This menu allows the user to recalibrate the IMU, as they are factory calibrated, to correct any bias in the IMU calibration, including mounting offsets.

IMU Calibration menu¶
Notice that the Autopilot 1x will need to enter Maintenance Mode and be restarted to modify its calibration values. After each calibration process, these confirmation panels will pop up:

Confirmation panels¶
There are 2 calibration options available:
2D Calibration: Only calibrates pitch and roll angles. The platform must be horizontal during the calibration process:
2D Calibration¶
The autopilot will restart when the calibration is done.
3D Calibration: Calibrates pitch, roll and yaw angles and it needs to take measurements in two orientations.
Rotation nomenclature is defined according to the Axes - Software applications section of the 1x Software Manual.
Before the calibration process starts, a panel pops up warning the user about the movement requirements of the procedure.
3D Calibration - Warning¶
During the first measurement the platform must be horizontal:
3D Calibration - First measurement¶
The second measurement requires to tilt the platform around the selected axis and keep it still.
The options are: Pitch positive, Pitch negative, Roll positive or Roll negative.
3D Calibration - Second measurement options¶
Once the rotation axis has been selected, click on ‘Continue’ to perfom this second measurement:
The autopilot will restart when the calibration is done.
3D Calibration - Second measurement¶
The platform must be turned more than 10 degrees in the selected axis. Otherwise, the calibration will not be performed and the following message will appear to reset the calibration:
3D Calibration error¶
Calibration time: Users can modify the time during which the software is requesting values from the Autopilot 1x for calibration.
Accelorometer Rotation Matrix: This rotation matrix is the result of the calibration performed. Cannot be modified by the user.
Reset Calibration: This button will delete the current calibration on the connected Autopilot 1x. The user must confirm this operation in the following panel:
Confirm Reset¶
The autopilot will restart when the reset is done.