Embention Manuals Site
On this site, the user can find all our user manuals organized by product category, separated by family and then by product. The hardware manual is the main document for each product that the user should read first.
In addition, the manuals for each product have been divided into hardware, software and application manuals. Below is a generic diagram that may be useful to understand this concept:
Users will find the following sections in hardware manuals:
- Scope of Changes: Changes in the current version of the manual compared to the previous version.
- Introduction: Brief description of the product.
- Quick Start: Description of the product's context of use, first steps, warnings and requirements.
- Technical: Features, variants, sensor, mechanical and electrical specifications and interfaces information.
- Hardware Installation: Mechanical assembly and electrical information.
- Software Installation: Connection required to use the software and a link to the product software manual.
- Operation: Use of the product during operation.
- Maintenance: Hardware and software maintenance of the product.
- Compatible Devices: List and brief description of the product's compatibility with other devices.
- Integration examples: Hardware integration of other products with this product.
- Troubleshooting: How to deal with common faults or problems with the product.
- Hardware Changelog: Changes in the current version of the product compared to the previous version.
- Acronyms and Definitions
- Contact Data
Users will find the following sections in software manuals:
- Scope of Changes: Changes in the current version of the manual compared to the previous version.
- Software applications: Brief description of all the applications this product can work with, along with a link to the corresponding user manual.
- Nomenclature: Explanation or list of the nomenclature and symbol conventions common to the applications listed in the previous section (if any).
- List of interest: Section that contains all the lists with useful information for the user, such as lists of variables, PDI errors, etc.
- Lists of Variables: List of all the variables of this product together with their corresponding descriptions.
- CAN Bus protocol: Structure of CAN messages together with examples specific to this product.
- Firmware Changelog: Changes between firmware versions of the product.
Users will find the following sections in apps manuals:
- Scope of Changes: Changes in the current version of the manual compared to the previous version.
- Quick Start: Description, requirements and procedure for downloading and installing this application.
- Configuration: Configuration options offered by the application.
- Operation: Use of the app during operation.
- Integration examples: Examples of how to configure the app to integrate this product for a specific use or with external devices.
- Troubleshooting: How to deal with common errors or problems of the app.
- FAQ: Users can consult the most frequently-asked questions about this application.
- Software Changelog: Changes in the current version of the app compared to the previous version.
1x Hardware Manual
1x Software Manual
4x Hardware Manual
4x Software Manual
SIL Simulator
HIL Simulator
CEX Hardware Manual
CEX Software manual
MEX Hardware Manual
MEX Software Manual
SDL User Manual
XDL24 Hardware Manual
Stick Hardware Manual
Joystick 16CH Hardware Manual
Joystick 16CH Software Manual
R12S Hardware Manual
R12F Hardware Manual
R24F Hardware Manual
Serial Hardware Manual
Shifter Hardware Manual
PCS Hardware Manual
LCS Hardware Manual
T28 Hardware Manual
T28 Software Manual
MC01 Hardware Manual
MC01 Software Manual
MC24 Hardware Manual
MC24 Software Manual
MC110 Hardware Manual
MC110 Software Manual
Pitot Hardware Manual
High Speed Pitot Sensor Hardware Manual
Joint Collaboration Framework
Veronte Link
MC01S PDI Builder
MC01B PDI Builder
Veronte Ops
1x PDI Builder
4x PDI Builder
1x PDI Tuning
1x PDI Calibration
Veronte FDR
Veronte Updater
MC24 PDI Builder
MC110 PDI Builder
CEX PDI Builder
MEX PDI Builder
MEX PDI Calibration
Veronte VSA
Veronte Autopilot (Up to HW 4.5 / SW 6.4)
SCI Hardware Manual
SCI Software Manual
SCI PDI Builder
MCS Hardware Manual
BCS Hardware Manual
BCS PDI Builder
BCS Software Manual
TC30 Hardware Manual
Gimbal 10z Hardware Manual
Gimbal 30z Hardware Manual
Gimbal Software Manual
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