

MEX is able to simulate a Jetibox to read telemetry from Legacy Jeti devices, the following steps need to be taken:

  1. Go to Devices menu \(\rightarrow\) Jetibox panel.

    Enable it and select a SCI Port, in this example SCI A is selected:


    Jetibox - Devices configuration

  2. Go to Input/Output menu \(\rightarrow\) Serial panel.

    Configure the serial port (the one selected in step 1) as follows:

    • Baudrate: 9800

    • Length: 8

    • Stop: 2 stop bits

    • Parity: Odd

    • Use address mode: Enabled


    Jetibox - Serial configuration


    The serial port will be completely reserved for this, so it cannot be used for any other purpose and the I/O Setup configuration affecting it will be ignored.

  3. Go to Input/Output menu \(\rightarrow\) I/O Setup panel.

    Link the specific JETI box consumer to the serial port that has been configured in step 2:


    Jetibox - I/O Setup configuration

  4. Configure the Jetibox I/O consumer to retrieve the data. Click on the configuration button ( gears icon):


    Jetibox - JETI box Consumer configuration

Below is an example of the custom messages needed to read the Actual Voltage from a Jeti MasterSpin 220 (use Big endian in all messages):


JETI box custom message example

  1. Expected text: “CONTROLLER TYPE MasterSpin 220~”

    • Command: Jeti Box Down

      • Matcher(32) “CONT” 0x434F4E54 (1129270868)

      • Skip(24*8) 192

      • Matcher(32) “220~” 0x3232307E (842150014)


    JETI box first custom message example

  2. Expected text: “MeasureOrSetting MEASURE ~”

    • Command: Jeti Box Down

      • Matcher(32) “Meas” 0x4D656173 (1298489715)

  3. Expected text: “Max Temperature”…

    • Command: Jeti Box Down

      • Matcher(32) “Max ” 0x4D617820 (1298233376)

  4. Expected text: “Min Temperature”…

    • Command: Jeti Box Down

      • Matcher(32) “Min ” 0x4D696E20 (1298755104)

  5. Expected text: “Actual Temperature”…

    • Command: Jeti Box Down

      • Matcher(32) “Actu” 0x41637475 (1097036917)

  6. Expected text: “MaxCurrent”…

    • Command: Jeti Box Down

      • Matcher(32) “MaxC” 0x4D617843 (1298233411)

  7. Expected text: “MinCurrent”…

    • Command: Jeti Box Down

      • Matcher(32) “MinC” 0x4D696E43 (1298755139)

  8. Expected text: “Max Voltage”…

    • Command: Jeti Box Down

      • Matcher(32) “Max ” 0x4D617820 (1298233376)

  9. Expected text: “Min Voltage”…

    • Command: Jeti Box Down

      • Matcher(32) “Min ” 0x4D696E20 (1298755104)

  10. Expected text: “Actual Voltage 11,86 V “

    • Command: Jeti Box Nop

      • Matcher(32) “Actu” 0x41637475 (1097036917)

      • Skip(12*8) 96

      • Parse ascii: int(2), decimal(2), separartor(‘,’)


    JETI box last custom message example