Quick start

Veronte Updater updates the software version of almost all Embention devices, being Veronte Autopilot 1x most of the time.

Once Veronte Autopilot 1x has been detected on Veronte Link, download and install Veronte Updater.

System requirements

Before running this software, users should be aware that it is only compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems.


Once a Veronte device has been purchased, a GitHub release should be created for the customer with the application.

To access to the release and download the software, read the Releases section of the Joint Collaboration Framework manual.


To install Veronte Updater on Windows, execute “VeronteUpdater.exe” and follow the indications of the setup wizard.


In case of any issue during installation, please disable Windows Defender and Firewall.

To disable Firewall, go to “Control Panel” and “Firewall of windows”, then click on “Turn off”.


Windows Firewall Menu


Turn Off Firewall