Hardware Installation


The 68 pin main connector has the distribution of input/output channels as follows:

Connector HEW.LM.368.XLNP (mounted in CEX)


Check the pin number before connecting. The color code is repeated 3 times due to the amount of pins. First section corresponds to pins 1-30, the second section to pins 31-60 and the third one to pins 61-68. Pin number increases following the black line of the pictures above: counterclockwise for the connector and clockwise for the plug.

PIN Signal Color Code Description
1Power supply 1WhitePower supply for the main system, redundant with Power supply 2
2Power supply 2BrownPower supply for the main system, redundant with Power supply 1
3GNDGreenGround for supply
4GNDYellowGround for supply
5CAN (A) PGrayCAN bus interface. Supports data rates up to 1 Mbps, twisted pair with 120 Ω Zo recommended
6CAN (A) NPink
7CAN GNDBlueGround for CAN busses
8CAN (B) PRedCAN bus interface. Supports data rates up to 1 Mbps, twisted pair with 120 Ω Zo recommended
9CAN (B) NBlack
10OUT RS-485 (P)VioletNon-inverted output from RS-485 bus
11OUT RS-485 (N)Gray - PinkInverted output from RS-485 bus
12IN RS-485 (N)Red - BlueInverted input to RS-485 bus
13IN RS-485 (P)White - GreenNon-inverted input to RS-485 bus
14RS-485 GNDBrown - GreenGround for RS-485
15RS-232 (A) TXWhite - YellowRS-232 A Output
16RS-232 (A) RXYellow - BrownRS-232 A Input
17GNDWhite - GrayGround for digital busses
18RS-232 (B) TXGray - BrownRS-232 B Output
19RS-232 (B) RXWhite - PinkRS-232 B Input
20I2C SCLPink - BrownClock line for I2C bus
21I2C SDAWhite - BlueData line for I2C bus
223.3V OutputBrown - Blue3.3V-100 mA power supply
23GNDWhite - RedGround for power supply
245V OutputBrown - Red5V - 100 mA power supply
25GNDWhite - BlackGround for power supply
26ATX (0) NBrown - BlackARINC 429 inverted output Port 0
27ATX (0) PGray - GreenARINC 429 non-inverted output Port 0
28ARX (0) PYellow - GreenARINC 429 non-inverted input Port 0
29ARX (0) NPink - GreenARINC 429 inverted input Port 0
30ECAP 0Yellow - PinkEncoder quadrature input
31ECAP 1WhiteEncoder quadrature input
32ECAP 2BrownEncoder quadrature input
33ECAP 3GreenEncoder quadrature input
34PWM 0YellowPWM/DIGITAL output / DIGITAL input signal (0-5V)

Each pin withstands a maximum current of 8 mA
35PWM 1Gray
36PWM 2Pink
37PWM 3Blue
38PWM 4Red
39PWM 5Black
40PWM 6Violet
41PWM 7Gray - Pink
42GNDRed - BlueGround for digital/analog signals
43ANALOG (0) 3.3VWhite - GreenAnalog input 0-3.3 V
44ANALOG (1) 3.3VBrown - GreenAnalog input 0-3.3 V
45ANALOG (2) 5VWhite - YellowAnalog input 0-5 V
46ANALOG (3) 5VYellow - BrownAnalog input 0-5 V
47ANALOG (4) 12VWhite - GrayAnalog input 0-12 V
48ANALOG (5) 12VGray - BrownAnalog input 0-12 V
49ANALOG (6) 36VWhite - PinkAnalog input 0-36 V
50ANALOG (7) 36VPink - BrownAnalog input 0-36 V
51GNDWhite - BlueGround for digital/analog signals
52ARX (1) PBrown - BlueARINC 429 non-inverted input Port 1
53ARX (1) NWhite - RedARINC 429 inverted input Port 1
54ARX (2) PBrown - RedARINC 429 non-inverted input Port 2
55ARX (2) NWhite - BlackARINC 429 inverted input Port 2
56ARX (3) PBrown - BlackARINC 429 non-inverted input Port 3
57ARX (3) NGray - GreenARINC 429 inverted input Port 3
58ARX (4) PYellow - GreenARINC 429 non-inverted input Port 4
59ARX (4) NPink - GreenARINC 429 inverted input Port 4
60GPIO 8Yellow - PinkDIGITAL output / DIGITAL input signal (0-3.3V)

Each pin withstands a maximum current of 1.65 mA
61GPIO 9White
62GPIO 10Brown
63GPIO 11Green
64GPIO 12Yellow
65GPIO 13Gray
66GPIO 14Pink
67GPIO 15Blue
68GPIO 16Red


A wire harness is a structured assembly of cables and connectors used to organize and manage wiring in electrical and electronic systems. It is designed to ensure a tidy and secure installation of cables, preventing tangles, electromagnetic interference, and facilitating maintenance.

CEX 2.0 has two compatible harnesses:

Veronte Harness Green 68P Dev Harness CEX 2.0
Harness Green 68P
Harness CEX 2.0
Harness available on demand with the Embention reference P001623 Harness available on demand with the Embention reference P006140


  • Harness Green 68P wire gauge: 22 AWG

  • Cables length: 52 cm

  • Harness plug dimensions:

Connector FGW.LM.368.XLCT dimensions (cm)


Harness plug - FGH.LM.368.XLCT (frontal view)

Veronte Harness Green 68P

The pinout of this harness is the same as the Veronte CEX pinout above. The color code of the harness wires is given below.


Check the pin number before connecting. The color code is repeated 3 times due to the amount of pins. First section (yellow) corresponds to pins 1-30, the second section (blue) to pins 31-60 and the third one (red) to pins 61-68. Pin number increases following the black line of the pictures above: counterclockwise for the connector and clockwise for the plug.

PIN Color code PIN Color code
7Blue41Gray - Pink
8Red42Red - Blue
9Black43White - Green
10Violet44Brown - Green
11Gray - Pink45White - Yellow
12Red - Blue46Yellow - Brown
13White - Green47White - Gray
14Brown - Green48Gray - Brown
15White - Yellow49White - Pink
16Yellow - Brown50Pink - Brown
17White - Gray51White - Blue
18Gray - Brown52Brown - Blue

Dev Harness CEX 2.0

This harness has some connectors already implemented for easy operation. Below is detailed information on which pins these connectors are connected to:

Connector PIN Signal
Main VCC1Power supply 1
2Power supply 2
RS232 connector15RS-232 (A) TX
16RS-232 (A) RX
Maintenance button20I2C SCL

CAN Assembly

As described in Warnings section, CEX itself does not allow the connection of multiple CEX or other CAN Bus devices to the same line. It is therefore possible to use a Veronte Autopilot for this purpose. Considering Veronte Autopilot includes one entrance resistance of 120 , a second resistance needs to be placed at the end of the line (again 120 ). This resistance may be placed on the cable or on another PCB.

CAN assembly diagram example

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