

In this panel, users must configure the parameters of the different serial ports, Veronte LOS, RS485 and RS232, in their corresponding tab.

However, as the parameters to be configured are shared across all serial ports, they are explained here:


Serial menu - Veronte LOS panel

  • Baudrate: This specifies how fast data is sent over a serial line.

  • Length: This defines the number of data bits in each character: 4 to 8 bits.

  • Stop: Number of stop bits sent at the end of every character: 1, 1.5, 2.

  • Parity: Is a method of detecting errors in transmission. When parity is used with a serial port, an extra data bit is sent with each data character, arranged so that the number of 1 bits in each character, including the parity bit. Disabled, odd or even.


All these settings are already specified for a given device, therefore, Autopilot 1x should match with them in order to be able to communicate.

Veronte LOS

In this panel, the serial port that communicates from the microcontroller to the internal radio is configured.


If the user changes the baudrate on the internal radio, it is also required to change it here and vice versa.


Two serial interfaces are available with Autopilot 1x, 1 port RS-232 and 1 port RS-485, however more can be added by using a CEX or MEX. Each one of the serial interfaces is associated with a set of pins.

Compatibility table:

Port name





Transfer type

Full duplex

Full duplex

Half Full duplex

Maximum distance

15 meters at 9600 bps

1200 meters at 9600 bps


Point to point

Point to point

Multi point

Max number of devices


1-10 in receive mode