Log Report

Log Report

The Log feature in Pipe allows the user to create mission reports, that contain basic information (like mission duration, UAV ID, configuration name, date, etc.) and any relevant events, along with a timestamp.

If you are interested in logging of variables for post-flight analysis, please visit the Post Flight section.

The log menu can be accessed from the drop down list on the top left of the screen:

Log Menu

By default, Pipe starts logging when started, and will save the log when closed. It is also possible to stop/pause the log recording using the play/pause buttons.

Pipe Log

Pipe Log

By default, Pipe registers the following events:

  • Phase and Mode changes

  • Position Fix

  • File System OK

  • Out of georeferenced area

  • Power OK

  • Servo 1-8 Saturation

  • System Ready to start

  • GNC step lost

  • Acquisition step lost

  • Stick not detected

  • PPM not detected

  • Sensors error

  • Link Error

It is possible to add entries to the log manually. They will be registered with the appropriate timestamp.

User Entry

User Entry

Once the mission is complete, clicking on the pdf button will generate the document. Additional data can be included when generating the document, such as the pilot identifier, weather conditions, extra comments,…

Generate Log

Generate Log