both changes prevent the execution of events using uninitialized states from the blocks computation or from the GPIOs

  • In the transition from external navigation to internal, the position and velocity states are always kept in the transition. The EKF covariance matrix is initialized in the transition to its configured initial values

  • Old static pressure user calibration set to zero, as it cannot be modified by an external tool

  • CAN Custom Messages Producer initialization behavior

  • GNSS compass: now GNSS position block considers as a rover any Ublox receiver that does not have enabled the RTCM messages 1005 or 4072

  • GPIOs initialization in maintenance mode to avoid undesired behavior