Data Transmission

Data Transmission

Veronte Autopilot 1x uses the Veronte Communicatin Protocol (VCP) for its communication with other Veronte devices or Veronte applications, such as Veronte Ops.

Communication originates from any COM Manager port and is sent/received through any interface connected to it (e.g. USB \(\leftrightarrow\) Commgr port 0).

Autopilot 1x will send:

  • 1 VCP packet per vector telemetry.

  • 1 VCP packet of complementary vector telemetry; only in case a widget whose variables have not been previoulsy added to the telemetry configuration is added in Veronte Ops.


    Complementary vector telemetry always runs at a frequency of 10 Hz (not configurable) and variables are sent uncompressed.

  • 1 VCP packet of health status.

  • 1 VCP packet to update the route traced in Veronte Ops.


A VCP message contains 11 bytes of addresses (source and destination), CRC, header, etc., and up to 255 bytes of data for telemetry vectors.

The maximum packet size supported by VCP is 266 bytes. For more information on the VCP packet, read the Message structure section of the VCP user manual.

Thus, it is up to the user to determine, based on its configuration, the amount of data in bytes to be sent from connected devices such as Radios, SatComs, etc., making sure that the bandwith of the device is enough.


Functional tests such as monitoring the value of the variables related to the interface used are recomended.

For example, if a radio connected to the RS232 is used for communication to the Ground Control Station (GCS), it is highly advised to monitor the variables: