In order to establish a connection between a Veronte device and a PC with Veronte Link, follow the steps:
Connect the device to a PC via Serial (USB, RS232 or RS485) or UDP/TCP (Wifi or Ethernet).
PC-Veronte device connection¶
Connecting the device to the PC is not necessary when communicating via Veronte Cloud. Please, see Cloud connection for further information.
Open Veronte Link, then a similar image to the following should be displayed:
Veronte Link interface - Devices menu¶
Devices: This is the currently displayed menu. It shows the devices connected to the PC.
Veronte Link version: Informs the user about the version of the software being used.
Connection: This menu allows the user to configure the connection between the PC and a Veronte device. See Connection section for more information.
Sessions: In this menu users can play back recorded logs and flights. See Sessions section for more information.
Cloud connection: This menu allows the user to configure the internet connection between the PC and the available Veronte Autopilots 1x. See Cloud connection section for more information.
Only available if the user has logged in.
Host: Allows connecting to the local IP address or to another desired IP address.
Login: Enables cloud connection through user logging.
Find all: Runs a discovery to all devices.
Search from ID: Searches for a specific device by its ID. Entering the ID 999 will search for all devices.
Sort list: Click on it to sort the list of devices.
Remove device: Only works after disconnecting the device.
Only available if a device is connected or has been connected.
Refresh configurables: It is recommended to use in case of any connection error.
Only available if a device is connected or has been connected.
Open Veronte FDR: From here users can access Veronte FDR on the same version of the connected device.
Open Veronte Ops: From here users can access Veronte Ops on the same version of the connected device.
Dark/light mode: Switches to light/dark mode, changing the display mode of the interface.
Switch particles: Particles can be on or off, changing the application appearance.
Terms and Conditions: Users can consult the ‘End User License Agreement (EULA)’ by simply clicking on this button.
Configuration status: It can be:
PDIF: Waiting to read
PDIF: Reading
PDIF: Ready
PDIF: Failed load
PDIF: Not Downloaded (for products other than Veronte Autopilot 1x)
PDIF: Not compatible
Products are typically operational even if the configuration is not marked as “ready”.
Device status: Can be in Normal mode, Maintenance mode or Loaded with errors.
Connection status: It can be Connected or Disconnected.
Veronte device: Here it is displayed an image of the Veronte device that is connected.
Once Veronte Link is executed, an icon will appear in the taskbar and a browser window will open.

Veronte Link icon¶
To close the application, it is not enough to close the browser window, it is necessary to right-click on the icon and select Close.
If the browser window is closed, it can be accessed again by pressing the Open button.
In this menu users must configure the connection type of the Veronte device.

Connection menu¶
Clicking on the ‘+’ icon will display the configuration panel. The parameters to be configured depend on the type of connection selected:
Apart from Type and Port parameters, it is not recommended to modify the default configuration, as the default parameters should work correctly.
Serial: USB, RS232 or RS485 connections.
Serial connection configuration¶
Port: Select the port of the computer to which the device is connected. It does not have to be the same as the one in the example image (Veronte Link interface image).
More information about the port where the device is connected is explained in Serial connection - Integration examples section of the present manual.
Baudrate: This field specifies how fast data is sent over a serial line.
Parity: Is a method of detecting errors in transmission.
When parity is used with a serial port, an extra data bit is sent with each data character, arranged so that the number of 1 bits in each character, including the parity bit.
The available options are EVEN, MARK, ODD, SPACE and NONE.
Flow control: RTS/CTS and XON/XOFF control can be configured if needed.
Data bits: Defines the number of bits in the message. It can be configured from 5 to 8 bits.
Stop bits: Number of stop bits sent at the end of every character. Can be 1, 1.5 or 2.
Reconnect time: The time to consider a device reconnected. Default is set to 5 seconds.
Disconnect time: Time to consider a device disconnected is defined here. 1 second is configured by default.
In case of not getting the device connected, make sure that the PC acquires a communication port.
UDP: Ethernet or Wifi connections.
UDP connection configuration¶
Consider the maximum packet size supported by the Veronte Communication Protocol (VCP) when using serial data converters.
Address: IP address, normally set to (for broadcast) or (for local).
Port: IP Port must be set.
TTL: Time To Live, it is the maximum amount of time or ‘hops’ that a UDP packet can exist inside a network before being discarded by a router.
A default value should automatically be set.
Buffer size: Users would have to increase or decrease this value depending on the number of devices sending information through this channel.
By default this parameter has a value of 300, which is the maximum value of a VCP message.
For example, if a PCS is connected by radio to an Autopilot 1x, the buffer size should be increased because more consecutive messages arrive and can be mixed between them, generating invalid messages that cause messages to be discarded.
How to establish a connection via UDP is detailed in the UDP connection - Integration examples section of the present manual.
Planet: Satellital connections, it requires internet connection.
Planet connection configuration¶
Satcom ID must be set.
TCP-SERVER: Ethernet or Wifi connections.
TCP-SERVER connection configuration¶
Port: Set the TCP port from which the devices will get the information provided by Veronte Link.
Buffer size: Users would have to increase or decrease this value depending on the number of devices sending information through this channel.
By default this parameter has a value of 300, which is the maximum value of a VCP message.
For example, if a PCS is connected by radio to an Autopilot 1x, the buffer size should be increased because more consecutive messages arrive and can be mixed between them, generating invalid messages that cause messages to be discarded.
Otherwise, if a very high buffer size is set, and only one device sends messages, the buffer will take longer to fill up, thus generating a delay in the reception of messages.
How to establish a TCP-SERVER connection is detailed in the TCP-SERVER connection - Integration examples section of this manual.
TCP-CLIENT: Ethernet or Wifi connections.
TCP-SERVER connection configuration¶
Address: Enter the address of the device from which Veronte Link has to obtain the information.
Port: Enter the TCP port from which the information is obtained.
Buffer size: Users would have to increase or decrease this value depending on the number of devices sending information through this channel.
By default this parameter has a value of 300, which is the maximum value of a VCP message.
For example, if a PCS is connected by radio to an Autopilot 1x, the buffer size should be increased because more consecutive messages arrive and can be mixed between them, generating invalid messages that cause messages to be discarded.
How to establish a TCP-CLIENT connection is detailed in the TCP-CLIENT connection - Integration examples section of this manual.
Finally, click on Save.
Sessions tab displays all finished device sessions.
Sessions that are currently being recorded will not be displayed.
A session from the currently connected device cannot be replayed.
If users experience problems when attempting to replay a session, please check the Error when replaying a session - Troubleshooting section of this manual.
The following image and list describe each functionality.

