Import Configurations

Import Configurations

In this section is explained the process to load configuration files into a Veronte Unit.

Veronte Configuration - Import Configuration

Import Configuration

First, power the autopilot and connect it to Veronte Pipe. In the side panel, click on Veronte Configuration - More options button icon```` and then select Import PDI. The Import Configuration option displays a window used to select the file to be uploaded.

Veronte Configuration - Import a Configuration File Menu

Import Configuration File Menu

There are three options within this window to select a configuration file:

  • Build from template: By selecting this option the user can import a configuration file from a set of default configurations that can be used as a starting point. There are templates for multicopters, fixed wings, Ground station among others.

  • PDI folder: By selecting PDI The user will be able to select the locations of each folder and load them.

Veronte Configuration - Import a Configuration File

Import a Configuration File

Veronte Configuration - Import a Configuration File

Import a Configuration File

  • Load PDI: Loads a configuration from the library.

In order to include a folder as a part of the library select Manage Libraries icon Veronte Configuration - Manage Libraries Icon. By including a folder to the library, any configuration files in that folder will be displayed.

Veronte Configuration - Library Management Menu

Library Management Menu


Each configuration in the library has a Version. It is only possible to load configuration files whose version is the same or lower than the one of the software embedded on the autopilot. As shown in the pictures above, colours are the way to show the compatibility: Green means fully compatible, Yellow means migration/PN adaptation and Red means not compatible.


Press the Save button in the right Side Panel, Veronte Configuration - Save button icon , to load the configuration on the autopilot. Otherwise, it will be only loaded to Pipe software.

Check PDI

After Importing PDI files or migrating a configuration to a newer version, Veronte might enter in “SD loaded with error” state, which is a similar state to Maintenance Mode. When clicking on the unit affected it can be seen the following window appearing.

Veronte Configuration - PDI Error Window

PDI Error Window

The options provided to the user are “Check PDI”, which generates an error display window, “Change Setup”, explained below, “Try load PDI” and “Retry”. When selecting “Check PDI”, the system will try to report the errors. It may or may not find them:

Veronte Configuration - PDI Error Display
Veronte Configuration - PDI Error Window

Check PDI windows

Now the user must find and correct the errors shown (or not) in the list displayed. In order to do that, click on “Try load PDI” in the PDI Error window.

Veronte Configuration - Check PDI setup

Check PDI setup

In this particular example, one of the errors reported was a Period in Events/Action (Automations tab) which has been disabled.

Veronte Configuration - Correction done in PDI Check

Correction done in PDI Check

Once all reported errors have been solved, press on the Red Save button on the Setup toolbar to finish the PDI Check.

Veronte Configuration - Save Setup after PDI Check

Save Setup after PDI Check