Monitoring Telemetry¶
In the S-function there are three inputs specially dedicated to select custom temeletry (pin 22 for Bit variables, pin 23 for integers and pin 24 for reals). Each of this variables have an ID. The input structure of those is fixed and must be of size 50. User have to enter the corresponding Ids of the variables he is aiming to monitor. In the following example some BIT variables are requested:

Telemetry ID Mux
The ID of each variable in Veronte can be easily found in Veronte Pipe by adding a new workspace widget or in the Program window by adding a specific block (Read Bit, Read Integer or Read Real). The ID is labelled right before variable name.

ID Indicator
Finally, to monitor or see their values, you can add a scope connected to the matching output (pin 32, 33 or 34), or use a demux block to separate the array in single values and connect them with a Display block.

Display variables