Quick Start

Quick Start

CEX PDI Builder is the main configuration tool to adapt a CEX to be suitable for a specific system, being its main goal to expand the available communication protocols. CEX PDI Builder includes:

  • Communications: Through general purpose CAN bus, inputs and outputs and PWMs.

  • Stick control signal management: Compatible with Stick Expander, Futaba, Jeti, FrSky and TBS. It includes custom configuration for other sticks.

  • Arbitration: CEX is able to send PWM signals using arbitration in the same way Veronte Autopilot 4x does.

Once CEX has been detected on Veronte Link, install CEX PDI Builder.


Once the CEX has been purchased, a GitHub release should be created for the customer with the application.

To access to the release and download the software, read the Releases section of the Joint Collaboration Framework manual.


To install CEX PDI Builder on Windows just execute “CEXPDIBuilder.exe” and follow the Setup Wizard instructions.


If users have any problems with the installation, please disable the antivirus and the Windows firewall. Disabling the antivirus depends on the antivirus software. Administrator rights are needed.

To disable the firewall, go to “Control Panel” \(\rightarrow\) “System and Security” \(\rightarrow\) “Windows Defender Firewall” and then, click on “Turn windows Defender Firewall on or off”.


Windows Defender Firewall


Windows Defender Firewall