GNSS Receivers¶
NexNav GNSS¶
Once the device hardware installation explained in the NexNav GNSS - Integration examples section of the 1x Hardware Manual has been completed, follow the steps below to perform the proper software installation.
The following steps explain how to configure Veronte Autopilot 1x to integrate NexNav as an external GNSS sensor via RS232:
Go to Input/Output menu \(\rightarrow\) Serial panel \(\rightarrow\) RS232 tab.
Configure the serial port parameters:
Baudrate: 19200
Length: 8
Stop: 1
Parity: Disabled
NexNav GNSS - RS232 configuration¶
Go to Input/Output menu \(\rightarrow\) I/O Setup panel \(\rightarrow\) Configuration tab.
Connect the RS232 producer to a RS custom message consumer, in this example RS custom message 1 is used:
NexNav GNSS - RS232 \(\rightarrow\) RS custom message 1¶
Click on
to configure the RS custom message 1 consumer to store the information received from the external GNSS. Users must setup it by defining the protocol specified by the manufacturer:
NexNav GNSS - RS custom message 1 configuration¶
For both messages:
Endianness: Big endian
Time out: 3 seconds
Time to Idle: 0.005 seconds
Bit ID:
For message 00 \(\Rightarrow\) “Custom msg 0 Rx Error” renamed to Navigation Data
For message 01 \(\Rightarrow\) “Custom msg 1 Rx Error” renamed to Auxiliar Navigation Data
Then, to configure each message, access its configuration
(00) - Navigation Data Message
Custom message type
Message configuration
Matcher x10
Value: 16
Bits: 8
Mask: 255
Matcher x51
Value: 81
Bits: 8
Mask: 255
Nav State
(Real Variable, 32 bits)
Compression: Compress - Bits Unsigned
Bits: 8
Encode - Min/Max: 0.0/1.0
Decode - Min/Max: 0/1
Data Validity Flags
(Real Variable, 32 bits)
Compression: Compress - Bits Unsigned
Bits: 16
Encode - Min/Max: 0.0/1.0
Decode - Min/Max: 0/1
Time of Fix
(Real Variable, 32 bits)
Compression: Uncompress
Encode/Decode: 1.0
External GNSS Position
(Feature Variable, 192 bits)
Units: Radians
Factor: 1.0
UTC Time
(Real Variable, 32 bits)
Compression: Uncompress
Encode/Decode: 1.0
Skip 16
Bits: 16
GPS North Velocity
(Real Variable, 32 bits)
Compression: Uncompress
Encode/Decode: 1.0
GPS East Velocity
(Real Variable, 32 bits)
Compression: Uncompress
Encode/Decode: 1.0
GPS Vertical Velocity
(Real Variable, 32 bits)
Compression: Uncompress
Encode/Decode: 1.0
Skip 96
Bits: 96
(Real Variable, 32 bits)
Compression: Uncompress
Encode/Decode: 1.0
Skip 96
Bits: 96
(Real Variable, 32 bits)
Compression: Uncompress
Encode/Decode: 1.0
Skip 48
Bits: 48
Matcher x10
Value: 16
Bits: 8
Mask: 255
Matcher x3
Value: 3
Bits: 8
Mask: 255
(01) - Auxiliary Navigation Data Message
Custom message type
Message configuration
Matcher x10
Value: 16
Bits: 8
Mask: 255
Matcher x80
Value: 128
Bits: 8
Mask: 255
Data Validity Flags Auxiliar
(Real Variable, 32 bits)
Compression: Compress - Bits Unsigned
Bits: 8
Encode - Min/Max: 0.0/1.0
Decode - Min/Max: 0/1
(Real Variable, 32 bits)
Compression: Uncompress
Encode/Decode: 1.0
(Real Variable, 32 bits)
Compression: Uncompress
Encode/Decode: 1.0
Skip 96
Bits: 96
(Real Variable, 32 bits)
Compression: Compress - Bits Unsigned
Bits: 16
Encode - Min/Max: 0.0/1.0
Decode - Min/Max: 0/100
(Real Variable, 32 bits)
Compression: Compress - Bits Unsigned
Bits: 16
Encode - Min/Max: 0.0/1.0
Decode - Min/Max: 0/100
(Real Variable, 32 bits)
Compression: Compress - Bits Unsigned
Bits: 16
Encode - Min/Max: 0.0/1.0
Decode - Min/Max: 0/100
Skip 24
Bits: 24
Matcher x10
Value: 16
Bits: 8
Mask: 255
Matcher x3
Value: 3
Bits: 8
Mask: 255
All user variables used in these messages have been previously renamed in the Variables panel of the UI menu.
Go to Block Programs menu and create a new program, in this example this program is renamed to NexNav.
The following program is defined to check that the information coming from the external GNSS is valid and can be used as an input of the Navigation block:
NexNav GNSS - NexNav block program¶
Navigation Data is the bit that has been previously assigned to the CAN custom message “Navigation Data Message” to check that it is received correctly.
Go to Block Programs menu \(\rightarrow\) Navigation program.
Usually the user has a Navigation program where the navigation blocks are implemented. However, the user can name the program as desired.
Add a GNSS sensor block, set it as a GPS External and configure it as follows:
GPS External block configuration - Configuration tab¶
Period: 0.2 s
Fix Bit: User BIT 05 Error, renamed to “Fix Bit GNSS”.
This bit is written on the NexNav program detailed above
Time of Week: UTC Time
(real user variable received from the sensor)
GPS Week: Value 0
(real user variable previously renamed and defined with an init value of 0)
GPS Position: External GNSS Position (feature user variable received from the sensor)
Horizontal Position Error: 2 m
Vertical Position Error: 5 m
Horizontal Velocity Error: 0.4 m/s
Vertical Velocity Error: 0.4 m/s
Velocity North: GPS North Velocity (real user variable received from the sensor)
Velocity East: GPS East Velocity (real user variable received from the sensor)
Velocity Down: GPS Vertical Velocity (real user variable received from the sensor)
GPS External block configuration - Sensor Variance tab¶
Horizontal Position
\(\Rightarrow\) Use receiver value if present: Enabled
Vertical Position
\(\Rightarrow\) Square error: 20.0 \(m^2\)
Horizontal Velocity
\(\Rightarrow\) Use receiver value if present: Enabled
Vertical Velocity
\(\Rightarrow\) Square error: 2.0 \((m/s)^2\)
Relative Position
\(\Rightarrow\) Square error: 5.0 \(m^2\)
For more information on this block, see GNSS sensor block - Block Programs section of this manual.
Add 2 EKF adapter blocks to be able to use the sensor information in the calculation of the navigation algorithm, Position EKF adapter block and Velocity EKF adapter block.
And, connect the outputs of the GNSS external block to the correspondings inputs of these blocks, as shown below:
NexNav GNSS - Position and Velocity EKF adapter blocks¶
Finally, the outputs of these 2 blocks must be inputs to the Navigation block.
The complete setup should look like this:
NexNav GNSS - Navigation program¶