Quick Start

Quick Start

To configure the MC01, users have to follow the steps:

  1. A Veronte Autopilot 1x must establish connection with a PC using Veronte Link. Read its user manual to use it.

  2. Configure the Autopilot 1x to operate as a CAN-USB (or CAN-RS) converter, with a Serial to CAN setup.

    To configure a Serial to CAN communication, read the Input/Output -> I/O Setup section of the 1x PDI Builder user manual.

  3. Configure the MC01 with the corresponding PDI Builder:

    • MC01S PDI Builder for stepper version. Click here to read the user manual.

    • MC01B PDI Builder for brushless version. Click here to read the user manual.

To configure a Veronte device (CEX, MEX, 1x or 4x) and control the MC01, use its respective PDI Builder. An example can be found in the Integration examples -> MC01 section of the 1x PDI Builder user manual.