Quick Start¶
SCI PDI Builder is used to set all the configurable parameters of SCI (Smart CAN Isolator).
SCI can be adjusted according to different inputs, outputs, CAN communications and telemetries.
To configure a SCI, first of all download and install SCI PDI Builder.
To install SCI PDI Builder on Windows just execute the exe file and follow the installer indications. Administrator rights are needed.
If users have any problems with the installation, please disable the antivirus and the Windows firewall. Disabling the antivirus depends on the antivirus software.
To disable the firewall, go to “Control Panel” \(\rightarrow\) “System and Security” \(\rightarrow\) “Windows Defender Firewall” and then, click on “Turn windows Defender Firewall on or off”.

Windows Defender Firewall¶