Sessions menu¶
Session name: It is made with recording time (date and hour).
Delete session. If the user wishes to delete more than 1 session at a time, it is possible to delete them from the Veronte Link sessions folder located in the following path:
C:\Users\USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\VeronteLink\sessions
Files weight.
Play/Pause: Play button creates a virtual device in the “session port” similar to the following figure:
Virtual device¶
It starts a simulation replaying everything that happened during the session recording. It will recreate all the ocurred events with detail and Veronte Ops will display the corresponding data and trajectories; read the Veronte Ops user manual for more information.
In addition, when the virtual device is in a ready state, users can open the 1x PDI Builder software and download the configuration (PDI files).
Stop: It stops playing the session. It does not delete the session.
Speed: Playing speed can be selected as x0.5, x1, x2, x4 and x8.
Display bar: Click and drag to replay any moment.
Cloud connection¶
Cloud connection tab allows the user to connect to a Veronte Autopilot 1x through LTE network. This functionality is enabled thanks to the HSPA+ module (internal or external) embedded in Veronte autopilots.
To activate the internal card or Veronte Cloud data traffic through internet, please contact sales@embention.com. Remember that there is no internet connection when HSPA+ module is deactivated.
To configure this type of connection, these steps must be followed:
In order to set up and operate a Veronte Autopilot 1x via Cloud connection, users must first:
Log in Cloud.
Establish a connection to Autopilot 1x that is not through Cloud (Serial, UDP, TCP-Server or TCP-Client).
Upload PDIF (configuration) to 1x with the 1x PDI builder app or with the Upload PDIFs to cloud button
This button will work as long as the cloud device is connected and the PDIFs are in the Ready state otherwise it will show errors:
Now the users are ready to establish the connection via Cloud and work. If these steps are not followed, Autopilot 1x will be in PDIF: Failed load status.
This only needs to be done once per Veronte Autopilot 1x and per configuration.
Login: After clicking the Login button, users must introduce their associated username and password.
Cloud Connection: Login¶
Login credentials are automatically assigned. In case they have not been provided to you, please contact the support team by creating a ticket in the customer’s Joint Collaboration Framework; for more information, see Tickets section of the JCF manual or contact sales@embention.com.
Open Cloud connection tab. Veronte Autopilots 1x linked to user’s account should be displayed.
Cloud Connection: Available devices¶
The following information is displayed for each autopilot:
ID: Identification number of the autopilot (Serial Number).
Last connection: Indicates the date on which the last connection to that device was established.
Activate the connection with the desired Autopilot 1x by turning on the toggle button displayed next to it.
Cloud Connection: Connect to an Autopilot 1x¶
Since Cloud connections are based on LTE communication, this connection may not be immediate. The selected autopilot will only be displayed in the ‘Devices’ tab when it is succesfully connected.
At this point, Veronte Link must have established the connection with the selected Autopilot 1x. Consequently, the autopilot must be displayed in the Devices tab.
Since Cloud connections are based on LTE communication, connection may be lost even when the toggle button is on. In this case, the autopilot will disappear from the ‘Devices’ tab, appearing again when the connection is retrieved.
Log out: Click on the username to enable the log out button, and then press it.
Cloud Connection: Log out¶