List of Variables

This section shows the variables employed exclusively by Veronte MC110. The rest of variables can be read in the Lists of Variables - Lists of interest section of 1x Software Manual.

BIT Variables

ID Name Description
400 C1 Low Frequency Low priority task frequency - Dependent on CIO Running Frequency (RVar 2057)

  • 0 for error → CIO Running Frequency < 10 Hz

  • 1 for OK → CIO Running Frequency > 10 Hz
402 Acquisition Step Missed
  • 0 for Acquisition step missed → High priority task frequency fluctuation is higher than permitted (1%).

  • 1 for Acquisition Task OK → High priority task frequency fluctuation is under set limits (1%).
482 MC Hall Sensor error 0 for error, 1 for OK
483 MC Sin/Cos Sensor error 0 for error, 1 for OK
484 MC General health error 0 for health error, 1 for status OK
485 MC Current sensing error 0 for error, 1 for OK
486 MC Phase U Current Calibration Error ADC phase U not calibrated - 0 for not calibrated, 1 for calibration OK
487 MC Phase V Current Calibration Error ADC phase V not calibrated - 0 for not calibrated, 1 for calibration OK
488 MC Phase W Current Calibration Error ADC phase W not calibrated - 0 for not calibrated, 1 for calibration OK
489 MC Maximum Temperature Error Maximum power module temperature exceeded - 0 for error (exceeded), 1 for OK
490 MC Phase Error Power module driver phase error reported - 0 for error, 1 for OK
491 MC General Driver Error Power module driver error reported - 0 for error, 1 for OK
492 MC Over-current AC Current AC side limit exceeded - 0 for error (exceeded), 1 for OK
493 MC Over-voltage advertisement Over-voltage DC side limit advertisement exceeded - 0 for error (exceeded), 1 for OK
494 MC Over-voltage caution Over-voltage DC side limit caution exceeded - 0 for error (exceeded), 1 for OK
495 MC Under-votage latching Critical under-voltage DC side limit violation - 0 for error, 1 for OK
496 MC Under-votage non latching Non critical under-voltage DC side limit violation - 0 for error, 1 for OK
497 MC RMS imbalance Current AC side imbalance - 0 for error, 1 for OK
498 MC Open DC fault Open-circuite DC side fault - 0 for error, 1 for OK
499 MC Over-current DC Current DC side limit exceeded - 0 for error (exceeded), 1 for OK

Real Variables (RVar) - 32 bits

ID Name Units/Values Description
2057 CIO Running Frequency Hz Low priority task running frequency
2058 CIO Min Running Frequency Hz Minimum assured frequency of low priority task
2330 Control Loop Period s MC control loop period
2331 Control Loop Maximum Period s MC maximum control loop period
2332 Control Loop Duration s MC control loop average execution time
2333 MC Control Loop Maximum Duration s MC control loop maximum execution time
2335 MC Control Loop Maximum CPU Usage Ratio % MC maximum CPU usage ratio
2336-2338 MC U-V-W Phase Current A MC U-V-W phase current
2339 MC Electrical Angle rad MC electrical angle
2340 MC Mechanical Angle rad MC mechanical angle
2341 MC Mechanical Angular Speed rad/s MC mechanical angular speed
2342 MC Desired Mechanical Angle rad MC desired mechanical angle
2343 MC Position Controller Output rad/s MC position PDI output
2344 MC Desired Mechanical Angular Speed rad/s MC desired mechanical angular speed
2345 MC Desired Mechanical Angular Speed After Speed Limiter rad/s MC desired mechanical angular speed after speed limiter
2346 MC Speed Controller Output A MC speed PDI output
2347-2348 MC Clarke Alpha-Beta Current A MC alpha and beta current after Clarke transformation
2349-2350 MC Actual Direct-Quadrature Current A MC actual direct-quadrature currents
2351-2352 MC Desired Direct-Quadrature Current A MC desired direct-quadrature currents
2353-2354 MC Direct-Quadrature Voltage From Controller Output V MC current PIDs outputs
2355-2356 MC Alpha-Beta Voltage From Current Controller Output V MC Clarke alpha-beta currents
2362-2364 MC U-V-W Phase PWM Duty Cycle % MC PWM outputs
2367 MC Mechanical Angle Error rad MC mechanical angle error
2368-2370 MC U-V-W Phase BEMF V MC U-V-W phase electromechanical force
2371 MC Input Current DC side A DC bus current
2372 MC Input Normalized Command Speed customType Speed input rate from source (CAN or PWM)
2373-2374 MC ADC in 0-1 V
System reserved variables
2375 MC Logic Board Temperature K Board temperature
2376 MC Power Module Temperature K IGBT filtered temperature
2377 MC Motor Temperature K Motor temperature
2378 MC Input Voltage DC side V DC bus voltage
2379-2380 MC U-V Phase Hall current senso customType
System reserved variables
2381 MC Virtual and estimator angle difference rad Angle offset value from estimated and commanded angle to close control loop
2382 MC Low speed estimator angle rad Low speed observer estimated angle
2383 MC High speed estimator angle rad High speed observer estimated angle
2384 MC Low speed estimator speed rad/s Low speed observer estimated mechanical speed
2385 MC High speed estimator speed rad/s High speed observer estimated mechanical speed

Integer Variables (UVar) - 16 bits

ID Name Description
801 Control Mode Index of the control input mode:

  • 1: PPM

  • 2: CAN

  • 3: Both modes active (CAN priority)
802 Actual State State of motor controller:

  • 1: Motor stop and driver disabled

  • 2: Calibration of ADC reading

  • 3: Initial alignment procedure

  • 4: Open loop procedure

  • 5: Speed mode

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